pini0n _..-1 Page 6 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 11S Ninety-two Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Fairness victory T HE SUPREME Court's ruling that federally-aided education programs cannot discriminate against both female students and employees was right on target. Congress had several chances to restrict Title IX legislation-which calls for cutoff of federal aid to educational programs that discriminate on the basis of sex-to just students. But it did not, and could not have, in the interest of fair- ness toward women. The case which the Supreme Court handled was an obvious case of sexual bias. One teacher was not rehired after a year's pregnan- cy leave and a guidance counselor was forced to perform menial tasks that her male counter- parts were not. Federal funds must not be used to support the sexist or racist biases of any school official, regardless of whether there is an equal rights amendment or not. Therefore, the ruling is an important victory for equality, ,jn spite of Reagan administration backpedallg on the issue. Last summer, Secretary of Education Terrel Bell wanted to abandon regulations protecting employees as well as students, further proof that the administration places the women's equality issue low on the list of its priorities. In fact, it seems the administration would rather see 51 percent of this country's population behind typewriters and washtubs, even if those women want a larger role in society. Having to threaten cutoff of funds to induce fairness in a school system is unfortunate, but federal funds that directly or indirectly support sexual discrimination are an outrage that can- not be tolerated. So Z 4 c Y ff/ MgIR1aRMRROR - Wednesday, May 19, 1982 The Michigan Daily Chemical warfare 4 By Shaun Assael The Senate quietly passed President Reagan's $177.9 billion military budget last week. Hid- den among the billions to be spent on B-1 bombers and cruise missiles was a $54 million authorization for chemical weapons, putting the United States back into that business for the first time since 1969. Senate approval of such spen- ding is horrifying in itself, but much of the media's handling of the situation was alarming. I awoke the day after the Senate passed the bill, to the sound of a radio announcer who cheerily chuckled her way through the news of the Senate authorization. THAT A MEMBER of the news media could treat the Senate's action with such nonchalance gives credence to President Reagan's claim that more U.S. chemical weapons will effec- tively counter the Soviet Union's buildup in the weapons that often blind people or induce a slow, agonizing death. By supporting the infusion of tax dollars into a program that will create lethal binary nerve gas bombs (which contain two non-toxic chemicals that become deadly when combined), the Senate has agreed with the president that the Russians have to be taught a lesson. Unfor- tunately, as the current nuclear arms race has proved, the Soviets will not be bullied into cutting their weapons production. President Reagan has now backed off from what was por- trayed to be a genuine concern for banning all chemical weapons. Only late last year, the administration reported the Soviet Union was using "yellow rain" bombs in Afghanistan and southeast Asia to immobilize civilians so they could be easily shot by soldiers. The ad- ministration seized the oppor- tunity to ostracize the Soviets before the international com- munity with proof of Soviet atrocities using chemical weapons. NOW THE administration has turned around and decided to spill some of the blood on its own hands. But far from publicly stating its intentions, President Reagan is attempting to sneak his plan through Congress as he loudly advertises his new nuclear disarmament proposals to a petrified American and European public. Not only is that underhanded, thanks to cheery announcers such as the one I woke up to last week, he may well get away with it. According to the 1925 Geneva Protocol Agreements a chemical weapon is an asphayxiating, poisonous or gaseous instrument of biological warfare. Although /i 1 / /{yw r / ~ . x . v; o r .a ' . . f\s 4 4 the Soviet Union immediately ratified the agreement, which prohibits the testing of these weapons, the United Statessand other Western countries did not agree to ratification until 1975. By 1969, when President Nixon im- posed a moratorium on building any more, the United States hadamassed an im- pressive arsenal of unitary shells, or bombs with a single lethal substance in them. President Reagan now claims these shells are useless against the Soviet's newer models. The Pentagon is aware of only three types of Soviet chemical weapons - mustard gas, three varieties of nerve gas and hydrogen cyanide which kills by depleting the oxygen of blood. What scares them is evidence that the Soviet Union has developed three other and more deadly types. THUS THE President advises building binary nerve gas bombs at the cost of billions of dollars and destroying the old ones at a cost of billions more. Many experts, including weapons expert Professor Mathew Meselson of Harvard University, say he is wrong. They claim that with minor modifications our current arsenal can easily be up- dated. Our fearless leader, however, is not to be deterred. At a time when many high school seniors no longer see college as viable because federal grants have been cut, President Reagan can only see shiny new bombs and toughened foreign policy speeches. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinburger is there with a sturdy ned to assure him lest he become doubtful of his ways. But who, we must ask, will reassure the Vietnamese mother who has WON \.f witnessed her son's dying con- vulsions after a Soviet launched "yellow rain" attack? Make no mistake about it, the Soviet threat is real. A study done by the Carter administration concluded that they have enough chemical weapons to blanket all of Europe with lethal gas. But in- stead of condemning them in an international forum as he began to do last year, President Reagan is only creating another type of arms escalation. SENATOR GARY Hart (D- Colorado) demonstrated the dep- th of the Senate's conern when he called for the stiking of the $54 million addition to the military budget on the grounds that it will lead to "an unrestrained chemical arms race." The vote was so close that Vice President Bush was called in anticipation of a possible tie. This type of an escalation is all the more dangerous because second and third world countries can use chemical weapons with greater ease than nuclear ones. (Chile has already started). A serious chemical weapons proliferation threat looms with every step this administration takes toward escalation. It seems necessary, therefore, to mourn the Senate's lack of foresight and hope the House of Representatives will act with greater restraint when it decides on actual appropriations. By then perhaps, there will be a greater public outcry and more extensive coverage and serious treatment by all of the news media. Assael is an undergraduate at the University. 4 4 4 4