The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 12-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 20, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages orporate p-ofits plunge in recession WASHINGTON (AP)- Crushed by the recession, U.S. companies' profits took their second-biggest plunge ever during the first three months of this year, new government figures in- dicated yesterday. Before-tax profits dropped 20.2 per- cent and after-tax profits 17.5 percent from the fourth quarter, hitting annual rates of $169.8 billion and $118.8 billion respectively, the Commerce Depar- tment reported. THE DOLLAR amounts of the declines-$43 billion and $25.2 billion- were bigger than any except during the second quarter of 1980 in that year's short but very steep recession. And the percentage drops were surpassed only in the second quarter of 1980 and in the final quarter of 1953, Commerce of- ficials said. Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige conceded in a prepared statement that "the recession has had a strong effect on corporate earnings." Before-tax profits, for example, were down 27.6 percent from the third quar- ter-when most economists say the recession began-and 33.9 percent from the first quarter of last year, he said. BUT BALDRIGE also said tax relief pushed by the Reagan administration "is softening the decline in after-tax earnings." "The tax act of 1981 reduced cor- porate tax liabilities to the federal government at an annual rate of $8 billion in the first quarter, representing about 16 percent of the total corporate tax bill," he said. And he said, "The dramatic drop in inflation is laying the groundwork for a sustainable business expansion which should be accompanied by a strong rebound in corporate profits." ON THE other hand, he said inflation improvement has not always helped businesses, acknowledging that "the cost-price squeeze on corporations in- tensified in the first quarter as in- creases in costs of production outstrip- ped the rise in prices." Descending The interplay of shadow adds a new dimension to an otherwise mundane fire escape. State declares prison emergency By LOU FINTOR again and another 90 days are subtrac- release and cited the results of a study ter normal release)," Goddard said. Acting on a request from state ted from minimum prison sentences. of arrests made during and after the Richard McKeon, an executive corrections officials, Gov. William THE STATE'S prison system must 1981 invocation of the Emergency assistant to state Correction Director Milliken declared a "state of emergen- now drop its inmate count by more than Powers Act. Perry Johnson, said that current prison cy" in Michigan prisons yesterday that 800 prisoners to reach 95 percent capac- According to Goddard, only two- capacity figures do not even reflect bed will help ease overcrowding by ity - or 12,588 inmates. This 800 figure tenths of one percent of all arrests for space that cannot be used due to releasing 900 inmates in several coun- does not include any additional serious felonies were committed by in- mechanical or structural problems. ties - including Washtenaw - across prisoners the system may take in mates who were released by the act. "In actuality, we've been over- thestate. during the 90 days. At present, the "STATISTICS tell us that those crowded for more than 30 days," "We wil begin to intitiate the im- prison system's population is 13,426 or people who were arrested for those McKeon said, adding that some mediate release of prisoners," said 175 over the temporary emergency crimes would.have committed the same facilities currently lack adequate corrections department spokesperson capacity of 13,251. crime three months later anyway (af- See, GOV., Page 2 '-uAru sT 5 nsis AnnnrrUlug fn '.uuaru, t%^ actua Cal Goddard. "It's basically just doing the paperwork at this point," he added. MILLIKEN'S executive order, authorized by the state's controversial 1980 Emergency Powers Act, will slash 90 days from the sentences of all state prisoners serving sentences of flexible lenth - such as 10 to 20-year terms. Inmates serving life and flat sentences are excluded. This is the second time the act has been invoked. The act first was used May 20, 1981 - almost one year to date - on the eve of the state's explosive prison riots in Jackson, Iona, and Marquette, which were triggered by overcrowding. The act forces Department of Correc- tions facilities to drop their capacity to 95 percent within 90 days after its declaration. If capacities aren't lowered, the act automatically triggers According to Gxoddard, the actual release of prisoners is expected to take place "one week from now after the paperwork process is taken care of" and officials expect to release "about 900" inmates over the next three mon- ths. Goddard stressed that the inmates will be released "anywhere from two to 90 days earlier than they normally would be paroled." Most will not be coming from large state institutions, but "primarily they will come from the halfway house," he added. GODDARD SAID that this will, in turn, create more bed space in halfway houses to accommodate prisoners frm the larger institutions who are awaiting placement in such community rein- tegration programs. Goddard said he does not expect a sharp increase in crime rates due to the Area officials gear up for early inmate release By LOU FINTOR State corrections officials in Washtenaw County, who are preparing to review inmates for early parole on the heels of Gov. William Milliken's emergency prison overcrowding order issued yesterday, expect the order to effect primarily "halfway house" in- mates. "It's going to be quite a task, getting everybody out," said Jack Frost, area manager of parole, probation, and community resident programs of the Michigan Department of Corrections in Washtenaw County. STATE OFFICIALS already have predicted the order mainly will affect halfway houses, community residence programs which help prisoners make a transition into the community. The corrections department main- tains two "halfway house" facilities in Ann Arbor and reserves approximately 18 beds at a Romulus Salvation Army mission, bringing the total of halfway See AREA, Page 2