Page 12-Friday May 8, 1981-The Michigan Daily
Bomb kills 3 Spanish officers
From AP and UPI
MADRID (AP)-Two terrorists on a
motorbike pulled alongside an army
car yesterday, placed a bomb on its
roof, and sped off as it exploded,
seriously wounding the military ad-
viser to King Juan Carlos, killing three
officers, and injuring more than a
dozen other people. Police said Basque
separatists claimed responsibility.
The blast, which rattled windows five
stories up in a fashionable shopping
district, came 48 hours after the
assassination of a Spanish general and
three policemen. Angry Spaniards
pushed past police lines and shouted for
a military takeover and the freeing of
Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero, who led the
Feb. 23 attempted coup by Spain's
paramilitary Civil Guard.
THE BASQUE separatist guerrilla
organization ETA claimed respon-
sibility for the bombing attacks in
telephone calls to several newspapers,
and Prime Minister Calvo Sotelo sum-
moned his joint chiefs of staff into
emergency session.
Within hours of the bombing,
Madrid's military commander ordered
all troops confined to barracks, fearing
another attack by the terrorists who
Police said the assailants pulled up to
the car at a red traffic light, tossed a
shopping bag carrying the explosive on
its roof and sped off as the blast ripped
the car apart and set it aflame.
LT. GEN. JOAQUIN de Valenzuela,
the 68-year-old military adviser to the
king, was seriously wounded but was
expected to recover after three hours of
stomach surgery, officials said.
The blast instantly killed the
general's military driver, Manuel
Rodriquez Taboada, his bodyguard, Lt.
Antonio Noguera, and an aide, Lt. Col.
Guillermo Tevar.
It was the second terrorist attack this
Rather says he
NEW YORK (AP)--Dan Rather says he knew he'd feel
pressure to maintain the CBS "Evening News" audience as
Walter Cronkite's successor, but he adds, "I had no idea it
was going to be what it was.
"In human terms, nobody can see and hear that much writ-
ten and said about himself, and not be aware of it," Rather
said in an interview in his ninth week as anchorman.
"I DO WORRY some because so much attention is given to
the superficial aspects of broadcasting-who's up and who's
down," Rather said. "All that counts, but is far less impor-
tant than maintaining a standard of good, solid journalism."
The pressure, Rather said, has been from the outside, the
media in particular, as well as the opposition, and not from
his bosses at CBS. Each of the competing networks repor-
tedly has spent at least $1 million promoting its own evening
newscast since Cronkite's departure.
In the two months since Cronkite's departure, the com-
feels pressured
peting networks have gained slightly on CBS, long the front-
runner in ratings for its evening news show.
THERE IS SOME question, however, whether the shift in
viewer preference is a result of disaffection with Rather or of
the extraordinary promotion for ABC's "World News
Tonight" and "Nightly News" on NBC.
"It appears Rather is changing viewing habits," said Paul
Isacsson, CBS vice president for sales, "and what I think
you're seeing is viewers looking around, and most of- them
coming back to CBS."
When Reagan was shot outside the Hilton Hotel in
Washington, ABC-the dominant network during the after-
noon with its soap-opera lineup-inherited a huge built-in
National ratings for the assassination coverage, however,
showed CBS with 33 percent of the audience from 3-9 p.m.
EDT, to 30 percent for ABC.
week against security forces and came
10 weeks after the abortive right-wing
coup. Communist guerrillas killed a
general and three policemen Monday.
GOVERNMENT sources said the
Cabinet, which two months ago sent
crack army units to patrol the Basque
border with France, might impose har-
sh new anti-terrorist measures today.
The bombing raised Spain's death toll
from political violence this year to 25,
including 10 military men since a Feb.
23 coup attempt.
Police fanned out through the capital
and took specially trained dogs on a
fruitless search of the Retiro Park
where the combers abandoned their red
EVEN THE medical staff attending
the wounded general at a Madrid
hospital were searched.
As a weeping Queen Sofia visited the
wounded, right-wing extremists
shouting for a new military rebellion
marched across Madrid to army
"Democracy kills!" they shouted,
urging the army to seize power, and
called "Franco, Franco, Franco," in
memory of Spanish dictator Francisco
Franco who died in 1975.
The protesters also denounced King
Juan Carlos, whose support for
democracy helped stave off the Feb. 23
coup attempt. %
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