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May 18, 1982 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1982-05-18

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The Michigan Daily

Tuesday, May 18, 1982

Page 7

3-D gets the best of 'Parasite'
Hitchcock's classic Dial 'M' for Ray Milland's apartment. foremost, a good movie. Parasite can't
By Richard Campbell Murder was originally filmed in 3-D, Band not only commits the grievous pass that test. With its cardboard
but instead of beating an audience over sin of letting 3-Dltechnology overwhelm characters and insipid action the film
OST OF YOU have never seen a the head with objects flying out of the his Parasite movie, but he adds to that doesn't even give the 3-D gimmick a
M 3-D movie. That's too bad. Some screen, it used the technique subtlely, by using a ridiculous, trite plot worthy chance.
of you might be thinking of catching the creating a real space in which the of a three-year-old. Supposedly set in Someday someone will make a movie
latest 3-D release, Parasite. That is thriller took place. the far future, the films tells the story of that uses 3-D in a manner that will con-
really too bad. Unlike Charles Band, director of a doctor who escaped a city carrying a vince others to make their movies in 3-
I'm a firm believer in 3-D films: The Parasite, Hitchcock downplayed the 3- small creature in what looks like a D. The effect could greatly enhance
added dimension takes you into a more D aspects of his movie. The world we thermos bottle. many movies - I'm sure that Star
realistic world of fiction, a world in live in is three dimensional - why must The government wants this parasite Wars, A lien, Annie Hall, and
which movement takes on added it be used in a film as though it were a so it carl control work-gangs, something Casablanca would have been that much
vitality and importance. shocking discovery? In the course of a the good doctor didn't realize. And so a better had they been filmed in 3-D.
This isn't just idle speculation on my day, we do not have that many things nasty agent is sent to retrieve the We'll just have to wait until directors
part: Althougt most 3-D films are cheap thrown at our faces. Why must these creature. The films goes on like this for and producers concentrate on basic
money-makers, like Comin' At Ya or movies constantly shower an audience ninety minutes. You can figure out by things like plotting and charac-
Parasite, there have been a few films with annoying trinkets? Hitchcock yourself who wins. terization before they spend millions
that make good use of the technique and realized this and used 3-D to influence A good 3-D movie has to be, first and throwing junk at an audience.
show how compelling these movies an audience by the impact of the space
could be . created when his cameras looked in on >:.:.: K - :x

Stephen Edlich:
Simply simultaneous
By Jill Beiswenger Such is the case with the selectit
from "Recent Works: Painting
SIMPLICITY CAN refresh the spirit Collages, & Prints," by Stephen Edlii
and, at the same time, stimulate the on exhibit at The Alice Simsar Galler
intellect. While the senses are through June 19th.
delighting in the absence of the need to According to art critic Stephen Ban
record and assimilate, the mind is freed Edlich "subtly negotiates" the areae
to explore whatever philosophical con- See EDLICH, Page s
cern is laidbare by the simplicity.
Sometimes the concern is a suspiciont
that behind the eoconomy of technique
or materials lies an extravagant com- INDIVIDUAL TNEATRES
plexity. It is like perceiving on an im- L 5hea 7
mediate and direct level the whole
tree, including not only its cellular -
structures, but the composition of the
surrounding soil and atmosphere as
well, and all of this from the mere sight
A Message to all Users OBSESSION
Win a free TRON shirt WITH WOMA
from Walt Disney Productions AND LOVE"
Be one of this first 25 students to
unscramble these stars names from
the motion picture TRON.
Clue: Stars as Flynn, video game
champ. TUES-5:00, 7:00, 9:00
Clue: Dillinger. He's got a computer WED-12:50, 2:50, 5:00; 7:00, 9:00 (R)
program and is stealing confidential
Clue: Before TRON, she starred in
Clue: TRON Warrior and Hero of
the electronic World.
Clue: Gibbs. Folksy old scientist T S A FASCINATING
who learns of Dillinger's plot. FILM"
Here's how to enter: Write down ANNARBORNEWS
the correct answers to the names of
all five scrambled Stars in the word
puzzle. Then tend your entry (with
summer address) tq: "TRON",
1633 Central St., Evanston, IL
60201. A complete list of winners
will be available on request.
The first 25 entrants from your
school who submit correct answers
to the puzzle will win a TRON
shirt, CLUE: You'll find the TUES-7:20,9:25 (R)
answers in today's WE - 7:20, 9:25
Michigan Daily WED-12:55, 3:00, 5:15, 7:20, 9:25



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