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June 03, 1981 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1981-06-03

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-Wednesday, June 3, 1981-Page 9
Med dean:
(Contirfued from Page1)
Dean's recommendation for discon-
tinuance. "It's been coming on," Elie
"You can't give the best training if
you have no money or faculty," Elie
said. "If the state of Michigan wants
physical therapists, they'll have to
educate them."
Frank Szechota, said that even though
he didn't think the program should be
cut, the, curriculum needs to be up-
dated. Important classes were missing,
he said, but "the funding just wasn't
1981 graduate Cathy Horrigan agreed
that "the program needs to be
changed," adding that if the Univer-
sity's physical therapy training
program isn't going to get any more
money it should be discontinued.
There are only two other schools in
the state with physical therapy
programs: Wayne State University,
located in Detroit, and Oakland Univer-
sity, in Rochester. Oakland's program
is not yet accredited by the state, but
program director Judith Canfield said
she doesn't anticipate any problem in
earning accreditation.
Canfield said that it would be difficult
for a University of Michigan student to
transfer into Oakland's program.

The breeze was nice but ..A.P
It was no accident. Tom Skinner parked his rig on the beach for the night to enjoy the sea breeze and the sound of break-
ing waves. At the time, they were breaking forty feet away. When he woke to them breaking on his cab, Tom knew he
was in trouble. A bulldozer was used to tow the stranded truck to safety.

Security guard shot in
Detroit federal building
DETROIT (UPI) -A federal security the trigger of the gun, pointing it
officer was seriously wounded in a toward the floor. In an ensuing struggle
govfer wast sri l y eworday in a for Dennis' gun Holm an said, Tucker
pistol-brandishing man inquiring about right chest and left thigh.
veterans benefits, authorities said. FBI AGENT Velton Bowie said Den-
FBI officials said 45-year-old David nis, when questioned by the FBI, said
Dennis of Detroit, armed with a .22 he shot Tucker because he thought the
caliber revolver, entered the Social officers were going to shoot him.
Security office in the downtown Patrick Dennis was charged with assault with
McNamara Federal Building about 10 intent to commit murder. If convicted,
a.m. asking about veterans assistance. he could be sent to prison for 20 years.
OFFICE WORKERS, who said Den- FBI Agent John Anthony said Dennis
nis was incoherent, notified the Federal has a claim pending before the
Protective Services Division, and of- Veterans Administration, stemming
ficers William Tucker and Virgil from an injury while serving in the
Holman responded. Navy, and had been in the office
Holman said Dennis had his finger on previously without incident.
9am -3 pm

Join The Daily

Review of the Department of
Monday, June 8, 1981
Regents' Room
First Floor, Fleming Administration Building
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Those wishing to make a public statement should
call Edward Dougherty, 764-9254.

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