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July 31, 1981 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1981-07-31

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. XCL No_ 52-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 31, 1981

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

Sp issue hits Con
By JOHN ADAM University community have alleged the He also called on the Justice Depar-
Daily staff writer same thing in earlier- reports - that tment to see if new authority in the
A Congressional hearing held yester- Kuomintang (KMT) agents are, in fact, form of legislation is needed to insure
day investigating the mysterious death operating on the Ann Arbor campus. that "this monitoring, harassment, and
of former University Ph.D student AT THE HOUSE subcommittee intimidation" of Taiwanese in the
Chen Wen-Chen sparked charges that hearing, Congressman Jim Leach (R- United States is afforded to stiff and
the Chinese Nationalist government in Iowa) urged the U.S. State Department punishable penalties, said Anne
Taiwan may operate a spy network in "to make unequivocably clear to the Haskell, a spokeswoman for Leach.
the United States to monitor the ac- highest levels of Taiwan's government The chairman of the Asian and
tivities of Taiwanese citizens in this that their intrusive surveillance and in- Pacific Affairs subcommittee,
country. timidation in this country must be Congressman Stephen Solarz (D-N.Y.),
Numerous Taiwanese living in the brought to a halt." said the State Department has already

delayed export of $300,000 worth of riot
control equipment to Taiwan, accor-
ding to wire reports.
IN ADDITION, according to an aide
of Solarz, the subcommittee chairman
mentioned amending foreign aid
legislation to Taiwan and even con-
ditioning U.S. arm sales to foreign sur-
veillance operations of that Asian coun-
"It wasn't just an isolated hearing
that will lead nowhere," he said.
In his testimony, Carnegie-Mellon
University President Richard Cyert
emphasized how incredible it is to
believe that Chen would have commit-
ted suicide. The Nationalist Chinese
government in Taiwan reported that
Chen was not murdered but said that
his death was the result of an accident
or suicide. Chen, an assistant professor
at CMU, was found dead on July 3 in
EARLIER, CYERT said that Chen's
death was "politically motivated" and
the hearing held yesterday took the
same tone.
"Criminals, whether in or out of
government, must be held accoun-
table," Leach said. "This was the
lesson in America of Watergate and
Koreagate. We expect of "Taipeigate'
no less."
Leach has said he hopes there could
be future hearings on the issue of
foreign surveillance of foreigners in the
United States that would include coun-
tries such as Libya, Iran, and South
Korea, in addition to Taiwan.
ON THE basis of yesterday's hearing,
it is "very, very likely that there will be
more hearings," said an aide to Leach.
The subcommittee hearing didn't in-
clude any representatives from the
Kuomintang regime, the government
party in Taiwan. James Shiung, who
was to represent the unofficial KMT
view, backed out at the last moment,
said Leach's spokeswoman, Anne
'Friendly' foreign intelligence
operations in the United States have
been the subject of previous Capitol Hill
TWO YEARS ago, a document known
now as the "Glennon report" was leak-
ed to The Washington Post. The
classified report (which a Senate In-
telligence Committee spokesman
referred to as a "rough draft") men-
tioned the activities of a number of
"The intimidation (of foreign in-
telligence agencies) has worked to
deprive the targeted emigres, some of
whom are naturalized U.S. citizens, of
constitutional rights to freedom of
speech, assembly, and association that
are guaranteed to all U.S. residents,"
the newspaper reported.
At least 45 Taiwanese intelligence of-
ficers were present in the United States
at the beginning of 1979, said the report.
"Ten to 25 of them are believed to be on
U.S. college campuses . . .
University of Cincinnati law professor,
and primary author of the report, said
See CONGRESS, Page 13

EDWARD DOUGHERTY, assistant to the vice-president for special projects, explains the review process for the
University's Physical Therapy program. Last June, the program was slated for discontinuance.
'U' therapy supported

Daily staff writer
University officials have received
more than 300 letters urging support for
the Physical Therapy program, curren-
tly under review for discontinuance, of-
ficials said yesterday.
Last June, Medical School Dean John
Gronvall made a recommendation to
University Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Bill Frye to eliminate
the program, claiming that training
physical therapists "is not central to
the mission of the medical school."
to the vice-president for special projec-
ts, has since been gathering infor-
mation for Frye. He said the review
process will be "very similar to the
thing we did with geography,"
following the standard program discon-

tinuance guidelines as set by the
University Board of Regents. -
Dougherty said that about 50 letters
emphasizing the state-wide need for
trained physical therapists have
reached Frye. The 300 letters sent to
Dougherty are also in favor of main-
taining theprogram.
Frye said the letters' content would
play an important role in his review.
The number of individual responses to
the proposed program cut is
"astonishing," he said.
DOUGHERTY SAID he has already
outlined many alternatives to discon-
tinuance for Frye, including relocation
of the program within the University,
or examination of the feasibility of shif-
ting it to another state-funded in-
Both Dougherty and Frye said they

recognize the need for trained physical
Richard Darnell, physical therapy
curriculum director, stressed that
salvaging the University's program is
not as important as maintaining a sup-
ply of competent physical therapists -
regardless of where they receive their
training. Darnell has said repeatedly
that if his program doesn't receive the
funds necessary to raise its educational
standards to an acceptable level, it
should be phased out.
DARNELL HAS already launched an
expensive mail campaign specifically
targeting professionals in the physical
therapy field. In the letters, he urged.
concerned individuals to write Univer-
sity officials stating their objections to
See HUNDREDS, Page 10

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