Page 10-Saturday, August 1, 1981-The Michigan Daily Budget woes trigger cooperation 4 Continued from Page > universities were closed, many studen- eventually have to close. But no ts would be forced to move elsewhere to legislator will vote to cut back the complete their educations. pipeline in another (colleague's) area," Every state school began with a Peterson said, because that lawmaker specific goal and mission, but most might then turn around and vote again- have strayed from that original plan. st the first legislator. The University's Flint and Dearborn PROBLEMS ARISE with the appoin- campuses are prime examples, accor- ted members because of obvious ding. to Richard Kennedy, University allegations of favoritism against vice president for state relations. whoever does the appointing. Voters WHEN THE FLINT campus opened, are often unfamiliar with these people its primary purpose was to serve as an who would run for the board, so politics "urban liberal arts college, paired with might again enter the picture with elec- Mott Community College" in Flint, tions. x Kennedy said. Originally, it was inten- Repetitions exist because there is no ded that students would attend Mott for central plan for Michigan's education the first two years and then transfer to system. Each school determines its U-Mr Flint. A similar plan was own goal or mission independent of the developed for the Dearborn campus others. "There is no overall plan," said and Henry Ford Community College. Rick Bossard of the House Fiscal Agen- But as the number of university cy. "It (academic planning) is the students increased during the 1960s, responsibility of each institution." both the Flint and Dearborn campuses This lack of coordination is due . developed into full four-year . in- largely to the way in which the state stitutions, and the original plan fell system has run in the past. Admitting apart. schools to the system has always been Other colleges across the state began random, according to Smith. Colleges as extensions. These include Lake were admitted "as they matured," he Superior State College in Sault Ste. said. For instance, Eastern, Central, Marie, which began as a branch of Western, and Northern Michigai Michigan Tech, and Oakland Univer- universities began as teachers' colleges sity in - Rochester, which started as a and later expanded to their present branch of Michigan State University. status. But during this expansionary period, Other schools were built in isolated, they, too, developed on their own. cities as the only nearby higher THE STATE COLLEGES- and education outlet. If smaller, scattered universities went through changes from THE MOVIES AT BRIARWOOD 1-94 & S. STATE. * 769-8780 (Adjacent to J C Peney) -*DAILY EARLY BiRD MATINEES-Adults $1.50 DISCOUNT IS FOR SHOWS STARTING REFORE 1:30 teachers' colleges and began to in- crease their offerings," Kennedy said. "The 1970s taught us a lesson that that sort of thing maybe wasn't in the cards. "What institutions will do is rethink their role and mission, concentrating in areas where they are strongest," he said. Milliken's assistant, Smith, said he strongly favors a state advisory gob- vernment body, but still considers decentralization inportant. "Autonomy has served us well and will continue to serve us well," he said. For the first time since the Depression, state support for univer- sities has declined in Michigan-by more than'$100 million. Hard times for the auto industry and skyrocketing unemployment paint bleak expec- tations for the state's 13 public univer- sities and colleges avoiding dismissing faculty members, eliminating programs, and possibly reducing enrollment. UNIVER)ITY PRESDENT Harold Shapiro is committed to a "smaller but better" university with a smaller set of offerings and a more effective attain- ment of basic goals. "Smaller is decidedly not to suggest that we aban- don our commitment to diversity in our student body and faculty or to our spon- sorship of diversity of ideas," Shapiro said in a March 23 open letter to his university colleagues. "Rather, it means that all units ought to examine and order their priorities and identify at least some activity that, in the current context, might have a smaller priority." Administrators at Michigan State University, however, have chosen to deal with the budget cutbacks in a dif- ferent manner. MSU President M Cecil Mackey has recommended wholesale cuts in the school's nursing program and humanities department, and has instituted lesser cuts in all other depar- tments on that campus. WAYNE STATE University has faced the budget cuts by instituting 20 percent reductions in next years budget, staff layoffs, and token pay cuts by administrators. But Wayne avoided raising tuition for freshpersons and sophomores. WSU President Thpmas Bonner has said, "the crisis is serious and will continue well into the 1980s ... We must prepare now for a diminished university by 1985." The Universityof Michigan is for- tunate in that it has substantial en- dowments and federal grants to fall back on for most of its programs. The University's endowments amount to more than $120 million and its federal grants and private-gifts for 1979-80 totaled $114 million. MSU received en- dowments of $15 million, and gifts and grants of $57 million; WSU has $11 million in endowments, and gifts and grants of $30 million. In an effort to deal with shifts in state support, state officials and education administrators will have to carry out significant changes in the state system of higher education in the next decade, including redefinition of goals and in- creased interaction betwen institutions. MURRAY JACKSON, University Education professor and a member of the Wayne State University Board of Governors, said the retrenchment plan at the University is a rational way to preserve the interests of both faculty and students ,But Jackson, who works at- Univer- Education, said that each institution has its own problems, for which com- mon solutions may not be available. The University, he said, was not as strapped for funds as other schools because of its generous contributors. Per capita support for higher education in Michigan has declined fairly rapidly in the last five years, and tuition rates are rising at an alarming rate. But Marvin' Peterson, director of the Center for the Study of Higher Education, insisted that the Michigan situation is not as bad as some other states. "We started with institutions which were stronger than'most in the country," he said. IN THE PAST, Peterson said, during periods of high unemployment and i- flation, education provided workers, with the option of retooling their skills. But with the Reagan Administration's proposed cutbacks, the availability of guaranteed student loans and other. grants has dwindled. "The University can hold its own with a slight switch in clientele or admission standards," Peterson said.."Poten- ,tially, community colleges could be hit because students on the economic fringe can't afford to attend." Jackson, however, has designed a method to ease the crunch on city students and pressure on various in- stitutions. He proposes a cooperative system of urban institutions of higher learning-such as WSU, University of Detroit, and Oakland University-that pool resources and funnel money into programs in which'they are par- ticularly strong. Each student would be admitted to a particular college which would serve as his home base. He then could take classes at any institution in the cooperativethus providing a strong education without duplicating many programs. Each urban univer- sity would be free to concentrate on its specialty. JACKSON SAID that too many in- stitutions suffer from what he calls an "edifice" complex-the belief that 15 buildings mean a better university than 10 buildings. Universities must be selective in how they make changes, he said. The evolution of higher education in the next 10 years may involve more professional or employable tracks of study in four-year colleges, he said Many instituions desire law, engineering, dental, and 'medical schools because they believe "those determine the prestige of a university and they want one," Jackson said. "That mentality has been going on for years." The next decade, Jackson said, may bring fewer institutions, but increased roles for community colleges. Ultimately, the future of higher education in Michigan depends on whether the economy takes an upswing and how carefully measures are taken now to insure the highquality of an education. Thus far, the state legislature seems committed to finan- cing higher education. 4 4 Beth Rosenberg 'nd Kevin Tottis .conducted, the interviewf for this . -