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May 14, 1982 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1982-05-14

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Page 14-Friday, May 14, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Two Soviet cosmonauts
soar to space station

MOSCOW (AP) - Two cosmonauts
rocketed into orbit around the ,earth
yesterday aboard an improved Soyuz T-
5 spaceship in the Soviet Union's first
manned space launch in a year, Tass
Lt. Col. Anatoli Berezovoy, the
mission commander, and pilot Valentin
Lebedev were hurled aloft at 5:58 a.m.
EDT from the Baikonur space center in
Soviet Central Asia, the Soviet news
agency said.
ALL SYSTEMS were functioning
normally and the crewmen, both 48 years
old, were "feeling fine," it added.
The cosmonauts were to dock their

spaceship with the Salyut-7 space
research station, sent into orbit April
20, and prepare it for a joint Soviet-
French mission expected next month.
French pilot Patrick Baudry, who has
been training in the Soviet Union since
1978, is to accompany two Soviet
crewmen in a launch to the space
station in late June, French sources in
Moscow have reported.
FRANCE WILL be the10th country to
participate ina joint space mission with
the Soviets and the first non-communist
country to do so. Beaudry, 34, also will
be the first non-American from the
West to be launched in space.


No big deal APPhoto
For everyone who had to retake fourth-year French, here's a little bit of
depressing news. Mariel Aragon, who enrolled in the University of Southern
California at age 11, graduated Thursday at 16. By the way, she's going to enter
medical school.

w 5I /Vw Vr tas
Tickets: $5.00 (general admission) in advance, $6.00 day of the show. Advance
Tickets are available at The Michigan Union Box Office, PJ's Records, School-
kids Records, & all CTC outlets. For more information call 763-6922.

Diag drunk arrested
Police arrested an Ann Arbor man on
the Diag Wednesday night on charges
of public intoxication, police said
yesterday. The man, in his 20s, ap-
parently was swinging his fists at

Get it over FAST-Daily Classifieds 764-0557

people as they passed through. After
spending the night in the Ann Arbor
Police holding cell, he was released
pending further investigation.
Towing incident leads to arrest
After refusing to let police tow his car
from the 700 block of E. Kingsley, a 50-
year-old Ann Arbor man was arrested
Wednesday for hindering and opposing,
police said yesterday. He had apparen-
tly accumulated more than the
allowable number of unpaid parking
tickets, and tried to prevent his car
from being impounded. The man was
taken to the police station and his car
was towed.
B and E suspect arrested
Police arrested a 35-year-old Battle
Creek man Tuesday for breaking and
entering and felonious assault after the
suspect allegedly broke into his sister's
home on the 500 block of Glen, police
said. After police arrived, the suspect,
Samuel Webb, threatened police of-
ficers with a'shotgun. The felonious
assault charge, however, has been
Property stolen from house
A Yashica camera, a 15 mm. lens and
a man's gold bracelet with a combined
value of over $2,900 were taken from a
house on the 1100 block of Norman
Place in Ann Arbor, police said yester-
day. The theft apparently occured bet-
ween 2:45 and 6:30 a.m. Wednesday.
There was no sign of forced entry, and
police suspect that a key may have
been used. No suspects have been taken





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