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June 20, 1981 - Image 14

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-06-20

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Pade 1A4Satrda June 20, 1981-The Mithigan Daily
Baseball strike goes on and on as


negotiations flounder and fizzle
NEW YORK (AP)-Talks broke off in long waiting game." players' bargaining team was frustrated.
the week-old major league baseball strike Mark Belanger, player representative of the "We asked if they had any questions or
yesterday and federal mediator Kenneth Baltimore Orioles, said the two sides had been areas to discuss in the proposals on the
together for only about 10 minutes. said. "They said, 'No, we have nothing for:
Moffett said no future negotiations were "The atmosphere was sullen," he said. "Until something is forthcoming from t
set. RAY GREBEY, chief management negotiator, we're willing to meet, but there are
Representatives of the two sides met with Moffett said: "Obviously, negotiations were very brief and no scheduled meetings."
for less than 90 minutes with no progress reported. progress was made. This is a difficult issue to ALSO REPRESENTATING the players
"WE'RE STALEMATED," said Moffett. "It's ab- negotiate and we will continue to work on it." were Belanger, Rusty Staub of the NewI
solutely useless to keep them here if there's nothing Moffett, also involved in the talks aimed at heading Steve Rogers of the Montreal Expos and T
to talk-about." off a threatened strike by air traffic controllers, said of the Cincinnati Reds.
Asked about the possibility of round-the-clock there was no way he would call any baseball talks "We feel the whole situation is orchesi
negotiations, Moffett said there would be none. over the weekend. organized," Belanger said. "We've made
"When you do that, there are signs, nuances, in- "It's futile and stupid going through the charade of proposals to meet their stated objectives
dications that there is some willingness to make some getting together on a regular basis with no been turned down. We're tired of that."
moves and bargaining can go forward," he said. movement," he said. "I'd like to say something construct
"I SEE NONE of that here. I see a waiting game, a BOB BOONE of the Philadelphia Phillies, the Seaver, "but the position Ray Grebey to
National Lea ue nla err resntative s id that th solutely destructive."

table," he
he owners,
no other
York Mets,
om Seaver
trated and
and we've
ive," said
kes is ab-



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Simmons leaves
track leacy

Daily sports writer
Women's track and cross-country
coach Ken "Red" Simmons, a
prominent figure in Michigan women's
track since the early 60's, has retired
from the helm of Michigan's program,
but his legacy will remain intact with
the appointment of Francea Kraker
Goodridge to replace him.
Goodridge, a member of the U.S.
Olympic team in 1968 and 1972, was one
of the first athletes Simmons coached
when he became actively involved with
women's track in the Ann Arbor area in
standing eompetitive record during her
career, winning numerous national
championships and setting a world
record for the 600-yard run. She shared
the spotlight with Francie Larrieu and
Doris Brown Heritage as one of the
United States' premier middle distance
runners during the late 60's and early
A coach of proven abilities,
Goodridge most recently coached the
East Lansing High School girl's track

team (which won the Capitol Area Con-
ference meet and the regional cham-
pionship) and has been serving as the
assistant cross-country coach at
Michigan State.
Many of the women's track and cross-
country programs in the state today
owe much to Simmons, whose
pioneering efforts spanned two
decades. Simmons' Michigammes club
produced many nationally ranked
competitors, and his efforts on behalf of
the sport had much to do with the adop-
tion of women's track asa varsity sport
at many Michigan high schools and at
the University.
It seems fitting that Simmons' last
'season as a U-M coach should see
discus thrower Penny Neer become
Michigan's first woman track All-
American, as she finished fifth at the
AIAW national meet. Neer and two
other Michigan athletes coached by
Simmons - 10,000 meter runner
Melanie Weaver and javelin thrower
Debbie Williams - will be par-
ticipating in the Track Athletics
Congress (TAC) championship meet at
Sacramento, California this weekend.

Ar rhoto
THE NEW YORK Yankees' Reggie Jackson takes batting practice in an in-
formal workout with some Oakland A's players at Danville high school as
baseball strike talks broke off yesterday. Danville is near Jackson's home in

Sizzling TAC meet gets underway
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Her- Heisman Trophy balloting, was timed Rome Sept. 4-6 and for the American taglia, who had occupied the post tem-
schel Walker, the celebrated University in 10.67 seconds while running into a squad that will face the Soviet Union in porarily since December.
of Georgia football star, won his 100- strong headwind. Lewis was timed in a dual meet July 10-11 at Leningrad. Manetta, 26, moves from assistant
meter heat yesterday in the U.S.A. 10.72, goodfor second place. In a 1,500-meter qualifier for athletic director at Fordham Univer-
Mobil Outdoor Track and Field Cham- BOTH QUALIFIED for . Saturday's tomorrow night's final, Tom Byers, the sity in New York City.
pionships, beating Carl Lewis, who has semi-finals, as did defending champ 1974 Big Ten Conference Champion Weaver wants Cooney
run 10.00 this year, in 100-degree heat at Stanley Floyd and James Sanford, the from Ohio State, had the fastest time, LOS ANGELES (AP) - World
Hughes Stadium. top-ranked sprinter in the world in 1979. 3:40.14, in the three heats. Boxing Association heavyweight
Walker, the All-American tailback Most of yesterday's long session was Steve Scott, the three-time national champion Mike Weaver plans to fight
and third-place finisher in the 1980 devoted to heats and qualifying with champion, and Sydney Marec, the 1981 Gerry Cooney next and ignore the
only three women's finals scheduled - NCAA champion, finished one-two in WBA's demand that he defend his title
TONIGH Tin the 10,000 meters, the 3,200-meter their heats, with Scott winning in a slow against James Tillis.
relay and the 5,000-meter walk. 3:46.44. Weaver was told by the WBA that he
SThirteen finals will be held today with had until today to sign for a fight again-
PRESENTSt w DePaul names AD st Tillis. If he should refuse, the WBA
THE LOO K THE TOP American finishers in each CHICAGO (AP) - DePaul Univer- would auction the rights to such a fight
-5 event will be eligible for the U.S. team sity on Thursday named Ed Manetta as to the highest bidder. If Weaver refuses
that will compete in World Cup III in athletic director, replacing Vince Bat- that, he would be stripped of the title.



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