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May 29, 1982 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-29

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Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Wet escape
One car on Maynard St. makes a timely escape from yesterday's downpour.
The rest of the cars remained and received a thorough soaking.
Pursel ann ouneeOs
b fo r e

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 29, 1982-Page 3
O'Connor rejects
redistricting plea
by state Dems.

Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day
O'Connor turned down a plea yesterday
by Michigan Democrats that she block
a plan redistricting the state House and
O'Connor's immediate rejection of
the request appears to guarantee that
the Michigan high court's reappor-
tionment plan will be used for 1982 state
legislative elections.
O'CONNOR, WHO serves as the
justice for the region containing
Michigan, refused without explanation
the request filed on behalf of
Democratic members of the now-
defunct Commission on Legislative Ap-
Michigan Democratic Party officials
were not immediately available for
State Democrats are seeking to stop
implementation of a reapportionment
plan adopted last week by the Michigan
Supreme Court. The plan was devised
by retired state elections director Ber-
nard Apol, using what the state court
considered were non-political
DEMOCRATS charged that the plan
unfairly favors Republicans and that

wide variations in legislative district
populations, up to 16.4 percent, were a
violation of "one man, one vote" prin-
State Democratic Chairwoman Olivia
Maynard said earlier this week that
should O'Connor reject the plea for
immediate help, party officials wuld
have 90 days to file a more detailed
request for blocking the plan.
This would not likely leave time,
however, for a decision affecting this
year's elections.
Even if the U.S. Supreme Court
agreed later to consider the case,
hearings probably would come too late to
permit changes in legislative districts
for the Aug. 10 primary election and
Nov. 3 general election.
The Michigan Supreme Court in late
March ruled unconstitutional the reap-
portionment procedure the state had
used since 1964 involving a commission
of four Republicans and four
Democrats. It ordered Apol to devise a
plan and also gave the Legislature time
to agree on a redistricting proposal of
its own.
Lawmakers failed to meet a court-
imposed deadline for delivering their
own plans.

Anti-nuclear protests
set for holiday weekend

From United PreuI international
Anti-nuclear and anti-war activists are
leading hundreds of vigils, marches,
and worship services across the nation
this Memorial Day weekend in hopes of
sparking a national outcry for atomic
Church leaders of all faiths had
major roles in planning the "peace
weekend," which includes the Christian
celebration of Pentecost and the
traditional Monday holiday honoring
U.S. war dead.
THE ANTI-nuclear events will take
place in almost every major city as a
prelude to bigger protests in San Fran-
cisco and New York June 12 calling for
a United Nations conference on a nucler
weapons freeze.
"We want to make sure the American.

people get out in the streets and demon-
strate their support for disarmament,"
said Ken Nightingale of the Livermore
Action Group in California. "The
European people have done that but
here, in America, we haven't yet."
An estimated 10,000 worship services
focusing on ending the nucleararms
race were expected across the country.
"If we are going to create a world
that is not continually escalating its
nucler weapons, it has to occur through
the people," said Otis Charles,
Episcopal bishop for Utah.
Artists and actors troupes also plan-
ned disarmament activities, including
a march through New York's five
boroughs with giant silver balloons
reading "Say Goodbye to Nuclear

Congressman Carl Pursell (R-
Plymouth) yesterday announced he
will run for re-election in the newly
redrawn Second Congressional
District, which includes major portions
of Jackson, Washtenaw, and Lenawee
counties, the northwest corner of
Wayne County, all of Hillsdale County,
and parts of Branch County.
Pursell, whose district will include
the University, is seeking his fourth
term. First elected to Congress in 1976,
he presently is a member of the House
Appropriations Committee as well as
subcommittees for Labor, Health, and
Human Services, Education, and Tran-
"Unemployment is clearly the most
serious problem in the nation today,
and Michigan is suffering more than
any other state. High interest rates
remain the most serious roadblock to
economic recovery," Pursell said in a
"The real, long-range answer to
Michigan's economic problems must
come from right here in Michigan," he
said. "Michigan still has vast assets
and potential. Those of us who care
about this state must join together to
create a better future."

. .. declares candidacy
The 49-year-old Pursell also said he is
attempting to organize a leadership
conference on Michigan's future. "My
most important goal," he said, "is to be
a catalyst for bringing government,
business, education, labor, and com-
munity leaders together to draft and
implement a long-range agenda for
Michigan's future."

Leonardo exhibit draws
record 'U museum crowd
The lure of Leonardo has brought within the University community is
record-breaking crowds to the Univer- also high.
sity Museum of Art to view an exhibit of "We're getting lots of kids, lots of
the 15th century Italian master's work families, lots of business men and
and scale models of his inventions. working people, too," Muerer said.
As of May 24, a total of 11,436 people "Fifty percent of the visitors have
have visited the exhibit since its May 7 never come into the museum before,"
opening-the largest crowd for a three- he noted.
week period ever recorded by the "We're expanding our audience,"
museum. Muerer said. He added that while the
"Most of the people are from outside crowds are coming into the museum to
the University community," said Evan see Leonardo, they are staying to tour
Muerer, director of the museum. He the rest of the museum.
added that interest in the exhibit from

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