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May 20, 1982 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-20

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Page 2-Thursday, May 20, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Area officials prepare
for inmate release
(Continued from Page 1)

. house inmates to approximately 73 for
Washtenaw County, Frost said."
Frost said that under the governor's
executive order, inmates will beY
carefully selected for release into the
community, but will remain under
corrections department supervision.
"THIS SYSTEM provides for a more
orderly release," Frost said. "They'll
be under the supervision of a parole
agent and supervision will continue in
one form or another," he added.
Frost said that the area's halfway
houses normally operate at capacity.
"Our beds are full right now," Frost
said. "I wish we had more bed space,
but we don't. There's only so much
room in the end, and it doesn't take too
long before you eat up bed space," he
ACCORDING TO Frost, the central
office of the corrections department in
Lansing will notify area managers
within the next few days which inmates
will be eligible for the 90-day sentence
reduction prescribed by the act.
Caseworkers then will begin the parole
process, he added.
Frost said that while last year's

release prompted a modest rise in area
crimes, he doesn't know whether area
residents can now expect a similar in-
"I believe that when they made the
last release there was a slight increase
in crime noted. Whether that increase
was directly related to the release or
not is open to speculation," Frost said.
"Most of the people you're talking
about would be released in 90 days
anyway, and I don't know if the 90 days
makes that much difference."
"We're just going to do the best we
can to handle the situation and take
each day at a time," Frost said.
Huron Valley Men's Facility Warden
William Grant said, "My people are
now working on it and so far we don't
think we'll have anybody that will be
released early."'
According to Grant, the governor's
order will not affect the prison because
it is a maximum security facility and
most of its inmates are serving long-
term sentences.
"The institutions that are likely to be
affected by the order are minimum to
medium security facilities," Grant

The weather
A little bit of yesterday is expected today with partly sunny skies in the
forecast and temperatures in the mid-70s.
The nonsexy senator
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich), took offense recently with a magazine article's
description of him as "disheveled, balding, plump, perhaps the worst
dressed man in the Senate." Levin said the Columbia Journalism Review ar-
ticle written by C. T. Hanson suggested he wasn't as "sexy" as other
senators. "Plump, balding, disheveled, even worst dressed, I can accept
with some degree of serenity. But nonsexy. . . there are limits to what any
man in public life ought to be asked to stand for and that crosses my limits,"
Levin said. "Or at least I hope it does, and my wife assures me that it does.
Of course in that regard, maybe I cannot trust her judgment - after all, she
picks out my clothes."
A Rubik's cube, go home
Rubik's cube, the colorful brain teaser, is being criticized by a Pe.king
newspaper as a dangerous pasttime that can lead to divorce, abnormal
behavior, high blood pressure, and aching fingers. The Peking News admit-
ted the cube could be beneficial and help sharpen intelligence, but warned'
that "side effects might-bring danger." Last November, the first shipment
of Rubik's cubes to Shanghai, China, had hundreds of people waiting in line
to buy the game. Q
Happen ings4
CFT - Silver Streak, 3, 6:45 & 10:30 p.m., Which Way is Up?, 5 & 8:45 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Cinema Guild - The Apartment, 7:30 & 9:45 p.m., Lorch.
Spartacus Youth League - class, "Building the Revolutionary Party,"
7:30 p.m., Welker Room, Michigan Union.gy
Latin American Solidarity Committee film, The Uprising, and speaker
Elijio Rocha, 7:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud.
Chemistry departmental colloquium, "Structure and Spectroscopy of
Binuclear Iron Centers in Proteins," 4 p.m., 1300 Chem. Bldg.
Student Wood and Craft Shop - advanced power tool safety class, 6 p.m.,
537 SAB.
Folk Dance Club - ballroom dancing, 7 p.m., League.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship - meeting, 7 p.m., Union.
Campus Crusade for Christ - meeting, 7 p.m., 2003 Angell.
Museum of Art - art break, Katherine Aldrich, "Leonardo's Return to
Vinci," 12:10 p.m.
Graduate Women's Network - meeting, 5 p.m., International Center.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
The Michigan Daly*



Gov. Milliken declares
state prison emergency


(Coninued from Page 1)
shower and toilet facilities and
adequate sleeping space for prisoners.
"WHEN Y(OU have that many people
concentrated into a situation like that,
it really creates problems," McKeon
McKeon stressed that the act will not
necessarily release prisoners, but
rather make them eligible for parole at
an early date, thus creating a larger
pool from which parole officials can
make their selections.
"The Parole Board usually paroles 60
percent'of their minimum," McKeon
said, adding "I guess it would be safe to
say that approximately 60 percent of
the inmates eligible will be paroled."
ACCORDING TO McKeon, officials
are not expecting a repeat of the ex-
plosive riots last summer which
were triggered by overcrowding.
"All the feedback that we're getting
is that things are calm and quiet,"
McKeon said. "We are going on the
assumption that everything is going
smoothly," he added.
McKeon maintains that the state's
budget crisis is a major factor con-
tributing to the chronic problem of
prison overcrowding.
"THE BOTTOM is falling out of the
economy and corrections is taking its
lumps," McKeon said, citing the May 9
layoff of 58 state corrections officers
and subsequent "notice" given to eight
additional officers that they are next in
line for layoff.
McKeon explained that the over-
crowded conditions plaguing
Michigan's prisons are not atypical.
"Overcrowding is a national
phenomenon," McKeon said.
"The only long-terni solution is going
to be to have enough cells to put these
people in," McKeon said.
McKEON SAID that only two new
state regional facilities are currently
either in the planning or early construc-

tion stage. One is a new 500-bed facility
adjacent to the Phoenix correctional
facility in Northville. -
McKeon also cited the new "Diamon-
dale" reginal faciltiy" which is located
just West of Lansing. The 500-bed
faciltiy currently is awaiting more
state funds for construction to continue.
Both new facilities are based on the
"regional facility" concept. They will
be multi-security facilities (minimum,
(medium, and maximum security units
housed in one facility) and are located
in or around small residential com-
The Emergency Powers Act is
triggered by a three-step process. In
the first step, the state's inmate
population must exceed "temporary
emergency capacity" for 30 con-
secutive days.
The second step requires the state's
five-member Corrections Commission
to certify the overcrowded conditions to
the governor, who then has 15 days in
which to declare an emergency, which
he must do unless he finds the com-
mission acted in error..
In the last step, the governor declares
the existence of a prison overcrowding
emergency. Sentences are then rolled
back 90 days.
CALL 764-0557


Vol. XCII, No. 12-S
Thursday, May 20, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and
managed by students at The Univer-
sity of Michigan. Published daily
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Ann Arbor; $7 by mail outside Ann
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The Michigan Daily is a member
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Editor-in-Chief........... . MARK GINDIN
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Opinion Page Editor ...............KENT REDDING
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ARTS STAFF: Sarah Bassett, Jill Beiswenger, Jerry
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Fleming, Michael Huget, Elliot Jackson, Ellen Rieser.

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