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June 03, 1981 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily, 1981-06-03

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Page 16

Wednesday, June 3, 1981

The Michigan Daily

Brewers topple Tigers move to
By RON POLLACK fiel where Thomas retrieved it only to prompting the clearing of both benches.
DETROITspecilIthe DaMilwaukee compound the problem by over- Neither Ogilvie or Cappuzzello retur- cr o m
Brewr's5-2vicory vertheDetoit throwing to first base in an attempt to ned to the game following the incident..
Brewer's 5-2 victory over the Detroit pick off Trammell. Jones scored and In the bottom of the third, the Tigers
Tigers last night, both the players' bats Trammell moved to second. Steve had the bases loaded on two walks and ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -
and tempers were hot early on, before Kemp then tripled to score Trammell an error with only one out. However, Baseball's lingering labor mess
cooling off as the game progressed- and narrow the score to 4-2. the threat ended when Al Cowens moved into U.S. District Court
Milwaukee jumped off to a quick 4-0 In the third inning an explosion of grounded into a double play. yesterday, with Judge Henry
lead knocking Tiger starter Dan Petry another sort took place as Joe Cappuz- Werker scheduled to begin
out of the box after only two-thirds of an zello, who had replaced Petry, hit THE TIGERS threatened again in the hearings on the National Labor
inning. Ogilvie who then charged the mound fifth when Jones singled to start off the Relations Board's request for a
tner struck out in the first inning, Robin inning and was advanced to second by preliminary injunction against
Yount and Cecil Cooper rapped back-to- Trammell. Brewer pitcher Mike Cald- the sport.
back singles. Petry then loaded the well then walked Kemp. But Jones and If granted in the language
bases by walking Ben Ogilvie. Kemp could advance no further. requested, the injunction would
Ted Simmons then knocked in the In the seventh inning Lou Whitaker force management td rescind its
Te' Simmnsten y nockedg irnd led off with a single, but was erased controversial free-agent com-
ball to first baseman John gockenfuss from the base paths when Jones came pensation plan for one year, an
and advancingall the runners. Gorman up next and hit into the Tigers' third action that would delay any
Thomas then stepped up to the plate mdouble play of the game. player strike at least that long.
and sent Petry's pitch into the left cen- While the Tigers were wasting Should Werker deny the NLRB
terfield bleachers and with it, Petry to scoring opportunities, the Brewers petition, the players would be
were faring no better at the plate. Since free to walk out within 48 hours of
the showers. the third inning brawl, after which the decision.
Having just given up a big iing,Lopez had entered the game So, by arguing against the
Detroit proceeded to erupt for two Milwaukee had not had a base runner, ruling in court, the owners are in
quick runs in the bottom half of the fir- This streak came to an end in the eighth effect forcing the issue and in-
st. Lynn Jones led off with a single. This when Cooper hit a one-out single, but viting an immediate strike over
was followed by Alan Trammell's Lopez easily got out of the inning. the compensation question. That
routine ground ball to Brewer third Thomas ended the scoring in the nin- would be the result if attorneys
flur ofa tonMoney that triggered a Kempth inning with his second home run of for management win the case.
MONEY THREW the ball into right- .. . collects one RBI
Red Sox shutout Cleveland, 4-0
i Evans secutive shutout with a 3-0 victory last rest of the way to record his fourth Easler added three RBI each to lead a
CLEVELAND (AP)-Dwight Evn ih.save. 19-hit assault that gave the Pittsburgh
hit his 13th homer and doubled in a run night.sae 9htsauthtgvehePtbrh
t sppotDernd dckersled'snfor-n Frost, coming back from elbow The Angels took a 1-0 lead in the Pirates a 16-3 victory over the stagger-
to support Dennis Eckersley's four- surgery performed Sept. 17, outdueled second inning when Don Baylor walked, ing Chicago Cubs last night.
he Cleveland ndiansn 0 a x blanked Luis Leal, 3-6, who also was the loser in stole second and came home on a single While six Chicago pitchers were
thelelandIndians ou4-0hlast n Frost's victory June 2, 1980. Leal to center by Bobby Grich. California taking a pounding, Eddie Solomon, 4-3,
Eckersley, 5-4, struck out three an limited the Angels to five hits, got its last two runs in the ninth when
walked three in picking up his second FROST, 1-0, who was making his first Ed Ott hit his first homer of the season contesth pl y despite a strike by
shutout and fifth complete game ofh dcnes played dept t Y
shuo. Hanr d 1fifth mlet aer o start of the year since being recalled after Grich singled. ushers, ticket takers and maintenance
he faced tt from Salt Lake City in the Pacific Coast Pirates 16, Cubs 3 workers at Three Rivers Stadium.
HE OUTDUELED Cleveland's Bert League on May 24, was relieved by An- It was the 34th defeat in 44 games for
dy Hassler with one out in the seventh PITTSBURGH (AP) - Steve Nicosia I a h 4hdfa n4 ae o
Blyleven, who fell to 6-3 despite after Barry Bonnell hit an infield drove in a career-high four runs and the Cubs, whose .227 winning percen-
throwing his seventh completeigame. ofe ,t h h ll h Dave Parker, Bill Madlock and Mike tage is the worst in the major leagues.




The loss was Cleveland's fourth in
five outings.
Rick Miller scored Boston's first run
in the sixth inning, leading off with a
single and coming around on Evans'
double off the wall in left-center field.
EVANS' SOLO homer to left-center in
the eighth made it 2-0. Dave Stapleton
doubled home Boston's third run in the
ninth and he came home on a ground
out after Rich Gedman singled him to
Only two Indians reached second
base against Eckersley.
Toby Harrah walked and stole second
with one out in the second, and Rick
Manning doubled with two out in the
third, but neither advanced further.
Angels 3, Blue Jays 0
TORONTO (AP) - Dave Frost,
whose last major league victory had
been over Toronto exactly a year
before, stopped the Blue Jays on four
hits for 6% innings as the California
Angels recorded their second con-

single. nassier p cn nie s ail
Martin appeals ruling


NEW YORK (AP) - Manager Billy
Martin was allowed to don his Oakland
uniform and return to the A's dugout
last night after appealing his seven-day
suspension and $1,000 fine for bumping
umpire Terrs Cooney.
Thee was no word, meanwhile, from
Richie Phillips, the head of the Major
League Umpires Association on
possible legal action against Martin.
BOB FISHEL, assistant to American
League President Lee MacPhail, said
Ed Sapir, Martin's lawyer, formally
had notified the league office of the ap-
peal yesterday morning.
Sapir and Martin argue that the
punishment, the stiffest ever imposed
against a manager by MacPhail, is too

A hearing date would be set as soon
as possible, Eishel said, adding that the
session probably would not be held in
the near future because of MacPhail's
involvement in efforts to reach an
agreement on free agent compensation
and averts threatened players' strike.
"OTHER THINGS take precedence,"
Fishel said.
Fishel also said no effort would be
made to collect the fine against Martin
until the appeal is heard.
"Everything is on hold," he said. "He
has served three days of the suspension
which had been made retroactive to
last Saturday and will be allowed back
in the dugout as manager tonight, and
the fine is also being held up."

... back in uniform


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