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June 05, 1981 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-06-05

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 5, 1981-Page 15
Sparky unveils new pitching plan

DETROIT (UPI) - Manager Sparky
Anderson has given his Detroit Tiger
pitchers notice - get hitters out or get
"I can't be very friendly with any of
them any more," Anderson said in
revealing his new policy toward his pit-
ching staff, which means that "Captain
Hook" has replaced "Mr. Nice Guy."
"THEY'VE GOT to get the job done
- or get out of there," he said.
"I don't know if we'll win, any more
games that way, but I'll feel a lot bet-
Jack Morris (7-3) is set to pitch
tonight against the Minnesota Twins in
the start of a three-game weekend
series. Either rookie Brad Havens (0-0)
or Jack O'Conner (2-2) is scheduled to
go for manager Billy Gardner's team.
ONLY MORRIS has been exempted
from the new policy - because he's
earned it. For the other starters, the
rope Anderson is allowing them to hang
themselves with has indeed been shor-
What has allowed the silver-haired
manager to shorten the stints of the

starters is the emergence of four long
relief pitchers.
Aurelio Lopez, once the ace of the

short staff, has been displaced in that
role by bubbly Kevin Saucier.
shunted to the bullpen in hopes he would
once again become "El Lanzalflama"-
the Flamethrower - instead of the
thrower of "La Patata Grande" - the
Big Potato - he had turned into early in
the season.
It worked. Lopez has regained his
form and is once again capable of get-
ting enemy hitters out with regularity.
Only now he's doing it three to seven in-
nings at a time instead of one to three.
Dave Tobik has sparkled in the role of
the man who comes out of the bullpen
with Detroit trailing by a run or three
and holds the opposition off to give
Tiger hitters a chance to get back in the
DAVE ROZEMA, a flop as a starter
recently after a good beginning, has
performed well in long relief on oc-
Saucier has been spotted out of the
bullpen in long relief when Anderson
has a day off ahead or has the twosome
of Jack Morris and Milt Wilcox starting

on consecutive days.
Without sturdy long relief, Anderson
could not afford to put the "get tough"
policy he was famous for in Cincinnati
into effect.
SHABBY LONG relievers would
merely mean he would be substituting
kerosene for gasoline when he removed
a bombed out starter.
Morris (2.86), Tobik (2.40), Lopez
(3.43) and Saucier (1.48) are the only
pitchers on the Detroit staff with ear-
ned run averages under 4.00 per game.
"Jack Morris is the only exception,"
Anderson said of his new rules. "When
Jack comes out of the game it will be
because he's beaten. He's earned the
right to lose games himself.
"Of course, the ninth inning is dif-
ferent. I might go to 'Sauce' Saucier
Pitching coach Roger Craig isn't
going to resume calling pitches either,
even though the staff ERA now rests at
exactly four runs per game, having
risen more than half a run per game
since he stopped calling signals from
the dugout.

... exempt from new plan

Injunction ruling expected

Hearings on the National Labor
Relations Board's request for a
preliminary injunction against major
league baseball ended yesterday and
Federal Judge Henry Werker's
decision, expected early next week,
could signal the start of the first mid-
season strike in the history of the game.
The players have promised a strike
within 41 hours should Judge Werker
deny the NLRB petition for an injun-
ction which would rescind for one year
management's controversial free-
agent compensation plan.
MARVIN MILLER, executive direc-
tor of the player's association, repeated
the union's strike intentions after Judge
Werker heard closing arguments in the
"If the injunction is denied, we will go
ahead with the strike authorization,
which the executive board granted last
week," Miller said. "There won't be
any more meetings with the board over
the matter."
Management attorney Louis Heynes
American League
Minnesota 7,Texss3
New York 12, Baltimore 3
National League
St. Louis4, Montreal 1
nDiego7 Houston 5
Pittsburgh 5, Chicago 4
CollegeWorld Series
South Carolina6, Mississippistate5,
Mississippi State eliminated
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said the owners were prepared to take a
strike over the compensation question.
"A strike is a possibility and we
regret that," said Hoynes, attorney for
the National League. "But strikes are
an accepted part of labor relations.
They are distasteful and something we
don't want to repeat, but they are not a
Gretzky MVP again
MONTREAL (AP)-Center Wayne
Gretzky of the Edmonton Oilers cap-
tured the Hart Memorial Trophy,
awarded to the most valuable player in
the National Hockey League, for the
second consecutive season yesterday,
edging St. Louis Blues goaltender Mike
Liut in the closest vote in the history of
the award.
The 20-year-old Gretzky collected 242
points compared with 237 for Liut in a
poll of members of the Professional
Hockey Writers' Association in the 21
NHL cities. Gretzky, in only his second
NHL season, broke a league scoring
record with 164 points.
The voting was based on five points
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for a first-place selection, three for a
second and one for a third.
Fire MacP hail?
PHOENIX (AP) - Retired umpire
Jocko Conlan says American League
president Lee MacPhail should be fired
for his handling of the latest Billy Mar-
tin affair.
The 81-year-old Conlan, who is in
baseball's Hall of Fame, says he wat-
ched television tapes of the Oakland
Athletics' manager bumping umpire
Terry Conlan at Toronto and throwing
dirt on his back.
CONLAN, IN an.interview yesterday
with sports editor Joe Gilmartin of the
Phoenix Gazette, said if he had been
working the game he would have hit
Martin "with everything I had."

But Conlan was only mildly upset
with Martin.
"They ought to fire MacPhail," he
said. "The man is the weakest thing
ever to hit the pike. Billy is a smart
baseball man and he can be handled.
He keeps doing things the way he does
because he knows he can get away with
Bonds traded
ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) - The
Texas Rangers yesterday sent out-
fielder Bobby Bonds of their Wichita
Aeros farm club to the Chicago Cubs for
cash or a player to be named later, of-
ficials said.
Bonds hit .244 in 34 games at Wichita,
with four doubles, six home runs and 25

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