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May 08, 1981 - Image 20

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Michigan Daily, 1981-05-08

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Page 20

Friday, May 8, 1981

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Blue hoping to 'net' 14th straight


" The Michigan men's tennis team
has won 25 conference titles in 71 years
and has not lost a Big Ten Champion-
ship since 1967.
" The conference-leading Wolverines
are currently undefeated in Big Ten
play this season.
" Three Michigan netters, Michael
Leach, Matt Horwitch and Mark Mees
currently hold Big Ten championship
singles titles.
Today Michigan will be shooting
for its 14th consecutive conference
crown when it hosts the Big Ten Cham-
pionship Tournament. The meet runs
through Sunday at the varsity courts
outside the Track and Tennis building.
"This event is a showcase of the
finest tennis players in the nation," said
Michigan head coach Brian Eisner.
"We will be defending our champion-
ship against some pretty fierce com-
petition, but I think we can come up on
Three teams, Minnesota, North-
western and Ohio State are considered
Michigan's strongest obstacles in its

pursuit of the 1981 Big Ten title, accor-
ding to Eisner. But all three teams have
fallen to the Wolverines this season in
addition to suffering at least one other
Big Ten defeat.
"The injury factor has posed a real
problem in these teams' dual meet
records this season," said Eisner. "For
example, Mike Balkin of Northwestern
was out of two weeks during which his
team fell to Ohio State and Iowa.
Everyone will be back in the line-up."
Michigan's Leach who is currently
undefeated this season with 21 straight
victories, will be seeking his second
consecutive singles crown. Last year,
Leach, who is the tournament's top
seeded player, dethroned then Big Ten
singles champion Ernie Fernandez of
Ohio State in a close, three set, 5-2
tie-breaking victory. Fernandez, who
lost this season to Michigan's Mark
Mees, will be attempting to reclaim the
title he won as a freshman.
In addition, the number one singles
player from Northwestern, either Paul
Wei or Mike Balkin, could be a factor in
the race for the title, said Eisner.

"Mike has had just an excellent year
with his 21-0 record," said Eisner.
"Fernandez, who will probably prove to
be his stiffest competition, sports a 19-6
season record. I am very confident that

Horwitch will look to capture his four-
th consecutive second doubles cham-
pionship. Only one other recent netter,
Michigan's Jack Nienken, has held
such a record with four consecutive
titles at the fifth and sixth singles slot.
"There are a host of superior tennis
players at the number two slot," said
Eisner. "Both Ohio State and Min-
nesota are sure to present formidable
competition. Matt definitely has the
capability to come out on top but he
does have his work cut out for him."
Mark Mees will also be defending his
title at the number three singles spot.
Mees, who won the title last year as a
freshman, has a 16-5 record this season.
Horwitch and Leach will attempt to
repeat as Big Ten champions in first
doubles. The duo is 15-3 overall this
"There are at least four very good
doubles teams," said Eisner. "Because
of the fast type of play which occurs in
doubles, there are more chances for up-
sets. A ecou le of kv zhntz aicdd



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Eisner serves here and there could grab the
... assesses Big Ten tourney title for an underdog."
Rockets top Celtics
BOSTON (AP)-Moses Malone, Houston's dominating center, scored 31 points to
lead the Rockets to a 92-90 upset of the Boston Celtics last night, tying the National
Basketball Association championship series at one victory apiece.
The Celtics held an 82-75 edge with 7:09 to play, but were limited to just eight
points the rest of the way as the Rockets rallied to win. Houston outscored Boston
22-8 from the foul line, getting 11 of those free throws from Malone.
The next two games of the best-of-seven playoff final will be pla'yed in Houston
tomorrow and Sunday afternoons.
The victory broke Boston's 14-game winning streak against the Rockets, a string
dating back to Dec. 12, 1978.
Despite committing 12 turnovers and being outscored 12-1 from the foul line, the
Celtics held a 49-45 halftime advantage on the strength of 62 percent field goal
shooting compared to 33 percent by the Rockets.
Reynolds released
The Los Angeles Rams have released starting middle linebacker Jack Reynolds
as a result of their inability to sign him to a contract. Reynolds is the second star-
ting linebacker that the Rams have not been able to come to terms with this year.
Outisde linebacker Bob Brudzinski walked out on the team after nine games last
year. He was traded to Miami last month.
The Rams' first round draft choice this year was Mel Owens, an outside
linebacker out of Michigan. According to a Ram spokesman, a decision will be
made during an upcoming mini camp as to whether Owens will remain at outside
linebacker or move to the inside. Other possibilities include second round draft
choice Jim Collins (Syracuse) and veteran Carl Ekern.
Women netters travel to MSU
The Michigan women's tennis team will compete today in the SMAIAW tour-
nament in East Lansing. The Wolverines, who hope to defend the title they won last
year, will encounter CentralMichigan, Western Michigan, and the host team,
Michigan State.
Michigan enters the meet with a 13-6 record. The winner of the meet will qualify
for the regionals with the second place team possibly being selected.
Woody hospitalized at OSU
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)-Former Ohio State University football Coach Woody
Hayes was a patient in the school's hospital complex yesterday after admitting
himself the day before.
Officials at University Hospital would not disclose the nature of his illness. The
confirmed, however, that Hayes admitted himself at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Hayes suffered a heart attack in June 1974.






MOSES MALONE OF THE Houston Rockets, center, prepares to go up
against Rick Robey, left, and Larry Bird, right, both of the Boston Celtics
during the first quarter of NBA championship play last night at the Boston
Garden. Malone's 31 points helped the Rockets even the best-of-seven series
at one game apiece with a 92-90 win.
American League
Oakland5. Detroit3 Mta . 5 e
Torono6, clevelando 2Cincinnati 3. Pittsburgh I
Nationa League NBA Playoffs
HousonN6hiagoHouston 92, Boston 91
Los Angees2.Phliadelphi aISeries ted. i-i


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