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May 05, 1982 - Image 19

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-05

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The Michigan Daily-VWednesday, May5, 1982--Page 19

'M' golfers ade in
By BUDDY MOOREHOUSE HUMENIK finished second on the weeks of April,
The Michigan men golfers kept the Wolverine team in the Michigan In- of time to stu
cobwebs off their clubs during the vitational, shooting a 153, and in the Wolverines easi
semester break by participating in MAC tourney, where he shot a 156. opponents duri of
three tournsments, but they finished The Blue golfers hsve a chance to win for ofby
near the bottom of the pack in each of finish higher up at the Spartan In- theor o bv
the tourneys. vitational, which takes place May 7-8 in Ten foes snd all
At the Michigan Invitational, held East Lansing. the Big Ten dua
April 23-24 at the University Golf Cour- Netters win six 1 record.
se, the Wolverine linksters shot a 633 THE WOL
and finished seventh out of the nine The way the Michigan's men's tennis
schools participating. Miami of Ohio team was playing during the last few conference wins
k p t iipa in gs w.Notre Dam e p
took top team honors with a 611 total. ; Mic.,..(nr

its m
ily d
ing th
l me
s car

MICHIGAN THEN traveled to
Kalamazoo for the Mid-American Con-
ference Invitational on April 25-26. But
the result was a disappointing 12th
place tie out of 15 squads. The
Wolverines shot a 36-hole total of 804 to
tie with Kent State. Ball State won the
meet with a 759-shot performance.
The Blue linksters then took off for
Iowa City and the Northern Inter-
collegiate tournament on April 30-May
2. The Wolverines finished with 1,113
strokes for a ninth-place tie with Min-
nesota out of 15 teams. Ohio State took
top honors with a 1,072.
The one bright spot for Michigan was
the play of Dan Roberts, a freshman
from Ypsilanti. Roberts shot a 152 at
the Michigan Invitational to lead his
team, and followed with a 154 at the
MAC Invitational, also tops on the
Wolverine squad. Roberts shot a 223 at
the Northern Intercollegiate, second on
the team behind Ed Humenik's 216.

tle trouble with eit]
both meets 9-0. Th
ped only two sets ag
one set against East
Michigan follower
another white-was]
diana (April 24).r
player Michael
ranked 16th in 'the:i
diana's Mike Dickin
The Wolverines
(April 25), 8-1, with
victory coming at:
where Ernie Ferns
Mees, 6-4, 7-6. Leap
two singles again
easily defeated Lior
Michigan closed
season with wins o
and Northwesterr
Wolverines blanked
defeated Northwest
cats' victory cans
singles where Dann
Mees, 6-3, 6-3.

embers had plenty Thinclads ose dual meet
for exams. The The Michigan men's outdoor track
isposed all of their team lost its only dual meet of the
beir six dual meets, season and finished in sixth place at the
m by 9-0 scores and Kansas Relays during the last two
es were against Big weeks of April.
des werehgantiisThe Wolverines also competed in the
d Michigan to finish Penn Relays, but no team scores were
yet season with an 8-kept at the meet.
INES' two non- THE INDIANA Hoosiers upended
neat the expense of Michigan, 90-55, (May 1)
1 17) and Eastern in the Wolverines' only dual
). Michigan had lit- meet of the season. The loss, however,
Mi sch ,igndit- could be a good omen for the
er school, winnidng Wolverines. For the last four years the
gainst the Irish, and team that has lost the Michigan - In-
aern. diana dual meet has gone on to win the
those wins up with Big Ten title.
ding, 9-0, over In- Michigan's top performers against
Number-one singles the Hoosiers included Shelby Johnson,
Lmeahncurrenly Who won the 100-meter hurdles in 14.40
Leachdef n Dave Lugin, who took first in the high
jump with a leap of seven feet, and
blasted Ohio State Johnny Nielson, who captured the shot
the Bu es'ony put event with a toss of 59'61/4".
the top singles spot At the Kansas Relays (April 17),
nez pesindeMark Michigan's 65 points earned it a sixth-
ch pla g num place finish. Michigan's Andrew Bruce
,st the Buckeyes captured first place in the 100-meter
rusinheBckeyes6-dash with a time of 10.39 and also
Rusinek, 6-1, 6-2. finished second in the 200-meter dash
out its dual meet with a 20.73. Bruce's times in both
ver Iowa (April 30) events, aside from being personal
(May -1). The bests, were good enough to qualify him
teo, -1. The Wild- for the NCAA Championships. Johnson
tern at. numer-two had Michigan's only other first place as
ye nums ber-wo he won the 400-intermediate hurdles in
y Weiss beat Mark 51.79. -John Kerr
-John Kerr 5.9 Jh er

... shot a216

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