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May 26, 1982 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-26

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 26 1982-Page 11
336 ERA
r, striker
fellow hunger strikers fighting against
time for passage of the Equal Rights
Amendment said they are worried
about Sonia Johnson, the first in the
group to show severe signs of weakness
"a in a seventh day of fasting yesterday.
But there are no plans to ask the
hunger strike leader to stop.
Johnson, of Sterling, Va., who was
excommunicated from the Mormon
church in 1979 for taking a public stand
in favor of the ERA, has vowed to star-
hS ve herself if necessary to get the ERA
ratified by the June 30 deadline. She
was given a wheelchair Monday after
she found she was unable to walk
without assistance.
She appeared pale, drawn and com-
plained of feeling faint in her seventh
day of fasting.
AP Photo Her young son, Noly, back in Sterling,
CONFINED TO A wheelchair, Sonia Johnson is lifted up the steps of the Illinois State Capitol, yesterday. Johnson is too Va., has pleaded with her not to die,
weak to walk because she is on the eighth day of a fast which she says will end only when the Illinois legislature passes said Johnson, who is married and the
the ERA. mother of four.

Federal officials at 'U'
to update Title IX data

(Continued from Page 0)
representatives of the Office of Civil
Rights, as a matter of policy, discuss
their findings with university officials
"to be sure of any area where the data
has changed or where there have been
changes made already," O'Shea said.
"Once we've brought the disparities
to the attention of the schools, then the
university submits a plan of action to
the office ... It's all agreed upon before
release of the (report)," O'Shea said.
The University will be willing to
adopt any recommendations the gover-
Police testify
at Kelly trial
(Continued from Page 3)
'Omigod he's got a gun,' and im-
mediately dropped to the ground." He
then said he saw the person return to
Kelly's room.
Randy Moon, a resident advisor from
another floor, testified that he came
with McGreaham to help after they
heard the fire alarm. "When we got just
before the bathroom I heard one loud
boom," Moon said. He said he heard a
second boom and McGreaham fell to
the floor. "When I got partway down
the hallway I saw the two bodies lying
"I really didn't realize it was
Douglas," he said. "There was blood all
over my right leg and then I realized it
was Doug."
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Ross Campbell adjourned the
courtroom shortly after 5:00 yesterday
afternoon. The trial will resume today
at 9:90gA.n

nment makes, Nordby said.
Title IX, the 1972 anti-sex
discrimination in education law, has
come under substantial criticism by
conservative officials in the last few
years. Some court decisions, including
one last year in Ann Arbor, have said
that the government could only look at
programs which directly receive
federal funds, O'Shea said. "But other
courts have ruled differently. Our
opinion is that the department has
jurisdiction to investigate under Title
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