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May 26, 1982 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-26

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Cleveland St. James, guitarist with Dr. Bop and the Headliners, appeared at
Second Chance over the weekend.
Doctor Bop cures
the weekend blues

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just the music, their dress; or their fun-
ny names. It's their on-stage antics.
They spend most of their time drinking
and throwing beer on each other, telling
very corny jokes, and giving out free
drinks to the dancers on the floor. And
the audience loves it.
Every song becomes a major produc-
tion. One of their best routines is done to
the old Ray Orbison tune "Pretty
Woman," in which DeMontecristo
lustily pursues Anka across the stage
and ends up with a drink poured down
his pants to cool him off.
Never have so many pitchers given
their lives in the name of entertain-
After a while, the music actually
becomes secondary, because the band
is having so much fun on stage that it
doesn't matter whether "Jailhouse
Rock" or "Disco Duck" is coming out
of the speakers. Most of the people
aren't there to hear good oldies as much
as they are to see a band that does more
than wear expressionless faces when
they perform.
And for those wholaren't content with

just watching the band, Dr. Bop
features one of the best-conceived ideas
of any bar band - Talent Night. One
night during their stay (Sundays at
Second Chance) they let anyone who
wants to hop up on stage and sing, play
the guitar, tell jokes, or whatever. It's
the perfect chance for every would-be
Elvis to be a star for five minutes.
The results are usually hilarious. In-
variably, someone will belt out an off-
key version of "Johnny B. Goode." It
seems to be the only 50's song that
everyone knows all the words to. There
is also one guy who performs at every
Talent Night wearing a Hawaiian shirt
and singing "Love Potion No. 9."
Dr. Bop and the Headliners usually
appear at the Second Chance every
couple months. If you want to see a
band that puts more stock in sheer en-
tertainment than in just playing music,
don't miss them. You'll even get to hear
one of the smiling Dr. Bop's infamous
"dog jokes."
Example: "What did the army dog
"A tree-day pass."
I guess you have to be there.

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