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June 05, 1981 - Image 33

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-06-05

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Kicking along
A swimmer cuts through the
water at Fuller pool on a hot
afternoon. The pool is open
to the public for swimming or
suntanning from 1 p.m. to 7
p.m. on weekdays and one
hour earlier on weekends.
But the schedule changes on
June 20 to accommodate
swimming classes.

Teeing off in late afternoon sun

The golf season is well underway and
there are excellent opportunities in the
Ann Arbor area to take up the sport. If
you aren't a golfing enthusiast already,
the city offers "quality golf lessons"
throughout the summer. If you're
already a pro, the city offers two major
quality golf courses, in addition to the
University's own course.
The city's two courses are the Leslie
Park Golf Course and the Huron Hills
Golf Course. The .Leslie Park Course,
located at 2120 Traver Road, is an 18-
hole, par 72 course for long tees
(playing 6690 yards). For short tees the
course is par 73 playing 6045 yards. Two
lakes along with Traver Creek enhance
the overall scenery of the course.
In addition to renting clubs and power
golf carts, the course houses a small
pro shop dealing in golf equipment and
merchandise. Other features include a
snack bar and an orchard from which
golfers may pick fruit at their leisure.
Among the tougher challenges of the
course would be the sixth and eleventh
holes. The sixth hole, a 420 yd. par 4, is
supposedly rated the toughest of the
course. Flanked on both sides by or-
chards, the golfer must hit a straight
shot onto the green. Adding to the
problem is, the prospect of having to hit
over a ravine. The eleventh hole, a 505
yd. par 5, is generally considered the
fourth hardest of all holes. Once again
the golfer must hit a straight shot
because of woods on either side of the
The Huron Hills Golf Course, located
at 3465 East Huron River Drive, is an 18
hole, par 68 course playing 5120 yards.
The Huron River runs alonside the
course, adding to it's scenic beauty.
The course retains many of the features
present in Leslie's golf course, minus
the fruit orchard.
Some of the problematic spots for the
Huron Hills course would be hole num-
bers three and seven. Hole number
three, while it may be the shortest one
on the course, is particularly hard due
to the surrounding sand traps near the
green. Losing a couple of shots on this
hole might not be that uncommon.
roleseven, duetrits' length of 485yds.,

is certainly a challenge. The hole is still
the longest for the course - even after
being reduced considerably in length.
Clubhouse hours during the week are
6:30 a.m. until dark for both Huron Hills
and Leslie golf courses. On holidays
and the weekends they open at 6:00
Both courses offer a "Super Twilight
Rate" where one can play as many
rounds as possible after 7 in the
evening for $2.50 at Huron Hills and $3
at Leslie.
Special events to be staged at these
courses in the upcoming months in-
clude the Long Ball Driving Contest
held at the Leslie Golf Course and the
Fourth of July Flag Tournament
scheduled at both Leslie and Huron
Hills courses.
The Long Ball Contest will be held
tomorrow at hole number one at 7 p.m.
Trophies will be awarded for the first,
second, and third longest drives. You
get three shots for each $1 registration
fee. Golfers may register as many
times as they like.
0 Sales * Services
* New & Used
" Mopeds * BMX
9 Rentals
607 S. Forest

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM
MIKE WILHELM, a student at Eatern Milchigan University, blasts out of
a sandtrapon the University golfcourse off of Stadium-Blvd.

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