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May 18, 1982 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-18

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Page 4-Tuesday, May 18, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Supreme Court
ruling extends
sex bias laws

boost for women fighting sex bias in
education, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3
yesterday , that a key anti-
discrimination law protects not only
students but also teachers and other
The justices upheld a lower court fin-
ding that Title IX-one of the most im-
portant federal tools to combat sex
discrimination in education-covers
not only admissions, scholarships and
other student benefits but also em-
ployment practices.
While it clearly extended
discrimination laws to cover em-
ployees, the high court limited the
government's authority to police sex
discrimination to those specific
programs within a school that receive
THE COURT, beginning its end-of-
term push to wrap up its work before
July, also took these actions:
" Agreed to decide whether un-
solicited advertisements for contracep-
tive devices can be sent through the
U.S. mails. A federal trial judge struck
down the federal ban on such mailings
after the New Jersey-based manufac-
turer of Trojan brand condoms pursued
a free-speech challenge.
Greatly increased the chances of
trade and professional groups being
sued successfully for federal antitrust

Justice Lewis Powell
... casts historic vote

The immediate loser is the 100,000-
member American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, which faces
paying monetary damages because its
volunteer officials took part in a plot to
cripple a now-defunct manufacturer.
Left intact a ruling in a case from
Washington state that allows a judge to
force reporters to sign news-coverage
agreements before they attend
hearings in open court.

In Brief
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Storms cause massive floods
Floods chased hundreds of people from their homes yesterday in Texas
and Oklahoma, where a week of violent thunderstorms and tornadoes has
left millions of dollars in damage.
People scrambled onto rooftops and climbed trees to escape the water in
some communities as National Guard helicopters and police boats plucked
others to safety.
At least 10 deaths have been blamed on the week of storms which spread
yesterday from the Mexican border in Texas, to Kansas City, Mo., with
powerful winds, blinding rain and hail as big as baseballs. Three drowned in
Texas and two others were missing in floodwaters surging around San An-
The barrage of twisters continued Sunday and yesterday with six hitting
rural areas of Oklahoma, five in Texas, two in North Dakota and one in
Illinois. Some homes and farm buildings were destroyed.
In Wichita Falls, Texas, where floods last week had chased about 5,000
people from their homes, 500 people remained homeless. About 60 who had
returned home, went back to a Red Cross emergency shelter yesterday
morning assa flood warning was posted.
OPEC holds down production
CARACAS, Venezuela- OPEC's president said yesterday the cartel is
holding its total oil production substantially below 17.5 million barrels a day,
the ceiling set two months ago as the group sought to regain control over
world oil markets.
Meanwhile, OPEC's secretary general repeated earlier statements that
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries would not cut oil prices
at its semi-annual meeting Thursday in Quito, Ecuador.
Informal consultations were under way here in Venezuela yesterday to
formulate pricing and production recommendations for the Ecuador
OPEC President Mana Saeed Oteiba, who also is oil minister of the United
Arab Emirates, said the cartel was producing "something like" 16 million
barrels a day and that OPEC was committed to holding down production to
push prices higher.
Panamanian crew suspects
in mutiny; first officer killed
HOUSTON- Five Panamanian freighter crewmen suspected of killing
their first officer and plotting to kill seven other crew members were
detained aboard the vessel after it docked yesterday in Houston, officials
Immigration and Naturalization Service supervisor Ray Larson said the
only U.S. action in the matter would be to make sure the five crewmen were
not permitted off the ship while it is in U.S. waters.
The FBI said the incident failed to meet any of the tests that would permit
U.S. legal involvement because the killing took place in international
waters, there were no U.S. crewmen on board and the vessel was not owned
by a U.S. company.
The freighter Evergreen arrived from New Orleans at the Houston city
docks after the Coast Guard and FBI on Saturday night responded to a
report of a mutiny aboard.
Haig, NATO ministers meet
LUXEMBOURG- Secretary of State Alexander Haig and European
foreign ministers held detailed talks on President Reagan's arms control
initiative and other issues yesterday despite the distraction of the Falklands
Islands crisis, a high U.S. official said.
The Falklands dispute between Britain and Argentina is causing in-
creasing strains in the European Common Market and concern among Nor-
th Atlantic Treaty Organization nations whose defenses have been weakened
by Britain's dispatch of a naval fleet to the South Atlantic.
The spring meeting of the NATO foreign ministers, including Haig, is
being held concurrently with a separate conference of Common Market
ministers debating whether to extend trade sanctions against Argentina,
which were to expire at midnight.
Hinckley defense questioned
WASHINGTON- A prosecutor suggested yesterday that John Hinckley
cribbed and embellished symptoms out of a "cookbook" of mental disorders
to bolster his insanity defense after the shooting of President Reagan and
three others.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Roger Adelman also got the chief defense
psychiatrist to condede that Hinckley managed to travel, get good marks in
college, and write clearly in the years when the physician claimed the
defendant was psychotic.
"You can no more see a delusion than you can see if someone believes in
God," Dr. William Carpenter argued under Adelman's cross-examination.
Carpenter, director of the Maryland Psychiatric Center, testified last
week hat Hinckley suffered from "process schizophrenia" that began in
childhood and built to psychosis around 1976 when Hinckley was 21. He said
the defendant shot Reagan and the others on March 30, 1981 as an act of
suicide, hoping for a post-life union with actress Jodie Foster, with whom he
had become infatuated.

Britain puts deadline
on Falk lands talks

From AP and UPI
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
said yesterday that Britain will give
U.N. talks one more chance to settle the
Falkland Islands conflict, but repor-
tedly warned Argentina that it has 48
hours to make peace.
"We have gone as far as we can,"
Thatcher told Independent Radio News.
"They are the invader. They are the
aggressor. We are the aggrieved. It is
up to them," she said.
HOURS LATER, eight of the 10
Common Market nations extended
trade bans against Argentina, but only
for a week.
Asked how long she would wait before
abandoning the efforts by U.N.
Secretary-General Javier' Perez de
Cuellar, Thatcher said: "My guess is
that we shall know this week whether
we are going to get a peaceful set-
tlement or not."
Earlier, Britain's domestic news
agency Press Association quoted
military sources as saying Thatcher
told U.N. Ambassador Anthony Par-
sops q; ivaArgentinenegotiatarsstey

must settle in 48 hours or she would or-
der troops aboard the Royal Navy war
fleet to storm the South Atlantic islan-
"UNLESS THERE is an unexpected
breakthrough at the United Nations,"
Press Association said, "the invasion
now appears certain."
In Buenos Aires, an Argentine
spokesman accused Britain of "intran-
sigence" in the negotiations and said
the government had little optimism
that the talks could bring a peaceful
The spokesman said a key source of
disagreement in the negotiations was
Britain's insistence that- the United
States guarantee that the islands will
not be invaded again once Argentina
"WE FELT that a treaty with the
guarantee of the United Nations is suf-
ficient," the spokesman said. "The
United States is a part of this conflict
and' its guarantee constitutes
,aggressi form."

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