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May 18, 1982 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-18

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)aily-Tuesday, May 18, 1982-Page 9
New blood
by Army
doctors have developed a blood sub-
stitute made from chemically-altered
hemoglobin that may eliminate the
need for hospitals to stockpile blood for
emergency transfusions - or, in time
at all - researchers said yesterday.
UNLIKE A blood substitute recently
developed in Japan, the Army's
hemoglobin-derived solution remains
highly stable. The substitute can be
stored in liquid form without
refrigeration for up to 10 days and in
freeze-dried form at room tem-
peratures for up to six months, Army
doctors said.
THEY SAID it can be used without
matching blood types.
The blood substitute has proven ef-
fective in research animals, could be
ready for human use in public and
private hospitals within two years, and
can be produced for "about half" the
cost of human blood, said Lt. Col.
Robert Bolin, a hemotologist and
assistant director of the Letterman
blood research team.
The blood substitute seems to be
"better than blood' for some purposes,
including the treatment of heart attack
and stroke victims, Bolin said.
Lost ng or Short Haircuts
off State. .66-9329
at South U..... .662-0354
Maple Village ...........761-2733

A 'hole in the netting gives a different perspective on a beginner's tennis lesson at Palmer Field yesterday.
'Vitnm syndrome' victim
innocent- in bomb trial

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - A for-
mer South Vietnamese navy officer,
described by one psychologist as the
worst case of Vietnam syndrome" he
had seen, has been found innocent by
reason of insanity of attempting to
bomb a Vietnamese communist here.
During his trial, doctors and Vietnam
natives testified Nguyen Chau became
so wracked with guilt after seeing his
best friend tortured and executed in a
Vietnamese "re-education camp" that
he had assumed the other man's iden-
tity. The former navy lieutenant also
saw his men's bodies staked along a
road and children killed.
A JURY deliberated one hour Friday
before finding Chau innocent by reason.

of insanity of charges including assault
with intent to murder and possession of
a gasoline bomb.
Bguyen Chau is free on his own
recognizance until tomorrowm, when a
Superior Court judge will decide
whether he should be committed to
Bridgewater State Hospital.
There were no serious injuries in the
April 23, 1981, bomb incident, which oe-
curred after Dr. Lo Vinh Long spoke in
defense of Vietnam's communist
regime at a panel digcussion at Har-
vard. The bomb did not explode, but a
Harvard police officer escorting the car
was hit by glass.
WHEN ARRESTED, Chau gave of-
ficials the name of Ngo Nghia, a friend
he had seen slain in 1977 in one of the

camps set up by the victorious Hanoi
regime after the fall of South Vietnam.
Dr. John Wilson of Cleveland, an
authority on past-traumatic stress
disorder, or Vietnam syndrome, said he
had no doubt that Chau believed he was
Ngo Nghia at the time of the attack.
Wilson, who said he had studied the
cases of hundreds of U.S. veterans, said
Chau was the worst case of Vietnam
syndrome he had seen.

State to study tests
for Legionnaire disease

SAT-SUN-WED at o1:00-3:55-7:55 p.m.
so exciting that it is irresistible ."

LANSING (UPI)- Michigan public
health scientists are working with
hazardous bacteria to produce a skin
test-similar to the classic TB test-
which may prove valuable in combat-
ting the mysterious Legionnaire's
The state Public Health Department
was granted a $640,000 federal contract
to produce the immune system
stimulant or "antigen" which will be
employed in skin tests for exposure to
Legionella bacteria-the cause of
Legionnaire's Disease and other
WORKING under carefully designed
safeguards at the state's Department of
Public Health laboratories, experts will
produce the skin test antigen, using the
Legionella bacteria itself, for -ex-

perimental use at the federal Center for
Disease Control in Atlanta.
Officials said the test will be helpful
in gathering vital information about the
Production of the antigen-a year-
long process-is expected to begin in
about two months, said Dr. George An-
derson, director of the department's
The location of the planned clinical
tests is not known.
"THE MAIN purpose of the skin test
is to detect the individuals who have
been exposed or that may have a
current infection of the organism," An-
derson added.
Using the tests, he said, scientists can
locate the communities and environ-
ments in which the disease seems to
flourish and thus learn more about it.

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