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May 18, 1982 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-18

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Page 14-Tuesday, May 18, 1982-The Michigan Daily


Golfers stumble to ninth

After three rounds of last week's Big
Ten golf tournament in West Lafayette,
the Michigan squad was sitting in sixth
place - a good showing by a team that
didn't figure to threaten for any of the
top spots intheconference.
It was unfortunate for the Wolverines
that the tourney had another round to
FOR IN THE fourth round, Michigan
fell from sixth to ninth in the team
standings, finishing ahead of only Nor-
thwestern. The big drop was primarily
due to the disqualification of Wolverine
senior Ed Humenik.
As acting head coach Jim Carras ex-
plained it, "On the fifth hole, which is a
blind tee shot, Ed hit his shot and it was
spotted by this young kid there. But the
kid didn't see where Ed's ball went, and
he directed him to a place that was
nowhere near where the ball was. After
looking for the ball for a long time, Ed
decided to take the penalty stroke and
tee off again. But as he was walking
back to the tee, they found the ball, so
Ed decided to play it."
The trouble was, Humenik had
already declared his intention to tee off
again, so it was a disqualification when
he went back to hit the ball that was

lost. Humenik finished the round with a
72, which would have put the
Wolverines in eighth place rather than
"IT REALLY didn't change a lot,"
said Carras. "We can't really make any
excuses. It was against the rules, and
we knew it."
As expected, Ohio State won the tor-
nament, finishing with 1,452 strokes to
outdistance second-place Indiana's
1,468. Michigap finished with 1,515.

Freshman Dan Roberts had an ex-
cellent tournament for the Wolverines,
finishing in 11th place in the individual
standings with a 293. Roberts had an
opening-day 71 (his best round of the
season) and followed with scores of 73,
74, and 75.
"HE'S GOT TO be considered one of
the best freshmen in the conference,"
said Carras. "He had a great tour-
Following Roberts were Steve Mad-

dalena (who also had an opening-day
71) at 298, Gary Zenkel at 308, Ed Frutig
at 313, and Ryan Wiezycki at 322.
"I'm very disappointed," said
Carras, "but looking at the positive
side, we had two great rounds (the first
and third). But then we had two bad
rounds, and that's what hurt us.
Legitimately, we were looking at fifth
or sixth place, but we weren't con-


Humenik Advances to NCAA's
By BUDDY MOOREHOUSE Dingman of Eastern Michigan, Mark Chapelski of Miami
The season may have ended for the other members of the (Ohio), and Big Ten medalist Mike Chadwick of Illinois.
Tiheigaon tmasavweekend, at the Big Ten tournament "Ed's had a great season, and this is a great way for him to
Michigan golf team last weend it," said Michigan acting head coach Jim Carras.
but not serd kumernik sry.In last week's tournament, where he was disqualified in the
The senior linkster found out yesterday that he has been final round, Humenik received another honor, as he was
invited to play in the NCAA tournament in PInehurst, N.C. on named to the All-Big Ten team. Election to that elite group is
May 24-29. Humenik will be one of 19 players (three teams of based on a player's performance during the year, as well as
five golfers each, and four others) from the NCAA's District how he does in the league tourney.
IV. The teams that received invitations were Big Ten champ Along with freshman Dan Roberts, Humenik has been one
Ohio State, runner-up Indiana, and Mid-American Conferen- of the top finishers for Michigan all season. His best round
ce champ Ball State. came at the Badger Invitational earlier this spring, where he
IN ADDITION to Humenik, the other individuals are Marc shot a 65. Humenik won that tournament in a playoff.



Woolfolk wins two
events at A2 Relays


Butch Woolfolk will be joining the
New York Giants this summer, and if
he performs in pro football like he didin
this weekend's Ann Arbor Relays there
will be a lot of flustered defensive
linemen, linebackers and defensive
backs around the NFL.
Woolfolk won both the 100-meter dash
(10.18) and the 200-meter dash (21.24).
It's probably safe to say that he won't
lose many footraces in the NFL.
OTHER WOLVERINE sprinters to
finish in the top five in their races were
Shelby Johnson and Chris Fitzpatrick,
who came in second and fourth place
respectively in the 400 intermediate
hurdles and-Earl Allen who finished fif-
th in the 100-meter dash. Michigan also
won the 4x100 relay, and came in fourth
in the 4x400 relay.
The Wolverines were particularly
strong in the field events. In the long
jump, Michigan took first and second

place. Derek Harper won with a jump
of 25'6%" while Vince Bean followed
with a leap of 24'6 1/8". First-place
honors were also captured by 'high
jumper Dave Lugin who soared 610".
In the shot put, the Wolverines' John-
ny Nielsen came in second with a toss of
60'5". Teammate Scott Eriksson
finished third with a throw of 57'9%".
Dave Walmroth tok fourth place in the
discus with a heave of 159'1".
MICHIGAN ALSO took second and
third place in the pole vaulting com-
petition. Chip Chevillet's vault of 16'6"
was good enough to make him runner-
up, while Dave Wolley tied for third at
In the triple jump, the Wolverines'
Mike Murphy took second with a jump
of 47'9 3/4".
Other top finishers for the Wolverines
included Doug Heikkinen's third in the
3,000-meter steeplechase, Mike Shea's
third in the 800-meter run and Dennis
Keane's fourth in the 5,000-meter run.


MICHIGAN'S JOHNNY Nielsen rears back during shot put competition in this
weekends Ann Arbor Relays. Nielsen came in second place in the event.

p. "-i'.M'

Rowing team
takes first
place in
their own

This past Saturday was a day of firsts for the Michigan
rowing team.
Not only did it host the First Annual Barton Pond Rowing
Regatta, but it won the three-team event. The Wolverines op-
ponents in the regatta were Western Ontario and Michigan
MICHIGAN DID not get off to the best of starts, as
Michigan State took first place in the first two races. The
Spartans won the women's open four with a time of 8:50.00, 21
seconds ahead of the second-place Wolverines.
In the men's second four event, Michigan State again
defeated the Michigan crew by 21 seconds, this time with a
time of 8:07.00.
But in the third and fourth races, the momentum that had
previously belonged to the Spartans swung over to the
Wolverines. In the men's first four, Michigan rowed its way

to victory with a time of 7:34.00. Western Ontario finished
second (7:52.00) while MSU brought up the rear (8:35.00). In
the women's eight 'event, Michigan again outdistanced
Michigan State with a time of 8:18.00 to the Spartans 8:39.00.
THE WOLVERINES' winning ways came to a temporary
end in the next event, the women's lightweight four where
Michigan State again earned a first-place finish. The Spar-
tans' time was 8:43.00, to Michigan's 8:51.00.
Michigan got back to its winning ways, and won the regat-
ta, in the final race, the men's eight. The Wolverines won this
event by a comfortable margin with a time of 6:40.00.
Michigan State followed with a time of 6:56.00, while Western
Ontario finished in 7:22.00.
The Michigan women's team ended its season on this win-
ning note, while the men's team will finish its season on the
weekend of June 3, 4 and 5 at the Intercollegiate Rowing
Association Regatta in Syracuse, N.Y.

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