The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 15, 1981-Page 9 t4;4 Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM THE UNIVERSITY'S EXTENSION Service (foreground) faces a budget cut of nearly 90 percent, partly as the result of a special committee's recommendation (background) to eliminate the program entirely. Haig promises new Soviet deal Extension Service suffers cuts (Continued from Page 1) concepts such as 'central to the Univer- sity of Michigan mission' what were never defined." They acted in "near total ignorance" of the situation and the service, he ad- ded. "IT WAS A bad, bad report," he said. Schultz added, however, that he feels the present budget committee, under Frye, is "much more informed." The director of Saginaw's center, which will be gone as of September 30th, John Benjamin, said the commit- tee's charges that the service isn't cost effective were false. "Indeed, we proved that we are cost effective," he said. He added that the charges that the. quality of the programs was not high was unfair. He said that accusation was a charge against the Ann Arbor faculty, because they conduct many of the programs. BENJAMIN, WHO has been with the University for 32 years, said, "It was a shock to me when the subcommittee report came out." He said that persons living outstate will suffer. The director of the Grand Rapids cen- ter, Leonard Rowe, said he was critical of the press release sent to program staff members informing them of the official cut. He said the release was stated in "antiseptic terms." "The realities are not evident in a press release," Rowe said, adding that he felt the cuts show that "off-campus learning is not zealously promoted by the University." HE ADDED, however, that he doesn't believe "the extraction of the Univer- sity (from Grand Rapids) will affect education in Grand Rapids. The University's role has been rather small." In Detroit, Schultz said the Rackham Building won't be closed, but that staff members are no longer pushing the notion of a graduate center. NEW YORK (AP)-Secretary of State Alexander Haig Jr. flatly denied yesterday that the administration is dragging its feet on arms control, and declared instead a resolve to strike a deal with the Soviets which "truly strengthens international security." "The charge that we are not in- terested in arms control or that we have cut off communications with the Soviets on these issues is simply not true," he said. He added he has a "broad agen- da" in mind for talks to begin in November. BUT HAIG linked any reduction in the weapons race to Moscow's behavior, saying, "Soviet international conduct directly affects the prospects for success'." Any other approach, he said, "ends up by saying that in order to preserve arms control, we have to tolerate Soviet aggression. This ad- ministration will never accept such an appalling conclusion." Haig's remarks, clearly part of the administration's new drive to demon- strate it has a comprehensive foreign policy, came in an address to the Foreign Policy Association. The secretary was the target of hecklers shouting "Money for jobs, not war. U.S. out of El Salvador," as he began his speech, and officials removed one protester from the hall. "WITH A CLEAR sense of direction and a dedication to the serious objec- tives of arms control, this ad- ministration will strive to make arms control succeed," Haig said. But he said the United States will also insist on building up its military strength. "It is one of the paradoxes of our time that the prospects for arms control depend upon the achievement of a balance of arms." Haig said negotiations won't work if they are "dominated by pious hopes and simplistic solutions." HE SAID THE paramount aim of arms control "must be to reduce the risk of war." To that end, he said, the administration has adopted a "realistic set of principles to guide a more effec- tive approach to arms control." They are: * Arms control efforts will be an in- strument of, not a replacement for, a coherent allied security policy. * Agreements should "truly enhance security." * Negotiations should take into con- sideration "the whole context of Soviet conduct world-wide." " Agreements must be balan- ced-"the Soviet Union must be more willing in the future to accept genuine parity for arms control to move ahead." * Agreements must include effective means of verification and mechanisms for securing compliance. " All Arms control processes and weapons systems must be taken into account in negotiations even when not the subject of negotiations. Haig said the administration is pur- suing a "broad agenda" of specific ar- ms control efforts. The United States hopes to begin formal negotiations with the Soviet Union by mid-November, he said, on ways of controlling deployment of medium-range nuclear missiles in Europe. DAILY CLASSIFIEDSj (Contiued irom Page s LIVE IN LUXURY! 3 rooms available for summer AIRLINE TICKET TO L.A. August 11. $100 Call 822- sublet in beautiful home on Greenwood. House has 8660or821-9493. 41P0718 fantastic sun deck, big modern kitchen, 2 baths. washer, dryer, garage, fully furnished ... SUBL ET everything ! Give us a call at 996-9470. dUtc AVERY GODFREY now look what you have done! Sublet for (August. Air-conditioned apartment, near You have WON free tickets to the State 1-2-3-4 campus. Call 9944581 and ask for Mark. dU0801 Theatres. dU0715 DIK ES, SCOOTERS Room in house to sublet for June, July and August. Sunny with many mindows and private entrance. Washer, dryer, piano, and close to campus. Cal Sill, $20 OFF ON ANY USED BIKE IN STOCK with this evening until 10. 995-2759. dUtc ad only. 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