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May 12, 1981 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-05-12

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, May 12, 1981-Page 7
Beirut fighting;
crisis continues

Rioting continues
RIOTERS, HURLING ROCKS and bottles, clash with police and security
forces yesterday in West Belfast, Northern Ireland. Rioting continued in
Northern Ireland for another day yesterday in the wake of IRA hunger-
striker Bobby Sands' death.
lMS "
inger Bob Marley
di~es of brain cancer,

From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Syrian soldiers'.
and Christian militiamen blasted one
another with rockets and artillery in
Beirut yesterday, killing 15 people in
both Moslem and Christian residential
areas and wounding 115, police repor-
Two mortar shells slammed into the
state television station in the Moslem
sector, causing heavy damage but no
casualties or interruption of tran-
smission. Several buildings in East and
West Beirut were on fire, police said.
The rightist Voice of Lebanon radio
station said the East Beirut Christian
residential neighborhooda were heavily
bombed and rocketed.
In West Beirut, loudspeaker vans
blared appeals to people to stay in-
doors. They also called for blood
donations as ambulances with wailing
sirens rushed victims from Moslem
areas to West Beirut hospitals.
The Syrian-Christian fighting has led
to a Syrian-Israeli confrontation.
Israeli jets shot down two Syrian
helicopters being used against the
Christians on April 27 and the next day
Syria moved ground-to-air missiles into
Lebanon. The action prompted Israel to
demand removal of the Syrian missiles

and to threaten Israeli action if the
Syrians did not comply.
In Jerusalem, Prime Minister
Menachem Begin appealed "enemy to
enemy" to Syrian President Hafez
Assad yesterday to "step back from the
brink of the void" and remove the
Soviet-made missiles from Lebanon.
Begin said only bad weather and a U.S.
appeal for time stopped Israel from at-
tacking the Syrian batteries 11 days
The Israeli leader then met U.S. en-
voy Philip C. Habib -- just arrived from
Damascus, where Assad was reported
adamant in his refusal to remove the
Sam missiles from eastern Lebanon.
Washington officials said Habib
might extend his trip to a second round
of Middle East capitals.
Meanwhile, Palestianian guerrilla
leader Yasser Arafat arrived in Bagh-
dad yesterday for talks with Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein.
The state-run Iraqi news agency
quoted Arafat as saying he would
discuss "means of confronting the
Israeli threats which require increased
coordination between all Arab forces in
the present dangerous stage of our

MIAMI (UPI) - Bob Marley, 36, the
i Reggae music star who helped
popularize the upbeat Jamaican music
in the United States, died of brain can-
cer yesterday in Miami's Cedars of
Lebanon hospital.
Marley, the leader of Bob Marley and
the Wailers, was flown to Miami last
Thursday from West Germany, where
he had been receiving treatment for
lung cancer and a brain tumor, accor-
ding to his record company.
MARLEY WORE HIS hair in many
long, braided "dreadlocks," the symbol
of the Rastafarian faith, which has
Ethiopia's late emperor, Haile Selassie,
as its inspiration. The Wailers
generally performed before a
photograph of Selassie.
The Rastafarians also advocate the
use of marijuana, and Marley and other
reggae performers were rarely onstage
without their "Spliffs" - marijuana
cigarettes the size of cigars.

Marley was a controversial figure
because of his obsession with black
revolution, and four years ago survived
an assassination attempt in Kingston,
MARLEY WAS BORN in Jamaica in
1945, the son of an English army cap-
tain and a Jamaican woman. He made
his first record, a single, "One Cup of
Coffee," in 1962, after Jimmy Cliff in-
troduced him toa local promoter.
The Wailers were formed two years
later. Their first record, "Simmer
Down,," written by Marley, was an in-
stant success.
Reggae music, from Jamaica, was
touted as being the next big craze in
rock 'n' roll a few years ago and Bob
Marley and the Wailers were expected
to be the superstars. But although
critics liked reggae and liked Marley,
the music never gained wide popularity
in the United States.

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A4 I -A. ul A oe-- X A 6t;

N1wer buy anottw
Bgausez Our
SO-ServiCo~ Goo
O t L S S "R C Al w
~, 6'9i

the most exciting young blues guitarist and singer in years."
-Robert Palmer, The New York Times
TUES. M)Y_ 12.
$4.00 at the door.

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