The Mcigan Dal Vol. XCI, No. 22-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 5, 1981 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages plus Supplement ax cut plan gains si WASHINGTON - President Reagan, Reaganho e ful persunaiiy iubbyiu ~e peronaly oD~ ing congressional friends and fence-straddlers, inched closer yesterday to the legislative majority needed to enact his multi-year tax cut plan. "Today I'm pleased to announce that we're prepared to . .. reduce the bur- den of federal taxes," he said, standing before leaders of the coalition - many of them main players in his recent budget battle victory. Y "THIS WILL put us back on the road to a sound economy," the president declared. "And just as we did on the budget, we're moving ahead with a 1 for easy passage bipartisan coalition in the Congress. We was "quite firm" in his resolve to press believe that on economic recovery for the so-called "5-10-10" measure there can be no Republicans and no suggested earlier this week as a com- Democrats - only Americans." promise. Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.), one of the THAT PROPOSAL, with a number of authors of the original three-year, 30 additional provisions favored by percent bill Reagan endorsed during various factions, would- grant a five the campaign, had a private meeting percent income tax reduction to all tax- with the president yesterday morning. payers - rich and poor - beginning He told reporters afterward Reagan Oct. 1 and 10 percent cuts in each of the ipport next two years. Reagan turned up the heat Wed- nesday, rejecting the Democratic position as "not good enough" and focused his charm on the 47 maverick Democrats who sided with the president in the budget battle. But they reported division in their ranks on the tax fight. IN THE Republican-controlled Senate, where passage of the bill is con- sidered certain, Majority Leader Howard Baker called it "a good package with good broad bipartisan support and it will pass." Baker said he is "optimistic that the House will act prior to the July 4 recess, that the Senate will act immediately af- ter the recess, and that the bill will be on the president's desk for his signature during the first week of August." "It looks to me,it's my guess, that with or without all of the Democratic caucus he just met with, he'll have enough votes," said undecided forum member Rep. Dan Mica, (D-Fla.). He said the president has the support of 30 forum members, but not necessarily the same 30 he saw yesterday. REAGAN SAID the compromise had been struck with the rock-solid House Republican minority and Democratic conservatives. The administration bill, he said, would be introduced by Reps. Barber Conable, (R-N.Y.),and Kent Hance, (D-Texas). The new plan would reduce individual tax rates by 25 percent over three years, starting Oct. 1; cut the maximum rate on investment income from 70 percent to 50 percent as of Oct. 1; and ease the "marriage penalty," under which a working couple must pay more than if they were taxed separately. The Reagan plan would also reduce gift and estate taxes, especially to provide relief to farmers and surviving spouses, provide new incentives to save and invest, and accelerate business depreciation allowances. Doily Poto by rAUL ENGSTRO Green-thumbed graffiti . On a sunshiny day, what better way to leave your indelible print at the University-writing graffiti on the Nat. Sci. building's greenhouse. Regional fa cility to open this fall By DAVID MEYER The new Huron Valley Men's correctional facility, to be opened this fall near Ypsilanti, is a far cry from riot-torn Jackson prison or Ionia Reformatory.' Flowers bloom in neat clusters along the walk by the administration building. Bright yellow and orange murals decorate the walls of the brick and glass buildings housing the cell blocks. There are no steel bars, no huge concrete walls, not even that much barbed wire. With its new tennis courts, gymnasium, and modern auditorium and stage, the Huron Valley facility looks more like an expensive community college than a maximum security prison. THE HURON VALLEY facility should be opened in September, after the last contracting work is com- pleted and the new guards are selected and trained. It represents a definite trend in correctional institutions in Michigan, away from the "bastilles"-like Jackson and Ionia-toward smaller, more "human" prisons, corrections officials say. The theory behind the trend, according to correc- tions officials, is that a prisoner will respond better to an encouraging, productive environment than he will to a cold, walled dungeon. The emphasis shifts from the goal of punishment to rehabilitation. Also, the of- ficials say, the new environment will actually im- prove security because prisoners will have greater incentive not to damage their modern facilities. "People react to their environment," said Bill Kime, deputy director of the program bureau of the state's department of corrections. "If you build an (prison) environment that's hostile (you can expect prisoners to behave violently). If I put you in a cage, that defines our relationship." OFFICIALS, DETERMINED not to put any prisoners "in cages" at the new facilities, have made long-range plans to phase-out the old institutions like Jackson and Ionia, replacing them with smaller regional prisons. "We're moving to a regionalized prison system," Kime said, explaining that such a system would in- clude a network of at least 20 smaller facilities that would handle minimum, medium, and maximum See FACILITY, Page 11