Page 10-Thursday, May 20, 1982--The Michigan Daily Loren returns to Rome to serve jail term ROME (AP) - Actress Sophia Loren way for her. returned to Italy today after a two-year After spending 45 minutes inside the absence to serve a 30-day jail term on a airport police station, she boarded a tax evasion charge. white Alfa Romeo unmarked car ac- Loren, who has proclaimed her in- companied by two policemen and her nocence, was met at Leonardo da Vinci sister, Maria Scicolone. airport by a police officer and taken Officers said she would serve the sen- away in an unmarked car to serve a 30- tence in the prison at Caserta, 20 miles day jail term on a charge of tax from Naples, her hometown. evasion. "I'm very worried about the time I It was her first visit to Italy in two will have to spend in jail," she told years. She told an interviewer in reporters at Rome airport. She recalled Geneva, Switzerland, before boarding she had filed a petition for a pardlon her plane to Rome that she wanted to with President Sandro Pertini, blaming return to "see my mother, my country, her plight on an error by her tax and my roots." specialists. A court in July 1980 found her guilty Minutes before taking the Alitalia of failing to report five million lire on flight to Rome, Loren said she decided her 1970 income tax return. That was to return to Italy to solve "an unjust about the equivalent of $7,000 under the situation due to a little mistake by a tax rate of exchange at that time. specialist. This man is now dead-may As Loren was being escorted through he rest in peace-but now I have to go the airport, she was surounded by a to prison." huge crowd of reporters and "I think the impact of being jailed photographers that nearly knocked the will be a traumatizing thing," she said. 47-year-old actress to the ground. "Please, let's not fall into vulgarity," She let out a cry for help as she stum- Loren replied when asked if her move bled. Plainclothes policemen helped was a publicity stunt for her next her regain her balance and shoved movie, Lina Wertmuller's Tierta De 4 Sean Connery stars as Patrick Hale, a television news reporter covering world hot spots in the film 'Wrong Is Right.' Confusing comedy too good to be bad (Continu ersm Page 7) You can tell that this movie is in- it doesn't. Writer, director Rich credibly confusing. It tries very hard to Brooks has managed to hold the fi be a roller-coaster of thrills and spills. together fairly well, creating inter Sometimes this works and other times and anger at most of the right places Will audiences want to see a filmti ANN i AR R confirms their worst suspicions ab INDIVIDUAL THEATRES the way the world is run? For Z 5th Ave libusertyy re=S7rocomedy-thriller, this movie sets a pr ty pessimistic tone. Dr. Strangely WEDeSATSUNl was able to combine laughter a shows beaterror effectively, Wrong Is Ri 8:00 P.M. doesn't do quite as well. LAST 7 DAYS! But it still mana~es to have fun in "THE BEST OF TRUFFAUT'S OBSESSION own undefinable style. There are WITH WOMEN -AND LOVE"-VILLAGE number of allusions to other filmsa VOICE plays - a quote from Macbeth, or G. Spradlin asking -permission to "t NE minate with extreme prejudice," a I he used in his role in Apocalypse Now The dialogue is mainly used toi plain what's going on in the plot rat] than to discuss the various sociala DOOR political ideas the film tests. But wI someone finally starts rantinga raving about some subject, Bro( fashions a rather poetic stream of fa THURS, FRI-7 00, 9:00 (R) and arguments. Some sort of f rhyming scheme is used, and therei definite meter that Brooks has instr ted his actors to maintain. It's the k IT R-EDISCOVERS LANGUAGE" of subtle complexity that makes mov just that much more interesting. A UNIQUE BRILLIANT FILM" Wrong Is Right ultimately is -ROGER EBERT broad and too uneven to rival the gr political black comedy Dr. Strangelo Yet in its own small way, it has enoi MY DINNER imagination and bizarre action to successful. There is more violence t W IT AEIJIILis neessary - iceicks and human ard ilm rest hat out a ret- ove nd ight its a and D. ter- ine u. ex- ther and hen and oks . acts ree is a uc- ind 'ies too eat ve. igh be han ex- 4 4 4 4 THURS., FRI-7:20, 9:25 plosions could have been toned down - but from listening to the news you have to wonder just how out of place that is. From what I heard about this film, I knew that it would have to be something pretty different from the average fare to maintain my interest. After the ludicrous prologue however, the film grew on me. Even though there is a lot wrong with it, Wrong Is Right ends up with more good points than bad. 4