Opinion Page 6 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCiI, No. 12-S Ninety-two Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Educating bigots BIGOTRY AMONG adults is a sad fact of life that many choose to ignore-if they are not the object of its senseless hatred. But to see those same unreasoning biases perpetrated in children stirs one to outrage. School officials in a comfortable town outside of Boston acknowledged this week that a group of a dozen eighth-grade boys .formed the "Nigger and Jew Hater Organization of America." The group,,some of whom. were student council members, was caught and war- ned after defacing chalkboards and a Jewish student's notebook with swastikas and the group's initials. Are warnings and punitive measures enough? Did anyone ask the students why they spewed such hatred? Many fatalists argue that since bigotry is an evil that has no reasonable basis, reason cannot be successfully used to flush it from a person's mind. While that may be true for adults, whose biases are often set in concrete, children must not be written off in the same way. Education was designed to enlighten and open minds, not reinforce or let stand precon- ceived prejudiced notions of ethnic superiority. Only through education can such views be reasoned away. Parents and educators have an obligation to destroy the seed of bigotry, lest it grow to become a mind-polluting weed. Sadly, narrow-minded fools still plague those unfortunate enough to be targets of such abuse. And the world probably will never rid itself of abhorrent beliefs and racist organizations. But it can try to raise and keep an army of more reasoned individuals, ready and willing to en- sure that bigots do not prevail. 'THIS 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE? q\, A p c P -o Thursday, May 20, 1982 The Michigan Daily Stewart I let me outline my new ' arms limitation plan... \\ \ \ " LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Teaching cia To the Daily: who can be The thought just occurred to to in the nea me that the University of Studentsu Michigan could be the best least from t university in the world if it wan- difference d ted to be. Now that the powers in a 500 stu that be have revealed how they ching a wor are going to make the University winner on smaller but better, we should not privacy ofy be satisfied with half measures Obviously, s and should insist that they go all watching th the way. The University can can turn up become the best in the world frame equ: simply by eliminating all but the replays, foci most important faculty - those of the profes who have won a Nobel Prize or an enormou .I wa3 thinking Something more along these lines. 1 4 ss by video tape reasonably expected r future. wouldn't suffer in the this approach. What oes it make if you're dent lecture or wat- d famous Nobel Prize video ttape in the your own residence? tudents are better off e video tape. They the volume, freeze ations, get instant us in on the nuances sors face - and save us amount of time An endangered species Tothe Daily: I realize the University of Michigan must make spending cuts in response to the state's financial crisis. As a concerned alumnus, I do not feel these cuts should he made at the expense of the School of Natural Resources. On what basis, is this school singled out for review? Does anyone argue that foresters, planners, and resource managers are not desperately needed in today's world? University graduates can be found managing towering forests in the West and advising boards of directors in the towers of the East. The school is consistently recognized among the finest in the country; the faculty is out- standing and is doing nationally recognized research. Morale among students, staff, and alum- ni is high. Each week of my un- dergraduate career I met, on in- dividual basis, with the head of my program (Behavior and En- vironment), Dr. William Stapp. Keep in mind he is an inter- nationally prominent professor, chosen by the United Nations to chair its Environmental Education Conference in the Soviet Union in 1978. Such dedication to students was the norm among the faculty of the school.. The present "review" of the art, educaton, and natural resources schools is a code word for drastic cuts and possible elimination. The quality of the schools under review shows the lie in the University's "smaller but better" slogan. These schools have been chosen because they are small and therefore preceived as weak. A more rational alternative to the elimination of quality schools would be a university-wide freeze of administrative and faculty salaries until the financial crisis, passes. Residents of Michigan and members of the University com- munity, take note: A fine program that benefits us all has just become an endangered species. -Daniel Ezekiel commuting. Our Nobel Prize winners could record all their tapes once a year, and then maybe answer questions screened by assistants, in sort of an Ann Landers column in the Daily. Of course, faculty who bring in more than twice their own salaries in grants or who produce patentable inventions or processes which can be licensed will be retained, but just think, with the 100 million dollars a year save by letting go of the regular mediocre faculty (in comparison with Nobel Prize winners) you could afford to pay your 100 odd faculty a million dollars apiece annually. They won't even need grants. They can buy their own labs and books. But the money and prestige will roll in like never before. Think how nice the campus will be without all the students milling around or even the faculty for that matter. Think of the utility bill savings, the janitorial and administrative savings - enough to hire thirty or forty more Nobel Prize winners. Each Friday we could have a tea, the 100 or so top ad- ministrators, the Regents and the 100 or so Nobel Prize winners - taking time out from the busy labors in their offices and labs. And if a few of them just want to wander around smiling all day and smelling the flowers, so what? Just smiling and nodding to them on the street will infect our students with new en- thusiasm (if they ever physically come to Ann Arbor). There's no reason why we can't start right away on this idea. Sure, smaller is better, but why settle for merely being better, when there's an opportunity to become miniscule but superb? -Robert D. Honigman .4 1 I 4