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August 05, 1981 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1981-08-05

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The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, August 5, 1981

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Striking air
defy gov't
From AP and UPI for pay raises of $10,000 a year and a
WASHINGTON - Threatened with four-day work week for its 15,000 mem-
dismissal and $100,000-an-hour fines, bers. The union said special treatment
air traffic controllers refused to call off was justified because a controller's job
a nationwide strike yesterday despite is so stressful that many die early.
government claims air traffic was "We will not go back to work,"
moving smoothly without them. declared PATCO President Robert
While thousands of passengers Poli, whose union faced an 8 p.m. EDT
scrambled for alternate transportation deadline from a second court, in
on the second day of the strike, the Washington. Judge Harold Greene
government continued to crack down on ruled that if the strike continued past
the controllers with fines, restraining that hour, the union must pay $250,000
orders, and contempt-of-court Tuesday, $500,000 Wednesday and $1
proceedings. million each day through Sunday - a
HALF THE nation's scheduled flights total of $4.75 million by next week.
were grounded, and the airline industry ALTHOUGH HALF of all scheduled
said it was losing 270,000 passengers a flights - as many as 7,000 a day - have
day while some planes flew half empty been grounded since the strike started
and others idled for hours to take off. Monday morning, the government said
At the White House, President its emergency plans for replacing the
Reagan said he has "no choice" but to strikers were working with "no par-
fire the controllers unless they return to ticular difficulties." Supervisors and
work by the deadline he gave them - 11 non-striking controllers directed air
a.m. EDT Wednesday. traffic.
The president said he would like to Nearly 300 air controllers who nor-
ask Robert Poli, president of the mally guide aircraft through the skies
striking Professional Air Traffic Con- of New England are holed up in a
trollers Organization, "how he feels remote, heavily wooded picnic area
about people who have taken a written patrolled by strikers doubling as sen-
oath that they would not do that and tries. U.S. marshals bearing a judge's
then decided they had the right to break back-to-work order visited the picnic
their oath." area Monday night looking for four
AS FEDERAL employees, con- local union leaders. But they had no
trollers take an oath when they are luck. The union officials could not be
hired not to engage in unlawful strikes. found.
PATCO called the first nationwide Air travelers in Michigan kept their
stride of federal employees in history - cool in the second day of the air traffic
indefiance of the law - when the controllers strike yesterday by swit-
government turned, down its demand ching to trains and buses.

Daily Photo by KIM HIL.
Tiring trip OiyPoeb I
Most people would be tired after tackling this stairway, but the view from
the top of a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan near Elberta is worth the ar-
duous climb.

As furthe
"I don't s
are now-a
Henry John
Center Dir
the presenc
Iran, and S
"I know o
spy issue,"
evidence as
Johnson s
a "very em

'U' still cautious on spy issue
"A PERSON shouldn't make allegations unless he back to broadened political participation in Taiwan,
Hy JOHN ADAM has facts," the vice-president said said Congressman Jim Leach (R-Iowa) in a 1980 ad-
Daily staff writer University President Harold Shapiro was also dress to Congress.
r criticism mounts against the Chinese cautious about making a general statement on the LEACH TESTIFIED along with others last Thur-
(KMT) government in Taiwan, the Taiwanese affair. He said he was to be briefed by sday before a House subcommittee investigating the
remains adamant in its stance of non- federal agencies, but declined to give a date. Johnson mysterious death of former University Ph.D. student
n. said that, as far as he knows, Shapiro hasn't yet been Chen Wen-Chen and allegations of spying on
see us getting involved anymore than we briefed by any federal agencies. Shapiro is currently foreigners by foreign intelligence agencies.
nd that's not very much at all," said vacationing in Europe. Anne Haskell, spokeswoman for the Iowa
son, vice-president for student services. Meanwhile, Amnesty International yesterday congressman, said thetoffice had received 70 to 100
N LAST week admonished International urged in a memorandum that the government of telephone calls sympathetic to Chen and the spying
ector Jon Heise for his remarks alleging Taiwan should free 34 people jailed on the Asian issue during the week preceding the subcommittee
e on campus of spies from Taiwan, Libya, island following a major human rights demon- hearing.
;outh Korea. Now Heise refers all "spy stration, and should review the cases of other Hut, as University officials here will agree, -what
to his superior. political prisoners held for more than 30 years.~waslid
if no plans immediately to be taken on the "IT'S QUESTIONABLE, in all the sense of the ceNumerou sTa wanese in the Ann Arbor community
said Johnson, who cited the lack of factual word, whether those trials (in Taiwan) are fair," said have-in personal interviews, telephone calls, and
criterion for the University position. Bill Woolis of Amnesty International's New York letters-expressed their views that KMT agents are,
aid Heise's remarks put the University in branch. in fact operating on college campuses; but because
barassing position" and added that if the The 34 Taiwanese were convicted in 1979 during a of the ratire on thegessue, se;butga eause
oftevery nature of the issue, spy allegations are dif-
was not legally liable for Heise's out- Human Rights Day demonstration now known as the
then the institution's credibility was "Kaoshiung incident." The incident and the way it ficult to prove or disprove.
was handled by the KMT represented a major set- See 'U', Page5

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