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May 16, 1981 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1981-05-16

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 16, r981-Page 18
Tigers. down Angels, 5-1

Specialtothe Daily
DETROIT - After a 63-minute rain
delay, Detroit finally got a chance to
play the high-flying California Angels,
who had won five straight coming into
last night's game. But it was the Tigers
who proved red hot as they snuck past
their opponents, 5-1, before 13,529 fans
at rain-drenched Tiger Stadium.
Starter Jack Morris, 4-3, went the
distance while striking out eight bat-
ters. First baseman Rick Leach con-
tributed two RBIs and some fine defen-
sive plays.
THE TIGERS GOT on the board first
in the second inning. Champ Summers
cracked a mile-high double off the
rightfield wall to lead off the inning.
Summers then moved on to third on a
long drive to lift by Al Cowens.
Leach, a former Michigan baseball
and football star starting his first game
at home in a Detroit uniform, followed
with a long sacrifice fly to center off
California starter Mike Witt that scored
Three innings later, the Bengals sent
Witt to the showers as they tagged him
for two runs to take a 3-0 lead. Cowens
started with a single to left and Leach
walked. Cowens then moved to third on
a wild throw to second trying to pick
him off. Catcher Bill Fahey then
brought Cowens home with a single.
TOM BROOKENS followed with a
single to load the bases, and " Angel
manager Jim Fregosi decided to
replace Witt with bullpen ace Jesse Jef-
ferson, who allowed leftfielder Rick
Peters to bring Fahey home from third
on a fielders choice.
The Angels finally tallied a run in the
sixth, as rightfielder Larry Harlow led
off with a single and scored on a double
to left by designated hitter Don Baylor,
making the score 3-1.
Detroit picked up two more runs in
the eighth when Peters led off with a
single, Alan Trammell sacrificed him
to second and then the Angels inten-
tionally walked Richie Hebner. Sum-
mers and Leach then followed with RBI

singles to give Detroit the 5-1 victory
The Angels return to Tiger Stadium
this afternoon fora 2:15 p.m. game with
Detroit. The Tigers' Dave Rozema (2-3)
is slated to face Doug Rau, who will be
making his first American League
Braves I1, Cards 3
ATLANTA (AP)-Bruce Benedict
belted a three-run homer and Glenn
Hubbard added a two-run single in a
seven-run sixth inning that carried the
Atlanta Braves to an 11-3 rout of the St.
Louis Cardinals last night.

Hubbard also had a two-run double in
the seventh., The Braves sent 11 batters
to the plate in the sixth inning, collec-
ting six hits and two walks as they bat-
tered Lary Sorensen, 4-2, and erased St.
Louis' 3-21ead.
Atlanta tied it at 3-3 when pinch-run-
ner Jerry Royster scored from third on
an infield forceout by Rufino Linares.
Chris Chambliss then broke the tie with
a ground-rule double that bounced over
the centerfield fence.
St. Louis got two runs in the third
when Keith Hernandez doubled and
scored on Ken Oberkfell's single to cen-
ter. George Hendrick, who walked after

Hernandez daubled, later scored on a
wild pitch by Hanna.
Reds 4, Pirates I
PITTSBURGH (AP) -Former Tiger
Jason Thompson bobbled Ron Oester's
bases-loaded grounder to first base in ,
the ninth inning, allowing George
Foster to score the tie-breaking run and
the Cincinnati Reds went on to beat the
Pittsburgh Pirates, 4-1, last night.
Rookie pitcher Pascual Perez,
making his first start after being sum-
moned from the minors earlier this
week, blanked the Reds on two hits for
six innings before they nicked him for a

.Just perfect!
Barker tosses gem, 3-0

CLEVELAND (AP)-Power-pitching
Len Barker of the Cleveland Indians
hurled the first perfect game in the
major leagues since 1968, shackling the
Toronto Blue Jays 3-0 last night with the
help of strong infield support.
Barker's control was flawless from
start to finish. The big right-hander
from Fort Knox, Ky., struck out 11 bat-
ters and never threw more than two
balls to any Toronto hitter.
THE LAST TIME a perfect game was
pitched in major league baseball was
back on May 8, 1968, when Oakland's
Catfish Hunter hurled a 4-0 classic
against the Minnesota Twins.
Barker's no-hitter was the second in a
week in the majors, following Charlie
Lea's no-hitter for Montreal against
San Francisco last Sunday, but only the
third in two years. Last season, Los
Angeles's Jerry Reuss pitched the only

no-hitter in the big leagues, against the
Barker's splendid support included
some standout plays by shortstop Tom
Veryzer, .second baseman Duane
Kuiper and third baseman Toby
IN THE FIRST inning, Veryzer went
behind the-mound to field a slow chop-
per and throw out leadoff man Alfredo
Griffin at first.e
In the fifth, Harrah crashed into the
third base seats to haul in a foul pop by
Cecil Upshaw.
Kuiper made two splendid plays at
second base to preserve the perfect
game. In the sixth, he roamed far to his
right to pick up a hard-hit smash by
Rick Bosetti and threw the runner out

in a close play at first. In the seventh,
Kuiper went far to his left to field a hard
smash by Griffin and get the runner.
American League
Detroit s, Cairornia1 _
Texas 2, Chicago i
National League
Atlanta 11, St. Louis 3
Cincinnati4, Pittsburgh 1
Houston 5, Chicago 0

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igan Daily Classified Page
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GEORGE HENDRICK OF the St. Louis Cardinals (right) slides in safely at
1hrneuder ;the to oof Atlanta's Preston Hanna. The run wasn't nearly
enough to help the cardinals, howeveras hek ave ohipdcSt is-Il: - - -
3, in Atlanta last night.

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