4 Opinion Page 8 Tuesday, June-9, 1981 The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily Vol. XCI, No. 24-S Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A eadly gamble A d WHEN THE MIDDLE East rumbles, the rest of the world shakes. Israel's astonishing Sunday bombing of an Iraqi atomic reactor could hardly have come at a more inopportune moment in Mid-East af- fairs. The attack knocks into a cocked hat the delicate, Washington-mediated negotiations between Israel and Syria over the crisis in Lebanon; the bombing will likely serve to rally and unite a chronically divided Arab world against what it perceives as a common enemy-further isolating Israel within an already-hostile environment. In the process, both Ronald Reagan and Egypt's President Sadat are sure to be castigated through mere guilt by association. The Israeli government claims the raid was necessitated because the not-yet-completed reactor would, when functional, be used by the Iraqis to create atomic bombs. Jerusalem's assertion is disputed both by American in- telligence and by the French, who designed and constructed the reactor; both nations have swiftly and unequivocally condemned the bom- bing. However understandable Israel's long-term security aims, the raid itself stands as an overt act of aggression by one nation against another. Its clandestine execution further de-stabilizes the fragile balance of the Middle East, and thus of the world as well. There is no such thing as an isolated incident within the Mid-East powder keg; whoever toys with the area's inherent volatility is toying with the destinies of us all. Surely such stakes outweigh such a gamble. A requisite boogey ma Assume the worst. Assume Soviets hate and fear (having proud conquerors of a larg those filthy old Russians really been clobbered by them twice radioactive, smoking hole. At are dead set on military this century) perhaps more than the gods only know what effe superiority, that we decide not to anyone else. the fallout would have on the spend $200 billion a year on YET THE United States Shud- own people. The same situatic defense, and that consequently ders at the thought of becoming exists for us. these United States of American No. 2 on the military bloc. This Nuclear inferiority means a wind up inferior in armed might paranoia is now translating itself solutely zero, because (a)u to the Soviet Union. into the largest peace-time already have a staggerit Horrors! Conscience forbid defense budget increase in our nuclear arsenal, plentiful enoug such a thought, even if it is the history-despite the fact that, to wipe those buggers out, t even with a supposedly gawd, if they attack us and ( Fifth Q "inadequate" budget heretofore, not only do we not dare use the. the Pentagon has never been weapons, we haven't anything c ubeaten to the punch on any gain by using them. This assum significant (that is, more that American and Soviet leade By Fred Schill sort emanating theateningly from Washington these days as the defense contractors, military, and a couple of million ethnocen- tric patriots gang up on Congress to make sure it spends lots of money on weapons., IT'S THE SORT of 'scenario Alexnder Haig and Casper Wein- berger grimly predict, uttering the words with solemnm gravity. Even among us knee-jerk liberals, those words have come to assume a mystical evilness. Military inferiority. It sounds in- sulting. Anyway. Assume that the Soviets really do learn to blow us up 50 times while we can blow them up only 20 times. Such a dubious assumption stipulated, we are faced with a probing question: So what? You read that right. The one publicly-agreed upon tenant of both sides of the squabble over defense funding is that America must remain equal with the Ot, . -TMn c>ovE Soviet Union. It is assumed that military inferiority is inherently horrifying) weapons develop- are rational, of course, but if the unthinkable. ment. Indeed, the Soviets have aren't is there any hope of o Why is that so? The British yet to develop significant new survival? don't find it unthinkable, and weapons systems (such as IC- Which brings us to the othe aren't they a more likely target BMs and submarine-launched reason for our fear of inferiority than the U.S.? The same goes for ballistics missiles) by the time that deadliest of sins, pride. Wit the West Germans, whom the the Pentagon said they would. more firepower at our disposa 4 ;e, ct ir on b- we ng igh by ;b) ,se to es rs 4 y ir r Y: th al ,____.:; o Q - : " ' V' - _.. O o 0 ' C _ 1 .r e Yet we are spending more - forcing the Soviets to do the same, since they publicly vowed many years ago to keep up with us. They resented being humiliated in Cuba, it seems. We are terrified of military in- feriority, to the point that we run screaming from its very shadow in our quest to solve the problem like we solve everything else: throw money at it. This terror can only be born of two sources. The first is that Americans really believe the Soviet Union will use its military superiority - on us - if it gets it. Those dirty Reds are out to get us, and are just waiting for the opportunity to blow us to Kingdom Come. WHY WOULD they do that? Does anyone ever think about the tangible benefits of such an ac- tion? If the Soviets were someday to attack the U.S. with sufficient nuclear strength to render us disfunctional and defenseless, they would find themselves the already than we could use in four nuclear wars, we want to add more simply because we want to have more than those rotten Russkies. Somewhere out there in America's heartland are millions of voting chauvinists who really believe America can police the world, and who apparently take pride in simple numerical superiority. For them, quantity takes precedence over efficien- cy; more is better. More bang for a buck. Might makes right. So Washington has given them the Russian boogeyman, evil and eager to wipe us all out. We must either run away or get bigger than he is, because he's standing right behind us. Boo. Fred Schill is a Daily staff writer. His column appears each Tuesday. U I "This is not censorship! Censors tell you what you can't watch; we tell you what you can!" .4