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May 06, 1982 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-06

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Page 4- Thursday;Moy 6, 1982,-TheMichigan Daily
Britain reacts
to, casualties
in Falkiands

From AP wire reports
Grief and courage and opposing calls
for revenge and retreat mingled in
Britain yesterday as the reality of war
came home-a destroyer and a war-
plane lost in the South Atlantic,
husbands and sons perished and
thousands more at risk.
Newspapers, politicians, and people
in the street had sharply divided
opinions. Some said it just isn't worth it,
a real warwith a new generation of war
dead in a conflict with Argentina over
the remote Falkland Islands, a small
colony 8,000 miles from home.
FOR OTHERS, including some of
those most deeply hurt, the Falklands
dispute remained a symbol of
patriotism and duty.
"I'm proud to have a son who died
doing the job he loved, for the country
he loved," said Harry Taylor, whose'
pilot son Lt. Nicholas Taylor, 32, was
shot down in his Harrier fighter-
bomber Tuesday over the Falklands'
Goose Green airstrip.
In Portsmouth, the south England
naval base from which the British ar-
mada sailed on a wave of patriotic fer-
vor one month ago, anxious relatives
jammed the Royal Navy information
center. For some families, there was
relief. To others; chaplains broke the
bad news.
IN SHEFFIELD, the northern steel
town that gave its name to the
destroyer, flags hung at half-staff for
the crewmen drowned or burned to
death after an Argentine missile scored
a deadly hit.
- At Sheffield's Cherry Tree Children's
Home, a city-funded hostel for 18 or-
phans "adopted" by the Sheffield's
crew, the children wept, said superin-
tendent Jean Hodgkinson.
With its headline: "Too High a
Price," the mass circulation Daily
Mirror echoed the feelings of those
from left-wing opposition Labor Party
members to half the callers on a radio
call-in show.
"NOW IS THE time for the politicians

...mourned by Britain
to risk their reputations and make
peace. Their biographies should not be
written in the blood of others," the
Mirror said.
In Argentina, citizens braced for the
tough economic times ahead, as the
government took action to finance the
Falkland Islands war effort against
Britain. The Argentine government
devalued the peso yesterday, trying to
stimulate exports and stem the drain of
hard currency.
Meanwhile, sailors from the tor-
pedoed cruiser General Belgrano began
arriving at Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego,
the first of 68 men the junta says have
been plucked from the wintry South
Atlantic by rescue ships. The
newspaper Conviccion, which has close
naval ties, buoyed hopes of the
seamen's families yesterday with a
report that 820 of the 1,042 aboard had
been rescued. There was no official
Banner headlines in Argentine
newspapers heralded the attack on the
British destroyer, carrying foreign
press accounts from London.

In Brief
Israeli troops wound two youths
TEL AVIV, Israel- Israeli troops wounded two Palestinian youths
yesterday as hundreds of stone-tossing demonstrators tried to storm an ar-
my camp in the occupied Gaza Strip, the military said.
A 12-year-old Palestinian girl shot Sunday by an Israeli civilian on the oc-
cupied West Bank died in Jerusalem's Hadassah Hospital, Israel Radio and
Palestinian sources said.
The military said two people were wounded after Israeli soldiers fired at
the legs of the demonstrators near the Jabalya refugee camp in the Gaza
Strip. Palestinian sources claim seven were wounded.
The incident was the latest in a wave of Jewish-Arab violence in the oc-
cupied territories that has killed 12 Palestinians in the last seven weeks and
wounded at least 93.
Israeli casualties in the protracted strife stand at two soldiers killed and 71
injured-33 soldiers and 38 civilians.
Budget amendment criticized
WASHINGTON- Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker said yesterday
a constitutional amendment requiring balanced federal budgets might not
work, and he complained the push for one by President Reagan and others
diverts attention from more pressing needs.
The chief of the nation's central bank urged Congress to approach the
question of such an amendment with "great caution."
"One of the difficulties I have with this amendment is it could be viewed as
a substitute vote for doing something about the budget here and now," he
told the House Judiciary subcommittee on monopolies and commercial law.
The day after the collapse of bipartisan negotiations over his 1983 budget,
Reagan went on nationwide radio and television to call for an amendment
requiring balance. Even by the most optimistic projections, it would be 1986
or 1917 before suchfa measure, requiring ratification of three-fourths of the
states, could take effect
Hinckley hijack plan revealed
WASHINGTON- An airliner hijacking note saying "I have a bomb with
me ... a companion is with me with a firearm" was found in John W. Hin-
ckley Jr.'s hotel room on the day he shot President Reagan 13 months ago,
his jury was told yesterday.
Also in the room was a picture postcard addressed to actress Jodie Foster
in which Hinckley said "one day you and I will occupy the White House .. .
please do your best to remain a virgin."
And there were 38 pages of Hinckley's writings, mostly poems, one of
which began "Criticize you may this act of mine, I trust you'll appreciate the
romantic reasons. One final stand and the poet shall die, a moment to pour
out my feelings. We all abhor the end result."
There was no testimony to indicate what, if anything, Hinckley planned to
do with the hijack note or when it was written.
Polish'bishops condemn riots
WARSAW, Poland- Roman Catholic bishops yesterday condemned the
wave of riots that swept more than a dozen Polish cities and appealed for
reconciliation talks between martial law authorities and the suspended
Solidarity union.
The government, reverting to a tougher line, reimposed curfews and other
restrictions in several cities because of the disturbances Monday and
Poland's Roman Catholic bishops, after meeting Monday and Tuesday at
the Jasna Gora monastery in the southern shrine city of Czestochowa, issued
a statement Wednesday.
"With pain and concern for the fate of our nation and state," they said,
"the new disturbances shaking the country are delaying social accord,
halting steps towards normalization and misguiding the youth."
The statement renewed the church's previous calls for talks in an at-
mosphere of peace.
The church, a powerful force in Poland, has called repeatedly for
negotiations between Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski's regime and Solidarity,
most of whose leaders were interned when the army imposed martial law to
stem the union's challenge to Communist authority.
Sirhan's conments on Kennedys
revealed at parole hearing
SOLEDAD, Calif.- Sirhan Sirhan said two months ago he hoped nothing
would happen to Sen. Edward Kennedy, but claimed he had the power to in-
cite his assassination by appealing to misfits and mentally sick people, an
investigator testified yesterday.
The remarks were quoted by chief parole board investigator Richard
Washington at a board hearing to determine whether a 1984 parole date
should be rescinded for Sirhan, convicted of killing Kennedy's brother, Sen.
Robert Kennedy, in 1968.
"That isn't me. I'm not an animal, an irresponsible thinker that the world
and everybody thinks I am ... I wish to God that nothing would happen to the
Kennedys," Washington quoted Sirhan as saying in a March 4 prison inter-
Sirhan discussed with Washington the accusations that he planned to kill
Edward Kennedy, which he denied, and referred once to his murder of
Robert Kennedy, but mostly he talked of his frustration at being imprisoned
and his 9ger a he arole boad.



Argentina accepts Peruvian

proposal for
(Continuedfrom Page1)
No new fighting was reported since
the Tuesday air and sea battles when
the Sheffield was hit by a French-made
Exocet missile fired from 18 miles
away by an ArgentineSuper Entendard
jet dispatched from an aircraft carrier.
BUT BRITISH officials disclosed that
two Argentine submarines were inside
the 200-mile blockade zone around the
islands, playing a cat-and-mouse game
with the British fleet.
Defense . ecretary John Nott said
ships from the Britain vessel war fleet
"are still engaged in operations" in the
blockade zone around the Falklands,
whereweather satellite information in-
dicated a new storm front was ap-
pr~ophtng,..~, , --

cease -fire
In Buenos Aires, military sources
said Argentine warplanes patrolled the
skies over the Falklands, 450 miles
from the Argentine coast, but reported
no incidents.
Argentine rescue planes continued to
criss-cross the icy South Atlantic sear-
ching for more survivors from the
General Belgrano, torpedoed by a
British submarine Sunday. However,
little hope was held out for the 362
sailors missing.
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