Opinion Page 6b Wednesday, May 26, 1982 The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 16-S Ninety-two Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by student at the University of M ichigan Foolish national pride kills NOW THAT THE British are firmly established on the Falkland Islands, few expect negotiations to resume until one side wins or there is a stalemate. By refusing to negotiate with a foothold on the islands, however, Britain is guilty of the same arrogan- ce Argentina displayed when it invaded in April. Hundreds have already died in the fight over islands that have no value to either nation ex- cept to bolster their chauvinistic national pride. All the flag waving in the world will not bring back a nine-year-old's father from the icy seas of the South Atlantic. But weren't both sides fighting for their own worthy cause? Perhaps Argentine calls for an end to colonialism or Britain's assertion that armed forces must not be used to solve conflicts were just in their own right. The landing of British forces on the islands has demonstrated, however, that both sides have made their points and should return to peaceful negotiating. The stark realities of war have just begun to sink in on the British and Argentine people. Perhaps anthem singing civilians will again remember that soldiers are not just instrumen- ts of war, but people who have wives and children. With hundreds more lives at stake, gover- nments and civilians can soften their war cry and return their diplomats to the negotiating table. A palatable political solution is perhaps now more possible than before the crisis began. Both forces are now on the islands, thus en- suring fairer bargaining positions than were possible before. The two nations were close to an interim solution before negotiations were broken off. Now, with the two growling armies closing on each other, the prospects for a peaceful solution to the conflict grow bleaker with each barren hill they climb in search of each other. And despite boastful British claims, the massive battle likely to ensue will not be easy and in- volve the loss of many lives from both sides. The Falkland Islands have neither the strategic nor moral importance to justify the blood being spilled on and around them. And although the fighting has cast a shadow over the negotiating table, the only beacon of hope for a just and lasting settlement remains in New York at the United Nations-if only Britain and Argentina chose to open their eyes and see it. Sinking nuclearwaste By James Ridgeway The U.S. government once again is taking a serious look at the ocean bottom off California and North Carolina as safe and permanent depositing spots for low- and intermediate-level nuclear waste. The current proposal takes the form of an environmental impact statement under preparation by the Department of the Navy for permanent "decommissioning" of up to 100 nuclear submarines over the next 30 years by sinking them at the rate of three or four a year in graveyards 160 miles southwest of Cape Mendocino, Calif., and 200 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, N.C. The Navy would first remove any nuclear fuel from the submarines. THE NAVY'S decision to draw up an environmental impact statement, the first step in direc- ting a policy, comes at a time when the Environmental Protec- tion Agency is redrafting regulations covering ocean dum- ping. Early EPA drafts would weaken regulations substantially and, in the eyes of environme- ntalists, bring the Navy's scheme within the scope of the law. The Navy insists that creating an underseas graveyard for submarines is no risk since the contaminants left in the decom- missioned, defueled reactor plan- ts give off only low-level radiation. The Union of Concer- ned Scientists, however, disputes these claims and says the waste materials in submarines fall into a category somewhere between low- and high-level nuclear waste. It claims there may be lit- tle danger from one or two sub- marines sunk off shore, but that a policy which envisions up to 100 submarines, plus other kinds of wastes, is another matter. Treatment of low-level waste. traditionally has been somewhat casual. Most low-level wastes are simply dumped in shallow burial trenches. From the late, 1940s through the mid-1960s, the Atomic Energy Commission dumped large amounts of low- level wastes in the Pacific off the coast of California. European nations dumped nuclear wastes in the North Atlantic. FOR THE LAST 12 years, however, ocean dumping 'off the United States has been precluded through a restricted permit system. Other schemes for waste disposal, meanwhile, have been pursued. But none of these has worked out. The lasting effort by the military to bury high-level nuclear waste in salt structures below the earth's surface in New Mexico backfired when it was discovered that the salt struc- tures were full of water. The water could erode containers holding the nuclear waste, per- mitting them to seep out into the earth. Meanwhile, the wastes from nuclear power plants are building up. For the moment they are stored in spent-fuel pools nearby the plants. But these pools are becoming increasingly crowded. The current plan is to establish a new sort of intermediate storage space for utility fuel in the form of Away-From-Reactor-Sites which can hold the spent fuel for about 40 years. By that time, permanent disposal perhaps will have been worked out. AS FOR LOW-LEVEL wastes, the current government program calls for creation of interstate compacts to work out regional methods for disposal. In the Nor- theast, which accounts for nearly half of all the low-level wastes, there has been virtually no progress. While little progress has been made in disposing of either high- level or low-level nuclear waste, an entirely, new program, sym- bolized by the Navy submarines, is entering the picture. That is the decommissioning not only of submarines but of the nuclear power plants themselves - and beginning in this decade, nuclear power plants will begin to be decommissioned. Ridgeway wrote this article for the Pacific News Service. Sinclair THE. ONL SURE THINGrS IN LIFE...., NEGATIVE PATENT-CAE -REVENUE ENHANCE ENT I OUTCOME. -w y _ t .-: , S yyLS - _ r r