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August 01, 1981 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-08-01

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday,-August 1, 1981-Page 11

WSU Pres. Bonner
announces resignation
DETROIT (UPI) - Thomas Bonner regarded as the best in any university."
surprised a group of friends and Bonner arrived at WSU in August
associates who were celebrating his 1978, bringing with him dreams of
third anniversary as president of making it the premier university in the
Wayne State University yesterday by nation.
announcing he would resign from the However, Michigan's staggering
post in one year. economy, coupled with declining state
Bonner, 58, cited the university's aid, put a damper on his hopes for WSU.
ever-present financial crunch and a Michael Einheuser, chairman of the
desire to return to teaching as his WSU Boardof Trustees, said Bonner's
reasons for stepping down. resignation will be accepted "with
"The job of president, which I have regret," adding Bonner's desire to
never found easy, has been made more return to teaching isn't unusual.
trying in recent years by the anguish of "While Dr. Bonner's decision to
diminished resources in the midst of resign next year comes as a surprise,
still rising expectations," he said. the desire to return to teaching is un-
"I LOOK forward to returning to the derstandable," he said.

job of professor which I have always
Woman murdered in Ypsilanti
A 30-year-old woman from 'Inkster
was shot and killed Thursday afternoon
in Ypsilanti, apparently an innocent
bystander of a lover's quarrel, Ypsilan-
ti police said yesterday.
A suspect, Cornelius Willingham, 25,
of Detroit, was arrested at the scene
and is being charged with open murder.
The woman, Brenda Gregory, was ap-
parently an uninvolved victim of a fight
between Willingham and his girlfriend
that "mushroomed," police said.
Twiyman Penn arrested again
A fraternity house on the 1400 block of
Washtenaw was broken into early
Thursday, but the suspect was ap-

prehended by two residents before
anything was stolen. Twyman Penn, 20,
of Ypsilanti, was arrested for breaking
and entering, police said. Penn was
recently arrested for twice breaking in-
to another fraternity, the Delta Kappa
Epsilon house at 1004 Olivia, and is
charged with bike theft.
C.(. Little burglarized
The C.C. Little Science Building,
which houses the University's depar-
tment of Geology and Mineralogy, was
broken into between 5 p.m. on the 19th
and 8 a.m. on the 22nd, police reported
yesterday. A typewriter was stolen
from a locked office, they said, but
there was no sign of forced entry.

5th Ave. at liberty 761-9700

I _a .,

'T bL:00 PM
"Signoret, Rochefort and
Seyrig are impeccable in
Mizrahi's touching film
about love seekers."
-Judith Crist
A woman caring
for her disabled
brother places a
classified ad for a
companion. Her
brother answers the
ad not knowing
who placed it.

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FRIDAY 7:35, 9:35 SAT-
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th our 4eaos (PG)

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