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May 08, 1981 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-05-08

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Daily-Friday, May 8, 1981-Page 15
(Continued from Page 1)
Funding for a program to lure more
movie productions to Michigan is con-
tained in the $16.7 million supplemental
appropriations bill for the current fiscal
year signed by Milliken.
The measure also contains $1.5
million to reimburse local governments
for the legally embattled Proposal A
verification program as well as $3.4
million for last year's presidential
MILLIKEN VETOED A $2,500 grant
for the American cadet training
program at Northern Michigan Univer-
sity, $73,000 for labor education at the
school, a $73,000 grant for renovation
of the Ernest Ford recreational center
in Highland Park, and $5,000 for the
secretary of state's office rent.
Milliken called the cadet training ef-
fort an inappropriate use of law enfor-
cement resources and said he disap-
proves of single purpose grants such as
the one for the labor program. Local
support would be more appropriate for
the recreational center in Highland
Park, he said.
Also signed by Milliken was a $35.9
million budget funding computer
operations in the 1981-82 fiscal year.
University officials said the final ap-
proval on the legislation comes as no
surprise. Officials said that they are
pleased with the appropriation, which
is almost identical to that initially
recommended to the legislature by the
Both University and state officials
have warned in the past, however, that
the 12 percent increase in funds will be
reduced by an executive order Milliken
is expected to issue before the budget
takes effect Oct. 1.

Dawn treader
Fishermen ease their way across Tappan Lake in Harrison County, Ohio, as the dawn lights up a mist over the lake on a
recent Spring morning.
Sunday elections urged
WASHINGTON (AP)-Encouraged by three men who won The idea of shifting election day to Sunday is that
or lost the nation's highest office on a Tuesday, proponents of Americans would find it easier to vote on what is, for most, a
Sunday elections have told Congress that the shift, possibly day off. An alternative plan, sponsored by Rep. Cecil Heftel
coupled with a ban on media projections, could help reverse (D-Hawaii) would make the current election day, the
the dismal turnout of the electorate. Tuesday after the first Monday in November, a national
Rep. Mario Biaggi (D-N.Y.) teamed with Sen. S.I. holiday. Both approaches also call for uniform poll closing
Hayakawa (R-Calif.) in advancing a number of proposed times.
federal election changes to the Senate Rules Committee Nixon wrote that the "suggestion with regard to Sunday
yesterday. Biaggi produced letters from former presidents voting has a great deal of merit. Constructive steps that can
Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter, each of be taken to increase voter turnout should receive very
whom embraced the merit of Sunday voting. serious consideration."
BUT HAYAKAWA'S proposed added step of barring vic- Ford said: "You make a most persuasive case for
tory projections or the airing of any results until all polls are legislative action ... to increase voter participation." Carter
closed drew opposition of representatives from the three wrote that "I agree ... that declining voter participation is a
major commercial television networks. They contended such great danger facing our nation and we must address ways to
reporting does not affect the turnout in Western states. reverse the trend ... I believe your proposal has merit.",
Search continues for
plane crash victims
WALKERSVILLE, Md. (AP)-Air "premature" to speculate on the cause
Force crews searched a remote barley of the crash Wednesday morning. But
field yesterday for the last of 21 people sabotage had not been ruled out, he
who died Wednesday when a missile- said. The FBI was involved in the in-
tracking jet ona training flight blew up vestigation only on a routine basis, he .
and crashed, scattering documents and added.
"The main effort going on right now THE AREA remained cordoned off,
is to identify the cadavers or part of and the air space around the crash site
cadavers," Air Force Brig. Gen. Peter will remain closed until military planes
Odgers said yesterday at a news con- have completed their aerial survey of
ference at the site. the crash scene, Odgers said.
THE FAA SAID yesterday the CE- All those aboard the $50 million ad-
135N aircraft was flying at more than vanced-range instrumentation aircraft
28,000 feet when it disappeared from were killed in the crash, which oc-
radar in the Washington Air Traffic curred about a mile from this western y
Control Center. Maryland community of 8,000, said Air me e"
Three of the victims were believed to Force Maj. William Campbell. WITH 2 FOR
be civilians, and two of those three were Officials said 20 bodies, many
wives of crewmen, he said. The women dismembered, were found before the BEGINNING AT
were aboard as part of a program search was called off for the night. But
acquainting them with their spouses' Odgers said "none of the bodies was in- THE FLEA
work. tact," and there was confusion about
Odgers, interim head of the board in- exactly how many bodies were * ***** * * .
vestigating the crash, said it was recovered.

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