The Michigan Daily-TuesdaynJuly 28, 98I- Page 3 OFFICIAL NOTES 'DRAMA TIC' CUTBACK IN SMOKING Teenagers' drug use on decline WASHINGTON (AP)-Teen-agers' use of drugs, increased for the first time since 1975, from 66 per- work in dru research and education. He said the especially marijuana, is declining, even though "our cent to 72 percent, said Pollin. wg n has racd an emp crin . e i the young people still show the highest level of drug use HE ALSO SAID that the institute found that among research that has led to changing attitudes about the anywhere in the industrialized world," a top federal 16 categories of drugs, use of 14 was either level or hearh haas ledmtrijhanigattes and the offiialtesifie yeteray.decrase in~ - health hazards of marijuana, cigarettes and other official testified yesterday. decreased in 1980. drugs. Dr. William, Pollin, director of the National In- The findings were from a survey of 100,000 high stitute on Drug Abuse, also said there has been a school seniors. The institute on drug abuse has been THERE ARE proposals to shift the research "dramatic" cutback in cigarette smoking by young surveying members of graduating public and private responsibilities of NIDA and the National Institute on people, though 21 percent of high school seniors still high school classes since 1975. Alcohol Abuse to the National Institutes of Health. had that daily habit last year. Pollin also reported there has been a "dramatic Sen. Gordon Humphrey (R-N.H.), who presided at "THERE HAS been a significant decrease in drug change" in teen-age cigarette smoking. Last year's yesterday's hearing, noted that the idea has "support use among key population groups in the past several daily use figure of 21 percent was down 4 percent and opposition among the alcohol and drug abuse years with associated increases in negative attitudes from 1979, and "The rate of decline appeared to ac- constituency groups." But he said he has an open about the use of drugs," Pollin said. celerate this year among both males and females," a mind on the proposal. Appearing before the Senate Labor subcommittee NIDA report said. "Our young people still show the highest level of on alcoholism and drug abuse, Pollin testified that "WE ARE INCLINED to attribute this change to a drug use of young people anywhere in the in- daily marijuana use among high school seniors drop- long-term increase in young people's health concerns dustrialized world," he said. ped to 9.1 percent in 1980, down from a peak of 10.9 about smoking as well as to a sharp decrease in the But he added that the signs of drug-use decline percent in 1978 perceived peer acceptance of smoking," the report prove that "increasing drug use is not inevitable and The proportion of high school seniors who think added. young people are responsive to evidence of potential their close friends disapprove of marijuana smoking Pollin cited the findings in defense of the institute's hazards." New roof for Tappan Hall causig stir By ANN MARIE FAZIO Daily staff writer The new roof scheduled to be built on Tappan Hall is causing some concern among those who fear the historical beauty of the building will be damaged by this addition, according to William Shepard, a' University economics professor. Tappan Hall, located behind the Museum of Art, is the home of the University's History of Art department and one of the oldest buildings on cam- pus. SHEPERD CONTENDS that the new roof the University plans to build will detract from the structure's beauty which, he said, is important to the "quality of the campus." The roof is made of slate and its replacement would be of "plain old, cheap asphalt shingles," Sheperd said.' "That building with asphalt shingles would look like a bald man with a bad toupee," he added.. Construction has been halted tem- porarily on the roof and won't resume until the matter has been discussed at a meeting today, according to University Business Operations director John Weidenbach. TODAY AT 10 a.m. in 204 Tappan, a meeting will be held to see if there are any other options to be considered in repairing or replacing the roof. "We'll, explore their thoughts," Weidenbach said, even though he said he doubts that many alternatives exist. "The (new) roof will go up," Weiden- bach said, "Or the (present) roof will continue to leak." IT MAY BE too costly to replace the roof with the same type of materials that exist now, he said. "We don't have the money to do everything we'd like to," Weidenbach added. "Tappan is the last building of its vin- tage witha sloped slate roof," Sheperd said, adding that it is of "genuine historic importance" to maintain the original roof. Sheperd said the issue of historic value versus cost-efficiency will crop up again when the West Engineering Building's red tile roof has to be replaced. This situation is symbolic of the (vay the ,University handles such matters, he said. "'It's not quite as trivial as it seems," Sheperd said. ' ny Poto by IM HIL ASPHALT SHINGLES FOR Tappan Hall's new roof sit unused in front of the / historic building while faculty members and administrators discuss in a meeting today whether they will be used. :";x'U ;"'f:;o m m ittee;:;."::>f:,;}":r::;;.";;;;::x+f~::s"?:.;:;y counselinge The University's network of non-academic coun- seling services will undergo an assessment to deter- mine an appropriate review process, University of- ficials said yesterday. A small group of University personnel familiar with counseling services will be assembled within the next two weeks to conduct this study, according to Robert Sauve, assistant to Vice-President for Academic Affairs Bill Frye. SAUVE SAID THIS would be a "weird kind of review",because the University's counseling services are spread across so many different areas and depar- tments. The group will spend about a month looking over what they know about counseling in order to help determine a way to proceed with a review process. During thisjtime they will be compiling a sort of "in- ventory" of "what is going on" in the University's counseling services, the amount of money being spent and its uses and effectiveness. THE REVIEW'S objective is not just to slice budgets and save money, Sauve said. The group will also be trying to assess what is being done for studen- ts and determine whether it is being done properly and how it can be improved. "We don't know if any money can be saved," Sauve said. "Maybe we've got the right amount, maybe we need more." Director of University Counseling Services Harold Korn, said he was "looking forward" to the review because he doesn't anticipate any unusually large cutbacks. ti:{:?:"}; i:J}:;{{;;r} :ti{;tJ}:i>;;"}:ti}' a" :"}'"{t :: J'" 4,C;:;:;; v; i ,.v:y :{{:.;r "Y3:" :' "^:}:J:; 'vvy;' .:. ."v}.; ' {:, .;.E t;}.;::..:;v<" ;.;r::;:+:, :":.-.,." . c;..:. 2" :;:;>:vr ' .'" :}"'} "" "" {;; u C;; . ;rJ:,.,.., f :axxvx G i}.s .aa ::3X.C ': k" k' ;^ "a "'