Vol. XCI, No. 46-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 23, 1981
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Israeli jets
hit uerrilla
supply routes
From A?and UPi would have no impact on world oil sup
->U.S.-made Israeli warplanes struck plies.
twice across the border yesterday, ISRAEL SAID its jets returned safely
bombing Lebanon's main oil pipeline from hitting trails the guerrillas cut
and hitting Arab guerrilla bases in through the hills to move weapons and
southern Lebanon after Palestinians men around southern Lebanon
again rocketed Israeli border set- Lebanese authorities said the jets latei
tdements. flew a second raid, setting new fires af
In Israel, Prime Minister Menachem the Zahrani oil refinery 28 miles north
Begin toured northern border towns to of the border. Israel denied it.
boost morale among frontier settlers U.N. spokesman Samir Sanbar saic
N after 13 days of Palestinian shelling the Israelis fired 596 artillery rounds at
s from Lebanon. guerrilla positions in southern Lebanon
Preliminary reports said at least 25
people were killed and 30 wounded in
Israeli raids near Tyre on the seventh
straight day of such strikes. There were
no reports of Israeli casualties.
Lebanon's state-run National news
agency said the extent of damage
caused by the Israeli pipeline attack
was not immediately clear, but confir-
med "the oil tanks at the refinery and
the main Tapline Trans ,Arabian
pipeline have been hit."
The pipeline, which provides the
country with a large part of its oil sup-
plies, comes from Saudi Arabia. But
U.S. oil analysts said the bombing of
Tapline, which has been operating on
an irregular basis in recent years,
yesterday, while the Palestinians fired
164 rounds and 57 Soviet-made
Katyusha rockets into a dozen towns in
northern Israel, and that the barrages
continued at sunset.
ROCKETS slammed into Kiryat Sh-
mona in the Galilee panhandle a half-
hour before Begin's morning visit, and
while he was in coastal Nahariya sirens
wailed and loudspeakers broadcast a
warning to get into shelters.
"Morale is the crucial factor," the 67-
year-old prime minister said in
Nahariya. "As long as morale is
preserved, everything will be all
IN KIRYAT Shmona he declared:
"There will be a day when Katyushas
See ISRAELI, Page5
Daily Photo by KIM HILL
Upbeat at the Art Fair
These drummers on the Diag are one of many musical groups roaming the
area during the Ann Arbor Art Fair. For stories on students in the Art Fair,
and a local potter, see Page 3.
CEis1PULTER come into classroom
Daily staff writer
Everyone knows engineers use com-
puters, but imagine a history class in
which a battle between a Roman army
and various Teutonic tribes is enacted
on a computer. Or perhaps an an-
thropology class in which the population
structure of a primitive hunting society
is "grown" with the aid of a computer.
Computers are coming into the
classroom. Computer manufacturers
have teamed up with such popular tex-
tbook publishers as McGraw-Hill Inc.,
and Scott, Foresman & Co., to produce
educational software for use of tex-
books. One computer manufacturing
official estimated that computer sof-
tware will eventually complement a full
95 percent of the textbooks in use, ac-
cording to a recent report in The Wall
Street Journal.
research scientist at the University's
Center for Research on Learning and
Teaching (CRLT), the home-size
microcomputer and its uses will be an
"ordinary" resource in the future.
Aid scholars in Latin,
history, even English
"We should be anticipating a time
when nearly all college students and
faculty members do computing and
handle information in a familiar and
personal way."
But the replacement of a teacher with
a computer is "not a likely outcome,"
said Zinn.
STUDENTS ARE motivated to learn
using media other than the computer
more efficiently, said Zinn, who added
there are many functions a teacher can
do which a computer can't - such as
recognizing patterns in learning over
time and the fatigue and emotions of
the student.
"Students will need a teacher, but
less as a source of factual and
organized knowledge than as a mentor
in the processing of information and the
forming of value judgements," said
Stanford Ericksen, founder of CRLT, in
his memo to Faculty.
STUDENTS OF all disciplines will be
able to work with computers. There is
already a University English course en-
titled "Literary Uses of the Computer,"
and the space age technology of the
computer is even being applied to the
Glen Knudsvig, an associate
professor of Latin, said his department
is hoping to incorporate computer-
assisted instruction into elementary
Latin classes by next year.
"The initial stages will be centered on
drills, exercises, and self-tests," said
AT THE FLINT branch of the
University, Prof. Robert Schafer uses
the same computer methods in his
History of Western Civilization class.
Among the 19 exercises written in
FORTRAN, there is a game designed to
illuminate the Industrial Revolution,
and a problem-solving exercise based
on Jeremy Bentham's late 18th century
"felicific calculus of Pleasures and
Erickson said there are four basic
teaching responsibilities which can
never be supplanted by computers:
* Teachers must guide students in
scanning and selecting from multiple
sources of information which will be in
the computer's memory. They must
advise the students "which buttons to
r The value judgements expressed
and exercised by the teacher will
always be necessary since "infor-
mation is neutral and technology is
amoral, but how they are used is not."
" The methods and techniques of
problem-solving will continue to be a
difficult topic of teacher instruction.
Students must comprehend the logic
behind specific procedures and to learn