Page 2-Thursday, August 13, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Survey shows
city costs high
(ContinuedfromPage 1) ticipated, but not many others from
The average Ann Arbor rent (ex- that area, she said.
cluding all utilities but water) reported The numbers in the survey are
by the local chamber of commerce was designed not as an absolute value, but
$322. Compared to the national average are a "relative comparison" which is
of $287, the city is a more expensive still useful," Jackman said."It's not like
place for renter. Lansing did report an ISR (Institute for Social Research) at U
average rent of $325, which is close to of M did it," she added, pointing out
Ann Arbor's rate. that there is a margin of error of about 2
Monthly payment of principle and in- percent in her survey.
terest for a home in Ann Arbor was THERE IS SOME good news for the
Second Quarter 1981 Comparative
Cost of Living Index-American
Chamber of Commerce
Researchers Association
City All-Items Housing Health
San Diego, CA .........
Denver, CO...........
Champaign, ILL .......
South Bend, IN ........
ANN ARBOR, MI ......
Flint, MI.............
Traverse City, MI .....
New York, NY......
Columbus, OH .........
Houston, TX..........
Salt Lake City, UT .....
Burlington, VT .......
100= Natioal
Index Care
113.9 161.1 129.9
109.0 127.8 116.9
101.2 103.0 104.6
98.9 107.2 93.9
109.8 107.3 133.6
105.7 106.1 123.7
103.5 115.4 97.0
131.9 134.9 140.1
102.4 98.1 103.0
108.2 111.2 112.7
100.1 107.3 100.9
107.5 110.8 108.9
Asav~asrn r aanandine Citiea
Reluctant playboy
PITTSFIELD, MASS. cabinet installer whose picture appeared in an
advertisement for. Playboy Magazine over the caption "The Playboy
Reader-his lust for life" wants $250,000 in damages from the magazine. The
judge who heard the lawsuit said Tuesday he will issue a decision in about a
week. The picture, which appeared during a 1977 promotional campaign in
the New York Times and airport and train posters, shows mustachioed
Thomas Mazzeo on water skis. Mazzeo said the picture was used without his
permission. "It made me sound dirty. It made me sound like a sex fiend,"
testified Mazzeo, 40, of Pittsfield, a father of four who sings in the church
choir. Mazzeq said during the two-day, non-jury trial before Berkshire
Superior Court Judge William Simons that the advertisement falsely iden-
tified him as a Playboy reader and damaged his reputation and business. "I
don't think housewives want cabinetmakers with a playboy's lust for life in
their kitchens," he said. Playboy attorney Stephen Olesky contended that
Mazzeo suffered "no measurable damage other than the loss of pay the
agency would normally make to an amateur model" and suggested the
judge award Mazzeo <'the $200 to $250 we pay for amateur models." D
Today's weather
Clear and partly cloudy skies are expected today with a high in the mid-
80s. Q
Happenings .. .
AAFC-Othello, 7 p.m., Macbeth, 8:45 p.m., Aud A, Angell Hall.
CFT-THX 1138, 4, 7 & 10 p.m., Dark Star, 5:30 & 8:30 p.m., Michigan
Summer Session Choir-David Chase, conductor, 8p.m., Rackham.
Trumpet Recital-Cheryl Walsenmyer, 8 p.m., MM: Recital Hall.
Organ Recital-Ray McLellan, 8 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
AA-Meeting, 8:30-10 p.m., N2815 U. Hospital (2nd level, NPI).
Sailing Club-Meeting, 7:45 p.m., 311 W. Engineering.
Campus Weight Watchers-Meeting, League Project Room, 5:30 p.m.
Wholistic Health Council-Beginning Seminar, "Polarity Therapy with
Pierre Pannetier."
Boticelli Game Players-Meeting, Dominick's, noon.
The Michigan Daily
Vol. XCI, No.61-S
Thursday, August 13, 1981
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
University year at 420 Maynard Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109.
Subscription rates:$12 September through April (2 semesters): $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Saturday
nrnongs. Subscription rates $6.50 in Ann Arbor: $7 by mail outside Ann
Arbor Second cass postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POSTMASTER:
send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor. MI 418109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service Los Angeles Times Syndicate, and
Field Newspaper Syndicate.
News roon .i3) 764-0552. 76-DAILY: Sports desk: 764-0562; Circulation:
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listed as $762, which is above the
national average of $720. Lansing home
costs averaged about $624 each month.
THE SURVEY was made during the
first week of April, and is the fifth quar-
terly survey the city has participated
in, Jackman said.
The other cities are also supposed to
collect data during the same week, so
that "theoretically everybody is collec-
ting data at the same time," she said.
Thus the procedure eliminates the price
jumps inherent in an inflationary
economy, she added.
Most areas of the country are in-
cluded, Jackman said, but there is "un-
der-representation in the Northeast."
New York and a few other cities par-
city. Movie prices for an eveninglshow
of a first-run-film nationwide averaged
$3.41. The price reported by the Ann
Arbor chamber of commerce was $2.83.
Ann Arbor utility price figures, while
appearing about $20 above the national
average, "should be taken with a grain
of salt," Jackman said. The method for
calculating the figures used some
procedures that maycnotbe accurate
and "I'm not very comfortable with
them," she said.
The rest of the figures reported were
calculated using standard survey
techniques. From three to five mer-
chants were contacted and their prices
for the various goods and services
averaged, Jackman said.
764-0550: Composing Room: 764-0556.
Editor-in-Chief ............ DAVID MEYER
Managing Editor ....... NANCY BILYEAU
Editorial'Page Director .....STEVE HOOK
Special Supplement
Editor ...................PAM KRAMER
Arts Editor ............ MARK DIGHTON
Sports Editor ......... MARK MIHANOVIC
Executive Sports
NEWS STAFF: John Adam, Ann Marie
Fazio, Mark Gindin, Pam Kramer, Grey
Meyer, Jennifer Miller, Dan Oberrotman.
Business Manager..
Manager .........
....... LISA STONE'
BUSINESS STAFF: Aida Eisenstat, Mary
Ann Misiewicz, Nancy Thompson
SPORTS STAFF: Barb Barker, Mark
Borowski, Joe Chapelle, Jim Dworman,
John Fitzpatrick, John Kerr, Ron Pollack,
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PHOTO STAFF: Paul Engstrom, Kim Hill. r
ARTS STAFF: Bill Brown, Ken Feldman,
Karen Green, Fred Schill, RJ Smith