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June 18, 1981 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-06-18

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 18, 1981--Page 9
Nuclear submarine launched
GROTON, Conn. (UPI) - Anti- Block Island Sound and the Atlantic Eastern Point. Administration sources said the spy
nuclear protesters and cheering sailors Ocean. The Navy said Adm. Hyman G. ship Ekwator apparently planned to use
yesterday sent the Navy's mightiest TWO PROTESTERS, who dove into Rickover, the 81-year-old father of the its sophisticated equipment to monitor
underwater warship off on its first sea the chilly water and swam to the nuclear Navy, would direct the three- The hia rrie 1cem.
trials in waters closely monitored by a shipyard in an attempt to block the day North Atlantic sea trials of the 560- The Ohio carried 154 crew membes
Soviet spy ship. , maiden voyage of the massive missile- foot, 18,700-ton ship, which cost more and about 50 Electric Boat Division and
The nation's first Trident submarine, firing warship, were arrested. than $1.2 billion. Navy officials. A 251-foot submarie
the USS Ohio, was escorted from its Some 50 anti-nuclear demonstrators, CONCERN OVER the delayed sea rescue ship was to escort it through the
construction berth at the Electric Boat softly singing peace songs, lined a trials heightened when a Soviet in- trials, the Navy said.
Division of General Dynamics Corp. at nearby beach and competed with some telligence vessel, posing as a fishing The Ohio, nearly the length of two
the break of dawn and knifed through 50 sailors and shipyard workers ship, was sighted off Long Island in football fields, carries 24 missiles that
the fog-shrouded Thames River toward cheering and applauding as the looming waters the Ohio must pass to reach the are each capable of hitting targets
black silhouette of the Ohio passed North Atlantic. 4,000 nautical miles away.

Six years,
needed to
close defense,
spending gap
with Soviets
Secretary Caspar Weinberger
estimated yesterday it could take more
than six years to "close the gap in
military investment" between the
United States and the Soviet Union.
Weinberger warned in a speech
before the Council on Foreign Relations
in New York that the Soviets may con-
tinue to outspend the United States in
acquiring new arms "even with the
vitally needed larger defense budget"
proposed by the Reagan ad-
"SHOULD THE Soviet Union con-
tinue to igcrease its military budget at
the present rate while our defense
spending shows a real growth of 7 per-
cent as proposed, we would not com-
pletely close the gap in military in-
vestment until beyond the year 1987,"
Weinberger said.
Six weeks after replacing the Carter
administration, President Reagan
proposed a $32.6 billion surge in the
Pentagon's budget for fiscal 1981-82.
The new administration has argued
that this record boost for a new regime
was a necessary start on overcoming
what it claimed was more than a
decade of neglect of U.S. defenses while
the Soviet Union was advancing in
military power across a broad front.
Weinberger estimated that Russia in-
vested more than $355 billion on defense
than did the United States over the past
10 years.
In his New York Speech, Weinberger
took not of criticisms that "we are sim-
ply spending more money without new
concepts or an overall strategic
He claimed that the new ad-
ministration acted with "a combination
of a sense of urgency and a sense of
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