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May 25, 1982 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-25

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, May 25, 1982-Page 15

Orioles fly past Blue Jays,
TORONTO (AP) - Gary Roenicke had three hits, in- 2 lead.
cluding a home run, and drove in two runs, helping THE BLUE JAYS got two runs in the second on An- Mets 5, Braves
the Baltimore Orioles beat the Toronto Blue Jays, 7-5, thony Johnson's first major league hit - a towering ATLANTA (AP)-l
yesterday. homer deep into the bleachers in left field. It scored runs of the seasonu
After taking a 1-0 lead in the first inning on Wayne Nordhagen, who had singled. Zachry teamed with]
Roenicke's homer, his 10th of the season, the Orioles Mets to a 5-3 victor
broke loose for four runs in the second, chasing loser Braves.
Jim Clancy, 5-3. Phillies 9, Reds 1 The victory was ti
JOHN LOWENSTEIN led off the second with a CINCINNATI (AP)- Bo Diaz homered and drove while Atlanta lost i
single and scored on Cal Ripken's triple. After Rick in three runs to help Philadelphia left-hander Steve homer, his first of th
Dempsey walked, Bob Bonner drove in Ripken with a Carlton beat Cincinnati for the first time in more than ning and scored Geori
suicide squeeze, Dempsey then came home on Al two years last night as the Phillies pounded the Reds,
Bumbry's single, and Jim Dwyer chased Clancy with -9-1 ZACHRY, 4-1, scat
a single. Cincinnati starter Tom Seaver, 1-6, gave up seven In the eighth, he st
Roenicke greeted reliever Mark Bomback with a runs in five innings as the Reds lost their sixth double by Brett But
single to left, knocking in Bumbry. . . straight game. bard. After ClaudellI
Baltimore added a run in the third when Ripken Carlton, 5-6, scattered four hits in eight innings on to earn his itt
reached on an infield single; Dempsey walked and with three walks and three strikeouts. He needed nin- producing doubleplay
second baseman Damaso Garcia booted Lenn th-inning relief help from Warren Brusstar for his Atlanta took a 1-0
Sakata's grounder. Bonner drove home Dempsey first victory over Cincinnati since May9, 1980. third home run of the
with a single in the fifth inning, giving the Orioles a 7-


Ellis Valentine drove in his first
with a two-run homer, and Pat
Neil Allen to pitch the New York
ry last night over the Atlanta
lhe third straight for the Mets,
ts third in a row. Valentine's
e season, came in the fourth in-
ge Foster, who had walked.
tered nine hits in seven innings.
urrendered a run on a leadoff
ler and a single by Glenn Hub-
Washington singled, Allen came
h save, after allowing a run-
y grounder by Dale Murphy.
lead in the first on Hubbard's



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