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May 15, 1982 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-15

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Page 10-Saturday, May 15, 1982-The Michigan Doily


Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
Melon surprise
Looking like a scene out of "Attack of the Killer Watermelons," Fern Carrol holds a watermelon up to her mouth to
drink its juice:It's things like this that make a summer complete.

The Real Puzzle

Take Your Time

by Don Rubin'
Each of the clues at thebot- -
tom corresponds to a different ° -
time (and a specific pair of _
hands) on the watch at the -4..
right. t s-"
Clue No. 1, The Devil at -, . -i-"' ..
refers to "The Devil at 4.-.-
o'clock" (a movie starring t- --' f
Spencer Tracy and Frank. " r -; -'
Sinatra), which corresponds to - - .- ,: -
the little hand on the 4 and -',; _ /: '"' f
one of the big hands at 12. - - - 9
Using the information pro-
elimination), try to figure out - -
the rest. - -
Fed up with these crazy
puzzles? Would you like to gety-t
even with Don Rubin and win -.
$10 to boot? Then send your " - J -:- -.
original ideas for a Real Puz- -
zie to this newspaper. All . ( .; *..:, s: ,
entries will become property r- -...: .. ::"::: Gz".
Of UFS,-Inc. (You only win the -
big bucks if we use your pu- . -" : -'-
ze idea.);>s .';: f

drives into
the future
(Contmumfedrom Page i)
a University of Chicago business
graduate who handles the Aero's finan-
ces, are looking for investors to get the
Aero on the production line.
The Amicks say they have a few
people interested, and they have for-
med a company, Tritan Ventures, to
sell stock in the Aero. But with today's
rough economy, investors are not
willing to take many chances and Jim
Amick admits itis hard to get people in-
terested enough to invest money in the
If the vehicle does make it to the
production line, Amick expects to sell it
for around $4,000. He is not worried
about how the unusual two-person
front-back seating arrangement will be
received. "I think it will not be a fatal
flaw," Amick said.
The Aero 135 is designed to be a low
maintenance auto with long-lasting
stamina. "It has an all-fiberglass body
that won't rust and all the mechanical
parts are enclosed," Amick said.
Amick is especially proud of the
Aero's safety features. "The narrow
front end and the wedge shape (of the
Aero's body) are designed to make it
hard to collide head-on into other
vehicles or telephone poles," Amick
said. "It will glance off them instead."
In case of collision, the Aero "has a
lot of crush distance" in the front and
on the sides to fold up and protect the
occupants during a crash, Amick said.
The Aero's engine is in the back and it
has rear-wheel drive. And the 'Luke
Skywalker' windshield "has no corner
posts" to block the driver's vision,
Amick said.
Amick admits that he is trying to sell
a new car at the "wrong time." But he
and his son Doug hope that the Aero's
aerodynamic design improvements,
the high gas efficiency, and the safety
features will be attractive to investors
and consumers who are willing to move
"into the future."
Dear Merchant.
Did you know,
that Daily
readers spend
over $125
million on
items you


Tap row: 5, 1i, i3, 5
Feordirow: 2,3, 4, 2i
Last week's winners:-
No eniries were compietely correci
last week, but the contestantwith the top
nurmber ot carrol aswers insBob Beat-
tie. He will receive a $10 gift certificate
courtesy of Uhrich's.
Send your completed puzzle to The
Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Ar-
bor, MI 48109 by Wednesday of next
week. one person will be selected at
random from the correct entries to win 1) The De
thirty minutes of free play time with 2) Gary C
video machines at any Flipper McGees
location, courtesy of: 3) Hickory
4) I'll be d
R MC0t.4 5) Wedne
6) There's
7) Seven E
8) The tim
*.. -

151982 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

vii at
y, dickory, dock:
own to get you in a taxi, honey:
sday morning at as the day begins (Beatles)
no one in the place except you and me: (Also Gary US Bonds)
Bells (nautical):
e shown on most watches in advertisements:

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