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June 09, 1981 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1981-06-09

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The Michigan Daily

Vol XCI No .4-S'

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 9, 1981

Ten Cents

Sixteen Pages

Israeli jets
attack fraqi

UNIVERSITY VICE-PRESIDENT for Academic Affairs Bill Frye and
President Harold Shapiro listen to students and. faculty members who
criticized the Executive Committee's recommendation to discontinue the
Department of Geography at a public hearing yesterday. Frye will announce
his recommendation on the issue next week, he said yesterday.
O pen hearing
debates fate
of ge ography

From AP and UPI
TEL AVIV, Israel - Israeli war-
planes streaking 600 miles into hostile
territory, destroyed an almost-
completed Iraqi nuclear reactor out-
side Baghdad, a facility Israel claimed
would have made atomic bombs for use
against the Jewish state.
The attack, made Sunday but not
disclosed until yesterday, was one of
Israel's most stunning military blows in
THE IRAQI leadership, apparently
thrown off balance, waited until after
the Israeli announcement-yesterday to
acknowledge the raid, which it said was
carried out by nine jets.
The Reagan administration reacted
angrily to the attack, and is preparing
to tell Congress that U.S. planes may
have been used illegally in the attack.
State Department spokesman Dean
Fischer said that available evidence
suggests a possible violation of con-
ditions which restricted Israel's use of
American weapons primarily to self-
IN NEW YORK, Iraq asked for a
prompt meeting of the 15-member U.N.
Security Council. A message to the
United Nations from Iraqi Foreign
Minister Saadoun Hammadi said the
air raid had "far-reaching consequen-
ces for international peace and
Iraq vowed that its nuclear
technology would recover and accused
the "Zionist enemy" of collusion with
Iran in its border war with Iraq.
At Iraq's request, the Arab League
scheduled an emergency meeting to
discuss what League Secretary-
General Chedli Klibi called the
"arrogant challenge" from Israel. He
said the meeting would take place in
Baghdad in the next three days.
ISRAEL SAID in announcing the raid

that the French-built reactor posed a
"mortal danger to the people of Israel."
U.S. sources said the facility might
have been operational within two
Prime Minister Menachem Begin
said the attack was planned months ago
and approved by the Cabinet Sunday.
Israel itself has been described as a
nuclear power, but the government has
never admitted that Israel has nuclear
BEGIN WENT ON nationwide radio
last night and declared, "We are not
afraid of any reaction by the world." He
said he was sending President Reagan
a written explanation.
The United States disagrees with
Israel's claim that the reactor posed a
A new cease fire was
declared in Beirut yesterday
between embattled Christian
and Syrian forces. See story,
Page 9.
potential security threat. Fischer noted
that Iraq has signed the Nuclear Non-
Proliferation Treaty and has under-
taken to accept the safeguard standar-
ds of the International Atomic Energy
Although military analysts said
separately yesterday that weapons-
grade nuclear materials could be made
by the reactor, Fischer declared that
"We have had no evidence that Iraq has
violated its commitments under the
Egypt, which has a peace treaty with
Israel, called the raid an
"unlawful . . . provocative" act and
See ISRAELIS, Page 10

Daily faculty reporter
Once again, the pros and cons of
discontinuing the University's
geography department were hashed
over yesterday, this time in an open
review session scheduled by University
Vice-president for Academic Affairs
Bill Frye.
Frye announced that he would make
a recommendation on the Geography
department's discontinuance to the
University's executive officers next
Monday. If the recommendation is then
approved by the officers it would be
presented to the Regents at their June
18 meeting for further action.
LSA DEAN John Knott opened
yesterday's hearing with a statement
justifying the administration's discon-
tinuance proposal. "We would not do so
drastic a measure if we did not believe
the academic situation of the college
called for such extraordinary
measures," Knott said to Frye and
University President Harold Shapiro.
Eliminating the geography depar-
tment would save the University
$200,000 over the next few years, Knott

said, citing what he called the
geography department's declining
quality as a fundamental reason for
discontinuance. "The department's
present condition is greatly
weakened," the LSA Dean said.
John Nystuen, geography depar-
tment chairman, then spoke in defense
of his curriculum and faculty. "Discon-
tinuing the geography department.
would be a mistake and would take
decades to rectify," Nystuen said.
tinue geography were clumsy and un-
necessarily adversarial," continued
Nystuen. "The discontinuance
proceedings were an arbitrary and
capricious action ... damaging to both
faculty and students."
The hearing was then opened to con-
tributions from the general public.
Fourteen speakers, both related and
unrelated to the University, gave their
views on the proposed geography
department elimination. All the
speakers-most of them students and
faculty members-defended the depar-
tment's quality.
See PUBLIC, Page 11

Study examines eroding
'U' research conditions
A recent report on the research environment at the University lists
the problems and misconceptions some faculty members have
regarding their "creative and scholarly activities." See story, Page

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