The Michigan Daly Vol. XCI, No. 47-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 24, 1981 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages ma reduce '82 enrollment Daily rnOTo Dy KIM HILL Ann Arbor blaze A fire that broke out in'a home at 549 S. Division, yesterday, caused severe smoke and water damage. The fire began in the attic of the 100-year-old home and was caused by ; propane torch that was being used to loosen paint. See story, Page 3. By MARK GINDIN Daily staff writer As another step toward creating a "smaller but better" University, University officials may cut back future enrollments, President Harold Shapiro said yesterday. Shapiro said that while no plans have been finalized, the enrollment cutbacks could begin by the 1982-83 school year. The proposal to reduce enrollment "will receive careful consideration this fall," Shapiro said yesterday. Hopefully, action will be taken in time to affect incoming students in 1982, he said. VICE-PRESIDENT for Academic Af- fairs Bill Frye said that he and Shapiro have talked privately about the possibility of limiting enrollment in the future. However, no details have been worked out yet. "As retrenchment occurs, we must consider an enrollment reduction in or- der to preserve the quality of the in- stitution," Frye said. "It is a possibility that must be examined," he added. Eric Rabkin, associate dean for long- range planning in LSA, who said he has not been contacted about any cutbacks, said "my guess is the enrollment level will hold steady in the College." He noted that the faculty has voted previously not to decrease enrollment if it meant a lower quality institution. THE QUESTION of University retrenchment, making it smaller while preserving quality, was addressed by Shapiro. "We can't cut staff without cutting students as well," he said. Rabkin, however, said that in some cases, it is possible to reduce staff while keeping the same level of education. "The University could improve ef- ficiency" using ways that haven't been tested yet, he said. The nature of teaching, including the ratio of students to teachers, is "different for different classes," he added. If a decision was made to decrease enrollment, said Shapiro, it would come later in the school year after receiving "careful consideration this fall." IN AN INTERVIEW earlier this week, Shapiro said enrollment would be reduced by the fall of next year. "The premise is to cut enrollment," he said, retrenchment would have begun as a controlled reduction in various programs as the effects of the past year's budget-slashing moves wear off. Dean Dude rstadt ' confronts Engineering College's problems Shapiro ... discussing enrollment cutbacks Shapiro has also said the University would be in a state of controlled reduc- tion and redistribution of programs as part of his much-heralded "smaller but better" long-term strategy for the University. To date, enrollment cutbacks have not been proposed as an integral part of his program of development. THE SCHOOL of Engineering is already trimming its enrollments for the coming years, according to Dean James Duderstadt. Between 750 and 850 students are being admitted this year, which is less than one-fourth of the 5300 students presently enrolled in the college. An increase of 35 percent enrollment over the past five years has puta strain on resources at the college, and some sort of decrease in that figure seems necessary, he said. Other peer institutions have limited transfers rather than entering fresh- men, Duderstadt said, "and it is easier to concentrate on them at this point." Over 50 percent of the students in engineering are transfers, he said. Neither Duderstadt nor the LSA Dean Peter Steiner had heard of any plans by the University to reduce overall enrollment. "There has been no word from the administration" about any reduction, Steiner said. Any such decision would require consultations between the deans and the ad- ministration before action could be taken, he explained. By DAN OBERROTMAN Daily staff writer After two months in office, Dean James Duderstadt feels he has the problems confronting the College of Engineering pinned down, and is "brainstorming" solutions, whether it's on ways to keep faculty members from leaving for higher paying outside jobs, or improving the isolated feelings many engineering students experience. Through soliciting the advice of both faculty members and students, Duder. stadt hopes to "establish an environ- ment you need for excellence." THE ENGINEERING College is currently facing an 18 percent decline in real financial resources, according to Duderstadt. Enrollment is up by 35 per- cent, but the number of faculty mem- bers has fallen by 12 to 20 percent., Duderstadt blames the college's financial problems on University policy. He said that the college adds $121/ million to the University's General Fund-$7 million from student tuition and $51/2 million from money generated by the faculty. However, Duderstadt said the Engineering College only received $11 million from the University this year, not including building use and similar benefits. "What we're after essentially is more control, and to show to our faculty that they'll get more control-more say in what happens to the dollars they generate-that will in turn give them the incentive to greatly expand it," Duderstadt said. See ENGIN, Page5