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June 06, 1981 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-06-06

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as they needed
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the Privateers.
winning, 7-1.
pitchers, this
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ies linger
Eastern Michigan Hurons, who were undefeated in Tournament play,
scoring 33 runs in their first two games.
But the Hurons ran into All-Tournament pitcher, Bill Shuta, who gave
up only six hits en route to a 10-0 masterpiece. The Wolverines, who had
shown warning signs in the previous two games, finally erupted, scoring
five runs in the first and never looked back. All-Tournament outfielder
and Most Valuable Player, Jim Paciorek, led the assault on two Huron
pitchers, going three-for-four, scoring twice and driving in three runs.
The victim of the five first-inning tallies was sore-armed Bryan Clutter-
buck, who lasted a paltry two-thirds of an inning.
Michigan captured the Mideast crown on Memorial Day, 4-0. The
ballgame remained scoreless until the sixth frame, when the Wolverines
sent four runners across the plate. This was all the winning pitcher Scot
Elam needed as he blanked the Hurons on seven hits en route to All-
Tournament honors.
Michigan's luck ran out, however, as it was eliminated from the College
World Series Monday night in Omaha, Nebraska by the Texas Longhorns,
6-5. The Wolverines dropped their opener Saturday to Mississippi State, 4-
5., 2. Coach Bud Middaugh disputes umpire Joe Bob Taylor's call during the Regional
rematch with New Orleans. Michigan won 7-1. 3. The Wolverines celebrate the
Regional Championship over Eastern Michigan, 4-0. 4. New Orleans second baseman
Kevin Degen rifles the ball over sliding Wolverine outfielder Dave Stober. 5. Pitcher
Scot Elam clinches the Regional title over Eastern Michigan. s. New Orleans catcher
Tim Jamieson waits for the tag as Michigan left fielder Randy Wroten slides in vain
during the Regional Series opener with New Orleans. Michigan lost 2-1. 7.. 8. In Bitg
Ten Championship action, Nevada catcher Frank DeSantis ahsorbs the abuse from
Wolverine second baseman Jeff Jacobson and outfielder Dan Sygar. Sygar was safe,
and the Wolverines went on to capturelthe Big Ten title and a slot in the Regionals.
Photos by Paul Engstrom

The Michigan Daily-Saturday, June 6, 1981-Page 9

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