Poge 2-Friday, May 14, 1982-The Michigan Daily
Scientists discover
natural sleeping potion
BOSTON (AP) - Scientists studying
the process of sleep have isolated a
natural human chemical that they
believe is nature's own sleeping potion.
The chemical-called factor S-was
discovered by Harvard Medical School
researchers, who found that it- puts
animals into deep, but normal sleep.
THEY SAID THE chemical may
someday be used to treat human in-
somnia, but they cautioned that many
years of testing will be necessary
before it could be given to people.
The scientists have figured out the
precise chemical composition of factor
S and say that drug companies are in-
terested in duplicating it. So far, tiny
quantities of the substance have been
derived from human urine.
The isolation and analysis of factor S
culminates 15 years of work, says Har-
vard professors John Pappenheimer
and Manfred Karn. They published
their findings recently in the Journal of
Biological Chemistry.
. The scientists, who gave human fac-
tor S to a variety of laboratory animals,
found that it makes rabbits sleep 50
percent longer than usual. They wrote
that "it resembles the deep sleep that
occurs when animals are allowed to
sleep following prolonged sleep
The factor S used in the animal ex-
periments was painstakingly derived
from 41/ tons of human urine collected
in containers placed in lavatories.
From this amount, the scientists ob-
tained 30 micrograms of factor S,
roughly the weight of a few grains-of
However, the substance is extremely
potent. . And minuscule amounts can
put animals to sleep.
First Lady plants tree
amid thumping tom-toms
The weather
Today's weather will be more of the same - partly sunny skies with
seasonable temperatures in the lower 80s.
Revolutionary roast
B OBBY SEALE, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, has written
a cookbook. He says his days as a revolutionary are behind him now,
but he still works for social change, and hopes his book, Barbecuing With
Bobby, will help support some of his new community projects. "Why not a
cookbook?" he said. "I've been barbecuing since ,I was 13 ... I've been
using the barbecue to raise money for all kinds of things since." ]
Not so amazing grace
O RAL ROBERTS' much-publicized vision of a 900-foot Jesus appeared
to "my inner eyes, not my physical eyes," the evangelist said during a,
Phil Donahue show to be broadcast later this month. The Tulsa evangelist
wrote in a fund-raising letter last year that he saw a 900-foot Jesus standing
beside his 60-story City of Faith Hospital, then under construction. "I was
out of funds ... very discouraged," Roberts described. "I looked up... I
saw Jesus with my inner eyes, not my physical eyes. .. and I heard him in
my heart," he admitted. Roberts, at the time of his vision, said he needed $10
million a month to resolve what he called, "the worst crisis this ministry has
faced in 34 y e ars." Q
Cinema II - Cutter's Way, 7:30 & 9-30 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Cinema Guild - Breaker Morant, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Lorch.
CFT - Bananas, 3 & 7:45 p.m., Everything You Always Wanted to Know
About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask," 4:30 & 9:15 p.m., Sleeper, 6 & 11 p.m.,
Michigan Theatre.
Duplicate Bridge Club - open game, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. -
Folk Dance Club - instruction, 8 p.m., request dancing, 9:30 p.m., Union.
Lesbian/Gay Male Community Services - Lesbian-Gay Men's Dance, 9
p.m., First Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw.
Eclipse Jazz - performance by the Mandingo Griot Society, 9 p.m., Union
School of Metaphysics - "Creating with the Power of Your Mind," 7:30
p.m., 1029 Fountain.
Ark - Mick Moloney and Eugene O'Donnell, 9 p.m., 1421 Hill.
To submit items, for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan DaIly, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109.
The Michigan Daily
Reagan ignored the sounds of beating
drums and an amateur chorus yester-
day to turn a shovelful of earth on the
roots of two new magnolia trees planted
in her front yard..
The unannounced event was planned
as a quiet ceremony. But from across
the street in Lafayette Park came the
rhythmic booming of drums being
thumped by religious cultists.
And to counter that noise, a group of
passing Mormons gathered at the White
House fence eight feet from Mrs.
Reagan sang "God Bless America" as
she dumped a shovelful of dirt onto the
roots of each tree.
SURPRISED tourists suddenly stop-
ped taking pictures of each other and
watched the First Lady. The usual
gaggle of demonstrators who live on the
sidewalk missed seeing Mrs. Reagan,
apparently thinking the spectators
were gathering to talk to them.
The brief ceremony was not announ-
ced in advance, but the Mormons said
they knew she was to appear.
"We were fearful of attracting atten-
tion," said Sheila Tate, Mrs. Reagan's
press secretary, explaining the lack of
notice. "There were real fears. Some
people were screaming . . . about El
ENTERPRISING news photographers
who mingled with the crowd heard only
complimentary calls from passing
The trees, roots bound in burlap,
were positioned earlier in holes dug by
the National Park Service.
During the brief ceremony near the
fountain on the north lawn, Mrs.
Reagan-wearing a white and lavender
summer dress-was handed a shovel,
turned a bit of dirt onto one of the trees,
handed the shovel, to an aide, then
repeated the process at the second tree.
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Vol. XCII, No.8-S -
Friday, May 14, 1982
The Michigan Daily is edited and
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