Opinion Page 6 Friday, May 21, 1982 The Michiqan Daily The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI1, No. 13-S Ninety-two Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by student'; at the University of Michigan I Useful rules T HE REAGAN administration cannot decide what is more important-civil rights or ending federal regulation of the private sector. First the administration wanted to give segregated colleges federal tax exemptions. That didn't work, so it tried to exempt em- ployees of federally-aided schools from sex discrimination regulations. The Supreme Court struck that down, so now Reagan's gang is going to reward Grove City College in Pen- nsylvania for refusing to stipulate that it has complied with civil rights laws. Secretary of Education Terrel Bell reversed a ten-year-old policy of denying a college's par- ticipation in the guaranteed student loan program if it does not sign a form verifying its compliance with civil rights laws. At a time when federal support of such loan programs is shrinking, the government should not be extending them to those who refuse to comply with federal regulations. Bell seems to forget that these regulations were not drafted to hassle small colleges or give zealous bureaucrats something to do. They were designed to ensure that federal funds are not being used to support racist or sexist schools. In spite of President Reagan's attempts to patch up relations with the black community, his commitment to civil rights will remain tenuous until his actions match his words. "IT'S OUR LATEST DEPLOYMENT SYSTEM -. THE SIXPACK" Cuttin By James Crawford Jane Kemp would like nothing better than torreturnto her teaching career here in Washington, D.C. But after her IQ dropped by over 50 percent following brain surgery in 1974, her memory began to fail and her bouts with depression increased. She was forced to retire on Social Security diaability benefits. An inoperable tumor on the right side of her brain continues to grow and increasingly impairs her mental functions. As a result, she requires frequent rest, medication and psychotherapy. THUS, MS. Kemp waa ur- prised, to say the least, when Social Security wrote her last July: "Current medical evidence in file indicates that your con- dition baa greatly improved. You should now be able to engage in medium work." Accordingly, her modest mon- thly check was cut off. A bureaucratic oversight? Evidently not. Aked to recon- aider, Social Security officiala reaffirmed their decision, rejec- ting a plea on Kemp's behalf by the chairman of neurology at George Washington University Medical School in Washington, D.C. JUNE KEMP's predicament is not an isolated case. Throughout the country, disabled persons are facing sudden, and often ar- bitrary, oss of benefits because of a maaive review of their claims by the Reagan ad- ministration. Faced with an historic deficit and running out of dicretionary spending to cut, the White Houae is looking everywhere for ways to pare down entitlement programs. Social Security Disability In- surance is one of the costliest of these-$18.7 billion annually to 4.6 million disabled people and their dependents. But in an election year the Social Security budget is the last thing the administration wants to touch, especially after the firestorm that met its proposal to refinance the system in 1981. SO INSTEAD of cutting benefits, the administration is quietly cutting beneficiaries, many of whom it considers "non-disabled." By 1984, it hopes to terminate checks to the 25 per- cent of current recipients who, according to Social Security Commissioner John A. Svahn, could really be working. The administration's critics say there are not nearly so many frauds and malingerers on the disability rolls. They point out that qualifying for benefits has never been tougher. Last year, Social Security turned down two of every three initial applications for the program. Testifying recently before the the safety net House Subcommittee on Social Security, Sen. Donald Riegle (D- Mich.) condemned the abrupt termination of support for legitimately disabled workers. Riegle found it "bizarre" that several of his constituents who are confined to psychiatric hospitals have been determined well enough to work. IRONICALLY, almost two- thirds of those who appeal these terminations are winning back theirtbenefits. But while waiting five to 12 months for a decision, their disability checks are cut off. Most, said Riegle, are "forced to find alternative funds for basic substance, perhaps by selling their homes or (other) possessions." Few would deny that the disability program was poorly adminstered in the 1970s. Because only a small percentage. of recipients were ever checked to see if they had recovered, some abuses were inevitable. To address this problem, Congress mandated a review of all non-permanent disability cases at least once every three years, starting in 1982. The Reagan administration, however, believed it could save $200 million by accelerating these "continuing disability in- vestigations" (CDIs) and begin- ning them in March 1981. SINCE THAT time, Social Security has reviewed about' 400,000 claimants and removed 45 per cent of them from the rolls. Jane Yohalem, a staff attorney at the Mental Health Law Project in Washington, D.C., reported on the organization's study of CDIs in 14 states which found that "perfunctory review" procedures and "inadequate medical evidence" were used to justify terminations. Often, treating physicians were never even contacted. Richard J. Peckham, a Social Security staff attorney from Wichita, Kan., accused the ad- ministration of applying stricter criteria for disability than authorized by law and regulations. As a result, claiman- ts are being dropped from the rolls who are "unfit for work of any kind." MARK COVEN of Greater Boston Legal Services claimed that while Social Security reviews athigh percentage of decisions that are favorable to claimants, it seldom scrutinizes denials. Commissioner Svahn conceded that this "leads to a built-in bias in theusystem that results in states using a rule of 'When in doubt, throw it out.' " The administrative law judges who rule on the appeals currently are reversing 60 percent of decisions to terminate benefits, primarily because they apply less restrictive standards of disability than the states. MANY OF those who aren't reinstated, however, have dif- ficulty coping with the sudden loss of livelihood. At least 12 suicides nationwide have been linked to Social Security decisions to stop benefits since March, 1981, according to a staff study for Senator Carl Levin, (D- Mich.). Robert Tuttle, a 46-year-old father of three who had been disabled with a back injury since 1967, shot himself last November outside his Social Security office in Lansing, Mich. He left a note that read: "They cut my Social Security. They are playing God ... I cannot live on Welfare." Crawford wrote this story for the Pacific News Service. 4 I Wasserman. AS A GOP ~ MMWOF 1T1E 84w1 AMKUI-5t W UP 05, OU >005P40THEll YES'TI1)ID POsl> 'FITS ARE VOWW- YE, ITAM 15