Page 10-Thursday, May 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily 'U' bends on South Africa policy 4 (Continued from Page 1) developer of the principles-and used by the University to assess the progress of U.S. companies that have signed the principles. THE REMAINING 13 companies were categorized as "need to become more active," the third and lowest Lit- tle rating. Herbert and Brinkerhoff's report to the Regents indicated that the only reason three of these com- panies-Carnation, Motorola, and Squibb-received poor ratings was their failure to join an organization to promote non-white business in South Africa. The University's assessment, however, was wrong, according to an official at Little. In 1980, joining the business organization, known as the National African Federated Chamber of Com- merce (NAFCOC), became a "basic requirement" in Little's evaluation. Companies must meet all "basic requirements" before being considered for a favorable rating. DESPITE WHAT the investment of- fice told the Regents in March, Car- nation, Motorola, and Squibb all were NAFCOC members at the time the fifth and latest Little evaluation was com- pleted in 1981, said Reid Weedon, a Lit- tle senior vice president and director of the Sullivan project. Herbert said the discrepancy probably was due to "an oversight" by his office. But several documents in the investment office clearly showed that the companies were not assigned the poor ratings only because of the NAF- COC issue. The fifth Little report, published in October, 1981, placed Motorola, Inc. in its ILIA category, which meant it met the "basic requirements"-including NAFCOC membership-but failed to show enough progress in South Africa to receive an acceptable rating. Those companies that do not meet "basic requirements" are assigned to the IIIB grade. The previous year, Motorola had been assigned a IIIB rating for its failure to join NAFCOC, but company executives later decided to join the organization, according to their spring 1981 report to investors, another document which the investment office possesses. Herbert described Motorola's move from IIIB to IIIA as "a progress," although both ratings mean a company "needs to become more active." ALTHOUGH THE Herbert/Brinker- hoff report to the Regents does not say so, Squibb Corporation's Beech- Nut Life Savers subsidiary "failed to meet three of the basic criteria" accor- ding to an August, 1981 report by the In- vestor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC), an organization that in- vestigates a wide range of investment questions for its patrons, which include the University. The IRRC report said that Beech- Nut's minimum wage fell well below that considered adequate by the Sullivan organization; the company would not make its rating known to its employees, as required by Sullivan; and the company had not joined NAF- COC (although IRRC later amended its report to show that the company had joined NAFCOC in July, 1981). "The company's wage was one of the lowest paid by any U.S. subsidiary visited by IRRC," the report stated. In July, 1980, Beech-Nut's minimum entry level pay was approximately 50 percent. below the subsistence standards determined by South African univer- sities. SQUIBB HAS responded by im- plementing a three-year plan to bring wages up to the university-determined subsistence level by 1984. But IRRC said Squibb's "goal ... is less than the goal Rev. Sullivan has set for signatories-a minimum wage at least 30 percent above the subsistence level." The investment office is still waiting for Squibb to respond to a University inquiry on why Beech-Nut had refused to discuss its rating with employees. The Herbert/Brinkerhoff report to the Regents said "(Squibb was) contacted only recently . . . and we are still awaiting (a) response." However in- vestments office files show that Her- bert requested the information 17 mon- ths ago and the only recent letter was written in February asking Squibb to respond to the earlier request. In an interview, Herbert said, "There's no way to make an evaluation on (Squibb) until we receive their materials." THE THIRD company whose low rating Herbert attributed to its alleged failure to join NAFCOC-Car- nation-also is a member of the organization, according to the Little representative.- In 1979, Carnation received a poor grade in Little's Third Report, even before NAFCOC membership became a requirement. Carnation has denied several Univer- sity requests for information regarding the company's progress in South Africa, despite a warning from Herbert in December, 1980 that "the Univer- sity's continued investment in Car- nation is predicated on your prompt and complete response to our request for information." . The Regents policy asks for "regular reports to publicly disclose corporate progress toward achievements (in South Africa)." CARNATION HAS also refused, without explanation, IRRC requests for interviews and on-sight visits. Herbert said that Carnation's par- ticipation in the Little evaluation is suf- ficient "as we've interpreted it" to comply with the Regents' resolution. Little makes its evaluations based on a detailed questionnaire, but company's respond to Little under a guarantee of confidentiality. Herbert said a Carnation represen- tative did respond by telephone to a University questionnaire-which the University sends out if the companies will not provide the information they send to Little-regarding the com- pany's policies in South Africa. The Carnation representative an- swered affirmatively to six general questions: Are all of your employee facilities integrated? Are your com- pany benefit plans equivalent for both whites and non-whites? Does your company provide for equal pay for equal work? Isthe minimum wage paid by your company greater than the ap- orooriate minimum level? Does your Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEV NORMAN HERBERT, the University's investment officer, could not ex- plain discrepancies in information he received from companies with holdings in South Africa and said there were "oversights" in his report to the Regents. company have a formal training program for non-whites for higher level positions? Does your company have non-whites in supervisory positions? Carnation would not respond, however, to three other University questions, saying that to answer the questions would put the company at a disadvantage with its competitors. Those three questions asked for specific information, including a breakdown by race of Carnation's South African em- ployees, statistics on wages paid to both whites and non-whites, and a descrip- tion of the opportunities for promotion available to non-white employees. In a recent letter to Carnation,.Her- bert said that the verbal assurances on the first six questions were adequate to comply with the University's policy. ACCORDING TO an International Telephone & Telegraph Corp. executive, ITT received a "Needs to become more active" rating for its minimal improvement in wages and fringe benefits. The August, 1981 IRCC analysis said an ITT subsidiary's wage structure "increases smoothly from one grade to the next in the first four grades (but) there is a $345. jump bet- ween the maximum wage paid in grade four-the highest grade in whicp blacks are found-and grade five, the first category in which whites are em- ployed." IRRC also said the company's "fringe benefits continue to fall short of those offered at other U.S. sub- sidiaries." John Navin, ITT's vice president and corporate secretary, wrote to Herbert in February that he felt the Little analysis was unfair because it relied too heavily on statistics "and is not designed to make an objective assessment of the overall contribution of a particular company in South Africa." NAVIN CITED several accomplish- ments in other areas, including the cor- poration's $450,000 contribution over a ten year period of St. Anthony's School a multi-racial training center, and its support of five black South Africans at American universities. Despite the company's concern for black education, IRRC said that "unlike almost every other company interviewed, (the ITT subsidiary) has no formal program to help employees finance education for either themselves or their children. "The company has also given no in- dication that it intends to improve its minimum wage or fringe benefits. Without improvements in these areas, few black employees are likely to ob- tain the discretionary income they need to attend adult education courses, school their children, or buy homes," IRRC concluded. MAINTAINING that the University does not have "enough information to draw the conclusions IRRC drew," Herbert defended his position that ITT complied with the Regents' resolution. "I think you have to look at the overall picture. Part of the wage problem has been affected by the economic con- ditions (in South Africa)," he said. Herbert concurred with ITT's opinion that Little can ignore a company's out- side activities. "You have to look at the principles as a complete package. (The University) is looking for the com- panies to be a positive force for change. They may be slower in one area than in another for various reasons," he said. Although Weedon, the Little representative, would not comment on the specific case of ITT, he said that such reasoning was inappropriate. "A company must meet the basic See 'U,' Page 11 4 I 4 4 4