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June 11, 1981 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1981-06-11

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The ichianDaily
Vol. XCI, No. 26-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday. June 11, 1981 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
US. suspends
shimen o
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From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - The Reagan ad-
ministration suspended yesterday the
pending shipment of four sophisticated
F-16 jet fighters to Israel after deter-
mining that the Isiaeli attack on an
Iraqi nuclear power plant may have
violated a U.S.-Israeli agreement.
Reagan believes the use of American-
made planes in the attack Sunday may
have constituted a "substantial
violation" of the agreement limiting
their use to self-defense, Secretary of
State Alexander Haig said in a letter to
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Chairman Charles Percy, (R-Ill.).
secretary Larry Speakes said
President Reagan, whom he earlier
described as "shocked" at Israel's
destruction of the reactor on Sunday,
"personally approved the text of the
Israeli Ambassador Ephraim Evron
issued a statement expressing "deep
regret and disappointment at the ad-
ministration's decision." He said it was
"unjust because Israel acted in self
defense against an implacable enemy
whose president declared time and
again that his objective is to destroy
Evron met with Haig at the State

Department about an hour before the
decision was announced.
HAIG SAID the administration would
consider Israel's contention in its
review, but "in responding to this in-
cident we will make clear the
seriousness with which we view the
obligations of foreign countries to ob-
serve scrupulously the terms and con-
ditions under which the United States
furnishes defense articles and defense
Israel was scheduled to take
possession of four more F-16s Friday at
the General Dynamics plant in Texas.
Of the 75 it had on order, 53 already
have been delivered and the remaining
22 were to he readyby November.
A spokesman for Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin said after
hearing of Washington's decision, "We
have at this time only one comment and
that is no comment. We can't say
anything until we have all the details."
,THE SPOKESMAN, Uri Porath, ad-
ded that Israel had not yet received of-
ficial notification of the U.S. decision.
With elections for Parliament 20 days
away, Prime Minister Menachem
Begin and his main challenger, Shimon
Peres, clashed sharply yesterday over
Israel's attack on Iraq's nuclear reac-

Canine crasher
When Lady crashed Gari Lee and Emmy Lou Cook's going-away party at
Stone Dr. play area, she got more attention than she planned on from their

DIT closing causes legal battle

Daily staff writer
When administrators of the Detroit
Institute of Technology, citing declining
enrollment and a shrinking budget, an-
nounced they would close the 104-year-
old Institute, several students launched
a legal battle against DIT, charging its
administrators with ineffective
management and racism.
The first day of the legal battle ended
in a Detroit court yesterday, with the
matter still unresolved and the promise
of more legal dogfights next week.
IN THEIR suit against DIT, the five
students claim the Institute is closing
its doors-not because of dire financial
straits-but rather because the school's
administrators are no longer interested
in operating the Institute in an inner-
city area-with an increasingly black
student population.
"I think it's (the suit is) an emotional

Students launch fight
against administrators

reaction," said DIT President Robert
Ellis. "People want to find a way to
keep the school open, and this will make
people look twice."
However, Mary Rivers, director of
DIT Student Activities thinks the
students have a legitimate grievance.
"DIT's never done a feasibility study to
say that the school does not have the
resources to continue," she said.
ACCORDING TO Rivers, a 'financial
statement was released in the
president's report to the DIT Board of
Trustees, but it was done without the.
benefit of financial statements from

DIT'sown accounting firm.
Ellis explained that the Institute has
been audited but that such a procedure
takes time. Though a financial report
was issued after the Board made its
decision, all the necessary information
was available before, the president
noted, adding that, "Nothing in the
report refers to financial statements."
THE REPORT outlines the numerous
problems DIT has had to face. By the
mid-1970s, student population was 40
percent foreign, and financial support
from the business and industry sector
was dwindling. Enrollment continued

to drop in the 1980-81 academic year
from about MO0 to 650 students due
primarily to the loss of foreign studen-
ts, especially from Iran. Eighty percent
of DIT's foreign students are Iranian.
The increasing reliance on foreign
students - especially Iranian - and
the resulting dramatic decline in
enrollment when Iranian students
began to drop out and leave for home
after the strain in U.S.-Iranian
relations was also cited as a reason for
the Institute's-closure.
THE PRIMARY reason for the
decline in the enrollment of Iranian
students is that they can no longer get
funds. Before the 1979 Iranian
Revolution, the Iranian Consulate in
Chicago and the Embassy in
Washington provided considerable
financial support, which the student's
families could augment. Now there is
See STUDENTS, Page 11

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