Page 10-Tuesday, May 25, 1982-The Michigan Daily
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Soviets quiet on nuclear role
By The Associated Press U.S. clergymen at the gathering ex- own force levels with civilian Soviets In contrast, uniforme
OW-Despite a roar of Kremlin pressed concern over its anti-American present. clothes police quickly de
on the dangers of nuclear war, tone, but their remarks were ignored by Although Brezhnev regularly ad- western Europeans in RE
aders give their citizens little Soviet news media. Westerners at the vocates reducing the nuclear stockpiles April 19 after they tried
ion on Moscow's role in the conference also criticized a Soviet of the two superpowers, no one in the pamphlets urging the Kri
ce or how a nuclear war would decision to bar Dutch delegate Wim country has dared to call publicly for world hunger by realloc
em. Bartels from delivering a speech con- unilateral disarmament. See SOVIETS. Pa
newspapers and radio and demning the nuclear policies of both Despite Soviet support of western
n reports are filled with ac- Moscow and Washington. peace activists, Soviet leaders tolerate C - M
about anti-nuclear demon- WESTERNERS TAKING part in the no anti-war sentiment at home. Nikolai
in the United States, western conference, unaccustomed to the Ogarkov, first deputy defense minister
and Japan, but public debate workings of Soviet society, were ap= and chief of staff, warned in a recent
onstrations on arms are tightly parently surprised by Kremlin tactics book of the need to counter growing exam fl.n £
d here. at the conference. pacifism among Soviet youth.
remlin has given generous en- Soviet leaders debate their nuclear OFFICIAL SOVIET media, movies
ment to the pacifist movement strategy behind closed doors, with vir- and popular literature play their role in stuaen t
.he socialist bloc, a role that tually no information leaked to the shaping the popular view of war and
leaders charge is designed not public. overcome their silence on the effect of a
peace to the world, but to ad- The names and numbers of Soviet nuclear war with heroic and tragic ID ca rd
viet strategic interests. nuclear weapons go unmentioned in the tales from World War II. Twenty
MOST RECENT example of Soviet press. The exception came last million Soviet people died in the con- (Continuedfrom Page
support for the "peace fall in an interview given by President flict. committee and the mange
nt" was the World Conference Leonid Brezhnev. He disclosed The Kremlin is also careful in datssystems for the Unia
gious Workers for Saving the estimated levels of Soviet medium manipulating public demonstrations. dnu sefdrtens
fe from Nuclear Catastrophe," range nuclear weapons deployed During a May 1 parade, thousands of number of department
oscow May 10-14. against wesrern Europe. Soviet workers marched through Red University - including
ssian Orthodox organizers and THE SOVIET NAMES of nuclear Square pushing large, wheeled signs Housing Division - a.
s from countries friendly to the armaments are not used publicly. hearing approved slogans against the photo ID cards. - a resul
Inion have steered the con- Western arms control negotiators have neutron bomb and North Atlantic cost of converting all
close to the soviet line, laying reported that the Kremlin penchant for Treaty Organization plans to deploy cards might not be as ex
ne for the nuclear build-up on secrecy is so pervasive that Soviet Tomahawk cruise. and Pershing II would be otherwise.
dStates. military leaders will not discuss their missiles in western Europe.
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to distribute
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THOMSON SAID preliminary
estimates indicate that the cost of an
individual card would triple - from
roughly 50 cents to $1.50 - if a picture
were added. The actual cost of a
photograph for a card is somewhere
between 50 and 60 cents, he said, but
additional costs would push the total
price up.
"The plastic stock we have now is
kind of cheap," he said.
A number of departments within the
University, including Recreational
Sports and the Safety Department, have
been pressing for a picture ID, accor-
ding to committee members.
"RIGHT NOW, one of the big games
around is to steal students' iden-
tification cards and then use them to
gain access to one of our facilities,"
said Recreational Sports Director Mike
Stevenson. He said such unauthorized
use of recreational facilities was un-
fair to students and was causing "a
fairly large theft problem" within the
University's recreation buildings.
Walt Stevens, director of the Safety
Department, said a picture ID would
helpfight trespassing by non-students in
University buildings.
Plice said his committee will present
its findings to the Executive Officers of
the University, who will make the
decision on whether to switch to a new
card. He said the logistics of making
and distributing the cards woud have to
be worked out after his committee
makes its report.
Plice discounted concerns that a pic-
ture ID might be an invasion of privacy.
"I would suppose there are some
people who would like to remain
anonymous," Plice said, "but there's a
difference between privacy and
anonymity. In a public institution, I
don't know if you can have anonymity.
I don't think so, but I'm sure others
have a different point of view."
"I've heard there's some question
that this is an invasion of their civil
liberties," said Stevenson. "Why they
think that, I don't know ... To my
knowledge, we've never had a non-
student refuse to purchase a user's pass
(which requires a Recreational Sports
photo ID card), and we've issued up-
wards of 25,000 of them."
Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
Promenade left
University Square Dance Club members enjoy a little outdoor recreation as they doe-see-doe in the middle of Regents
Plaza last night.
National ID cards considered
LOS ANGELES (AP)- Attorney
General William French Smith said last
week the Reagan administration is
"open to the alternative" of a national
identity card, but added it wants to try
existing identification systems first.
It was the first time the Reagan ad-
ministration had indicated it was not
opposed to plans for creating a nation-
wide identity card to deal with illegal
SMITH REVEALED the administra-
tion's change of policy by deleting a
sentence from a speech he delivered on
immigration policy to the California
Chamber of Commerce.
The deleted sentence, midway
through the prepared text, read, "The
administration is opposed to the
creation of a national identity card."
Asked afterward about the last-
minute change, Smith downplayed its
"ALL WE'RE saying is that we are
open to all alternatives," he said. "But
we want first to try existing iden-
tification systems such as Social
Security cards and'drivers' licenses."
Otherwise, Smith broke no new
ground in lobbying for the ad-
ministration's immigration reform
package now before Congress.
In the past, proposals to issue
national identity cards have drawn
severe criticism, especially from
Hispanic organizations and legal aid
groups. Those critics claim a national
identity card would be a violation of
privacy statutes and would be aimed
unduly at large immigrant populations.