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May 22, 1982 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-22

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The Michigan Daily
te Cnt Sixtee rage

Vol. XCII, No.


Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 22, 1982

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

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British invade Falklands,

gain 'a firm

From AP and UPI
British marines and paratroopers
stormed the Falkland Islands yester-
day during a fierce air-sea battle and
launched a ground offensive to regain
the islands seized by Argentina April 2.
Britain said its assault forces had
established "a firm bridge-head" as
Argentine aircraft engaged British jets
and warships, damaging five British
frigates. Two of the ships were reported
severely damaged.
An Argentine communique issued late
Friday claimed eight British frigates
were hit, with four suffering damages
"of great magnitude" and two
"probably having sunk." It said "ap-
proximately 70 percent" of the British

forces involved in the landings were p
"out of action" and Argentine un
were continuing to attack the invader
IN BUENOS Aires, a military spok
person conceded British forces h
established a beachhead near Port S
Carlos in the northwestern sector
East Falkland Island, 40 miles from t
capital of Stanley. "It will be ext
minated," an Argentine spokespers
The British Defense Ministry ga
few details, but government sources
London said 2,500 commandos h
secured a landing zone at Port S
Carlos. The ministry said the init
dawn assaults were carried out by 1,(
troopers on four beaches and they w
reinforced during the day. Equipm4

put sent ashore included light tanks and an-
its ti-aircraft weapons.
s. A photograph released by the
es- ministry showed three Royal Marines
ad hoisting a British flag.
an AT LEAST 17 Argentine planes were
of shot down, according to the British
he count. Argentina admitted losing three
er- planes and two helicopters.
on British Defense Secretary John Nott
confirmed Argentine reports of suc-
ve cessful attacks on British warships,
in saying "five have been damaged, two
ad seriously." The ministry said one of
an Britain's carrier-based Harrier jets
ial was missing and claimed Harriers and
oo0 missiles shot down 17 Argentine
ere Mirage, Skyhawk, and Pucara war-
ent planes. It said three helicopters were

destroyed on the ground.
"Seven weeks after the Argentine
aggression, British forces are tonight
firmly established back on the Falkland
Islands," Nott said in a brief statement
reporting the biggest battle action so
far in the undeclared war.
HE SAID invasion troops of the Royal
Marines and Parachute Regiment "are
now ashore inrsubstantial numbers"
and the landings were unopposed by
ground forces. But he said that, in ad-
dition to the damaged British ships and
the missing Harrier, the British at-
tackers lost "two of our small helicop-
ters" and 21 men perished when a
helicopter plunged into the stormy
Atlantic during pre-invasion troop
Successive Argentine communiques
said its planes sank one British frigate
and seriously damaged four others,
leaving one of them in flames in
Falkland Sound, the narrow channel
separating the main East and West
Falkland islands.
They said two British Harrier jets
were shot down and one pilot captured.
A military spokesman said one Argen-
tine jet crashed after running out of fuel
but reported no other casualties.
MILITARY developments quickly
overtook the slow-paced diplomacy of
the United Nations, where Secretary
General Javier Perez de Cuellar went
before the Security Council to urgently
plead for peace.
"The prospect which faces us is one
of destruction, continuing conflict and,
above all, the loss of many, many young
lives," Perez de Cuellar said. "Efforts
must continue to find the means of
avoiding this and restoring peace.
There is no other course."
In Washington, an administration
source said the United States is sending
aerial tankers to NATO to allow the
See BRITISH, Page 9

AP Photo
ROYAL MARINE COMMANDOS use an assault boatto practice landings during a training session at Ascension Island
in the Atlantic Ocean recently. According to the Ministry of Defense in London, British troops, including Marines and
paratroops, mounted a number of landings yesterday on the Argentine-held Falkland Islands.

Camp us
to shine
once again

Campus streetlights, which have been an on again,
off again affair since the beginning of spring term,
are now under repair and should be back to normal
by next week, Detroit Edison reported yesterday.
"We've had sporadic light problems now for
probably three weeks," said Walt Stevens, director of,
safety for the University. Most lights from Thompson
Street to South University, an area including Regen-
ts Plaza and the Diag, currently are blacked out.
STEVENS SAID he expected the lights would be
back in working. order by today. Edison officials,
however, do not expect a full return of service until
the middle of next week.
"We've got two crews out there right now," said
Ron Mason, Edison's general supervisor for
customer and marketing services.
Campus security has received several complaints
during the limited blackout, Stevens said, although
only one has concerned a specific crime.
"Only one larceny-a car theft-has been at-
tributed by the victim to the fact that the lights were
out," he said, "and I question that claim."
THE COMPLAINT was made by David Fauman,

director of the Student Activities Building woodshop,
who linked the blackout to the theft of his car.
Fauman said his car, parked by a light that was out,
was stolen on May 12 sometime between 8p.m. and 11
"I directly attribute the fact that my car was stolen
to the light being out," Fauman said. "People just
don't steal things like cars with a light around. A thief
has got all the time in the dark."
Fauman said he and his woodshop students have
been attempting without success to get the
streetlights surrounding SAB fixed for eight months.
"At our final point of frustration, we threatened to
picket the Edison building," he said. "Perhaps that
threat is helping the service resume now."
Students, too, have been alarmed at the lack of
lighting around the campus.
"All the lights have been out right around the Grad,
so it's dark," said Diana Griffin, an LSA sophomore.
"From the time I walk out of the library to the time I
hit South University, I'm a nervous wreck," she said.
Fauman agreed. "After all, Ann Arbor is not the
friendliest neighborhood in the world, especially in
the dark," he said.

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