Page 2-Friday, Juno 5, 1981--The Michigan Doily
From the editor's desk
To the readers:
The purpose of this special recreation
supplement is two fold: first to provide
the reader with a hit of outdoor enter-
tainment by the many photographs and
a few "fetury" articles. Second, and
most important, is to provide some in-
formation to both new and old summer
residents of Ann Arbor of the
recreational opportunities available
However, the idea is not at all as
altruistic as it sounds. There was a
distinct personal motivation behind the
IT WAS TOWARD the end of April
when I approached the summer Daily's
editor-in-chief, David Meyer, and asked
him about the idea of doing some ar-
ticles on summer recreation. It was a
perfect idea, I thought. It would fill the
need of new spring/summer
term students, and also give me a
chance-to do some outside reporting
during these hot, sunny days. I
suggested a weekly series; one story
coming out each Friday.
They said
was hopeless.
They said
was hopeless.
They said
was hopeless.
is only
a disease.
Even when most
people considered the
struggle against polio
hopeless, the people
who worked in
medical research
believed they would
someday find the
The same was true
for tuberculosis. And
for smallpox. The
same is true for cancer
We know because
we hear from people
doing medical research
in laboratories all over
the country. They talk
to us because they all
need support. They
are all excited because
they all think they're
on the right track.
And that the work
they're doing will
unlock a secret and
lead to a solution for
cancer. And you know
At least one of them
is right. But which
one? We must support
them all.
Society .
We want to
in your lifetime.
Dave seemed to like the idea, except
for one point. He wanted to combine the
stories in one special supplement to the
That was how the inception of the
idea occurred, but of course the idea
had to be put into action. Dave then
went with this thought to Business
Manager Randi Cigelnik to see if
enough advertising revenue could be
generated to warrant its printing.
encouraging and Randi said we could
expect a supplement edition anywhere
from 12 to 20 pages.
Now the news staff had to awing into
action in order to fill up these pages
with print. At the same time we needed
to tell the photographers our plans to
get the appropriate art for the edition.
After this, it was necessary to inform
the printers of this extra burden and
ask them for any helpful hints.
I drew up a story list and was for-
tunate enough to get some rather good
writers, many of whom had just joined
the paper. Though they all worked
hard, a few deserve special mention
either for their special qualifications or
particular enthusiasm in covering each
facet of their topic.
Lou Fintor, a transfer student from
the University of Detroit, for sharing
his expertise on such an expansive topic
as Detroit.
" Dan Obberrotman, a junior in
engineering, and former parachutist,
for his article on Skydiving and Flying
a Mark Ginden, formerly just a
lakeside canoeist, for alightinghfrom his
desk at the Daily and braving the
"mighty" Huron
Geoffrey Bunker, a philosophy
student, who after long hours of in-
vestigating, finally did find out who that
tall dark man on rollerskates really is.
Now, though it is indeed hard to stop
the list, two more points need to be
alluded to. First, that through the many
hours of Denise Sullivan and Aida
Eisenstadt of the Business Staff, the
supplement is able to be a full 20 pages.
Second, that by a coordinated effort
from a diverse group of people, we
fabricated an idea into a reality.
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65w65 plysa. .nd 35%a. N,, say euipnfof 5
Styl, 2057 ...
M t ttlt ID 40
A glimpse at boating
Nearby rental shops
Parachuting, Flying
How you can soar through air
Bicycle riding
Some tips by a pro
Down the Huron in a canoe
A satiric look at the sport
Page 3
Page 3
Page 4
Page 4
Page 5
Page 5
Upper Michigan Page 6
Recollections on a trip to the U. P.
Detroit Page 7
ideas for a trip into "Mo-town"
Horseback riding Page 8
Ranches around Ann Arbor
Bars Page 8
Survey of local watering holes
Swimming areas Page 9
A look at nearby lakes
Parks and Recreation areas
Page 10
Some popular area parks and pools
Golf. Page 17'
Two area courses examined
Picnic ideas Page 19
Recipes to complement your picnic
EDITOR: John Adam
WRITERS: Julie Barth, Andy Bodenlos, Geoffrey Bunker,
John Critchett, Vicki Engel, Lou Fintor, Mark Gindin, Lorinda
Grimshaw, Steve Hook, Dan Oberrotman
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Jackie Bell, Paul Engstrom
SALES REPRESENTATIVES: Aida Eisenstat, Denise Sulli-
Cover Photo by Jackie Bell