The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 29, 1981 Page 10 Different philosophies at schools 4 (Continued from Page 6) Nelson, but also to attract a totally new market - the older student. New degrees either proposed or already im- plemented include masters in business administration, public administration, and computer science, as well as graduate courses in nursing, he said. While only serving 3040 full-time equivalent students now, Flint has the capability to teach 4000, Nelson said, adding that he hopes the 33 percent in- crease will be accomplished by 1985. An expansion of graduate programs would be the major attraction for more students, he said. INITIALLY A liberal arts school, "Flint had a headstart" over Dearborn in that area, Jenkins said. The goal of the Flint campus has been to "complement liberal arts with professional schools," said Nelson of Flint. "We must expand to offer specialties to students." Because the Ann Arbor campus is so old, it already has the programs Flint and Dearborn for which are striving. But for the student in Flint and Dear- born who cannot come to Ann Arbor, the University of Michigan is growing, in their own backyard. Dearborn has just opened a new four- level library as well as a classroom- shopping mall - complete with delicatessen, Hardee's, and student book store. The floor space of per- Morae s under the budget .axe manent buildings on campus was doubled by the new buildings, said Jenkins. The need for new buildings at the Dearborn campus was spurred by the growth in the number of students atten- ding school, Jenkins said. In 1971, Dearborn served 850 studen- ts. Last fall 6400 were enrolled, he said, and an increase of no greater than five percent each year is planned. The even- tual goal, said Jenkins, is about 7500 students, or 6000 full-time equivalent students. Downtown Flint is in the process of an urban renewal, and the campus is moving to coincide with the process. All that remains on the old site is the Mott Memorial Building which houses the science department. Chancellor Nelson said it will soon be replaced with a new science building on the new riverfront site downtown. RESEARCH ACTIVITY at the three institutions varies greatly. At Flint, the first priority is teaching, while resear- ch is -the main concern at Ann Arbor, according to Mary Cox, Flint's associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences. Most faculty members teach about six class hours each week in Ann Arbor, while Flint faculty mem- bers teach about nine hours, she said. The research done at Dearborn is "nowhere near Ann Arbor," said (Continued from Page 6) The Flint administration had an early commitment to preserve programs and positions at the cost of all else, but the faculty had a hard time believing it, Cox said. "N ow I think they do believe it" because the last slashes were made in entirely non-academic units, she said. THE FACULTY now believes the administration will not "pull a Michigan State" and start eliminating entire schools and laying off tenured faculty, Cox said. "Morale has been seriously down on this campus," said Roehl of Dearborn, and most of it has to do with the decline in prestige of the campus. Because of the salary and position reductions, there. is an inability to attract new Reynolds, "because it is not a primary goal." Unlike Ann Arbor, he said, "no one is doing solely research." And, he said, there are not many Ph.D. students at'Dearborn. The primary goals of the campuses were vividly exposed during the recent five percent drop in state ap- propriations to each campus. Ann Ar- bor had to take emergency measures, and began cutting back programs "not central to the mission of the Univer- sity." THE DEARBORN campus also took relatively drastic measures to recover from the unexpected shortfall. The Ur- ban and Regional Studies program was suspended, and 20 faculty and staff, positions were eliminated. "Our first priority is to not eliminate any academic programs or to terminate full-time faculty positions," said Chan- cellor Jenkins. He set up a formula whereby 3.25 percent of the cuts would come from non-instructional areas and the remaining 1.75 percent from the in- structional units. "The chancellor has spread out the pain from the cuts," Reynolds said. Combined with a predic- ted deficit of $177,000, the shortfall at Dearborn from the state reduction amounted to $787,000. Measures taken on the Flint campus to absorb the deficit were unlike those faculty, and there is also a loss of present faculty because of resignations and job competition. Completion of the sports and recreation building presently under construction is awaited by the Flint administration. Upon completion of the science building, which will replace the Mott Memorial Building, the campus will be truly ready for the 4000 full-time equivalent students the chancellor has planned for it by 1985. "Growth is the solution to Flint's problems," Nelson said. The students at the campuses do not seem to care about the reallocation, said Mark Schemanske, features editor of the Michigan Journal, the school newspaper. "A lot of students are taking- it extremely apathetically," he taken by either of the other campuses, or even by other schools. The central goal at Flint, officials said, was to preserve budding programs. UNDER NELSON'S leadership, the five percent reduction was taken from non-faculty salary budgets, primarily administration and instructional sup- port. More than 40 positions were affec- ted - about 20 percent .of the non- faculty employees. In such situations, "the first priority is usually to keep the salary budget in- tact," Nelson said. "We don't think like that. You can cripple an institution by cutting the operating budget instead (of salary)." So, Flint left its programs un- touched. "We are probaly the only (college) in the state who didn't reduce faculty positions," Nelson said. At Flint, "if there are more students, there will be more programs, and vice versa," Nelson said. Any budget reduc- tion will only mean that Flint will "grow at a smaller rate," said Fielder of the camps budget office. Reductions in the base budget, as mandated by drops in state ap- propriations, will not alter the mission of the Dearborn campus, said Reynolds. "Dearborn is a commuter institution maintaining an academic level as high as Ann Arbor," he said. said. "I've never seen a rally here," he added. Of course nobody likes budget cuts, but they are generally preferred to tuition increases, according to David Lesh, president of the Dearborn student government. Lesh said he thinks the cuts were handled well by the ad- ministration and weren't very noticeable, so there weren't many. complaints from students. Faculty members at Flint believe the administration will spare programs and positions, officials said. "The main thing is the impact of the last cuts did not result in faculty -layoffs," said Larry Kugler, the outgoing chairman of the mathematics department at Flint. cutbacks used to have a greater appropriation per udent, but it initiated rapid growth at the e worst appropriations in the state's cording to Ralph Nichols, coordinator of rmation in Ann Arbor. "They not only e difference, they exceeded it," he said. riations couldn't keep up with the growth. nchment plan called for by Chancellor quired that $500,000 be cut from Dear- budget of $16.2 million. Twenty positions liminated (16 were already eliminated by plant improvements have been deferred, faculty anI student services have been LS ON the three campuses say they do not ack and ride out the state appropriations s. Ann Arbor is planning a general of resources, Flint is planning to expand ent by a third, and Dearborn is trying at the same time that it is trying to in- programs. e three campuses) are going to have to blem of resource reallocation if they are prove their programs," said University arold Shapiro. "And I believe they will tirprograms,' hesaid. - - ,. I I 4 T off ber ani of I T Tw vic his be oth to nin T lief alr sal tot cri neE pus buc ye per Administrators map out different (Continuedfrom Page6) next year had to be slashed. Dearborn the panic that ensued in University administrative Ann Arbor administrators faced the same problem full-tiie st ices around the state left many casualties. A num- because they, too, had budgeted at three percent over time of th of schools had to quickly cut programs, faculty, the previous year. history, act d new plans. The three campuses of the University THE SITUATION AT Flint was different than the budget info Michigan were no different. other two because of precautions taken by executive made up th rHE EFFECTS IN Ann Arbor are well known. officers there. The three percent increase budgeted The appropi 'elve million dollars had to be cut. Extension Ser- over last year was put into a "dummy" account. The The retre e has been slashed, the geography department is Chancellor did not allow the Office of Academic Af- Jenkins rec tory, and salary budgets for faculty and staff have fairs to spend the $195,000 in "undesignated reserve." born's base en slashed by six percent across the board, among "Flint actually budgeted at 0 percent increase,". have been e er things. Nelson said. attrition),p &hat transpired in Flint and Dearborn is a mystery Because of this precaution, there was a drop of only and many many observers, but it could prove helpful in plan- five percent in budgeted funds, rather than the eight eliminated. ig for the future. percent suffered by the other campuses. the situation in Dearborn was already desperate "Dearborn is in a tougher bind" than the other OFFICIA ore the cuts were ordered. A deficit of $177,000 was campuses, said James Brinkerhoff, University Vice- plan to sit b eeady planned on because of a pledge to raise president and chief financial officer. "The teaching fluctuation: aries, but with the added shortfall of $610,000, the load got ahead of the state appropriations," he said. reallocation al deficit amounted to $787,000. The situation was THE STATE appropriation per full-time equivalent its enrollm tical enough to force Dearborn administrators to student at the Dearborn campus is $1,956, according to recover gotiate a loan of $300,000 from the Ann Arbor cam- to figures from the 1979-80 school year. That amount stitute new F s to pay debts. would give Dearborn one of the lowest ratios in the "They (th Dearborn Chancellor William Jenkins had set up a state. Flint gets $2,811 for every full-time face the pro dget three percent higher than that of the previous student-$855 more than Dearborn-while the Ann going to im ar. When the order for cuts came, a total of eight Arbor campus receives $3,823 per full-time President H cent of the budget planned and approved for the equivalent student improve the a a a